Lt. General Frank Benson: Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war.
James Willett: Revolutions are fueled by postings on YouTube.
opening title card: "Truth is the first casualty of war." - Aeschylus
[first lines]
Alia Mo'Allim: [her father is fixing her hula hoop] It's the best one I've ever had.
Musa Mo'Allim: Yes, my dear. It's finished. Go and play.
Angela Northman: In my opinion, that was disgraceful. And all done from the safety of your chair.
Lt. General Frank Benson: I have attended the immediate aftermath of five suicide bombings, on the ground, with the bodies. What you witnessed today, with your coffee and your biscuits, is terrible. But what these men would have done would have been even more terrible.
[last lines]
Lieutenant Colonel Ed Walsh: You did well. Both of you.
Steve Watts: Thank you... Sir.
Lieutenant Colonel Ed Walsh: Now you go home. Get some rest. I need you both back here in 12 hours... Okay?
Eye in the Sky Quotes
Vaughn 2021-12-19 08:01:08
"Online video is the best catalyst for the revolution." With the tension of "Escape from Tehran", the documentary feeling of "The Hunt for Osama bin Laden", and the reflection of "Landmine Field", there are not many scenes but good drama.
Eryn 2022-03-23 09:02:05
Purely from the level of screenwriting skills, this film is very well done, without any problems, with a few simple groups of characters, a few scenes, and the storytelling is compact and vivid, which is heart-wrenching!