Eye for an Eye Quotes

  • Karen McCann: And you can't catch him! You can't punish him! You can't protect anyone else! You're completely USELESS!

  • Robert Doob: Tough titty said the kitty, but the milk's still good.

  • Karen McCann: Why don't you offer him a candy bar and maybe he will confess?

  • Sergeant DeNello: Poor man's truth serum: caffeine and sugar.

  • Robert Doob: Like I said... nothing personal.

    Karen McCann: It's VERY personal.

  • Robert Doob: What are you gonna do? Shoot me?

    Karen McCann: You broke into my house with the intent to do me bodily harm. The law says I have the right to protect myself.

    Robert Doob: What? You want me to say I'm sorry? It could have been anybody. I don't even remember what she looked like. It's nothing personal.

    Karen McCann: She was seventeen years old. She was five-foot two. She had brown eyes. Her name was Julie. She was my daughter.

    Robert Doob: She was a great f-f-f-fuck.

  • Robert Doob: Come on mother fucker. Blow my fucking head off, five people watched you come here. Show me you've got some balls.

    [sing-song to the tune of "Ring Around The Collar"]

    Robert Doob: Pull the fucking trigger.

  • Robert Doob: You know I really don't like Kiddy pussy, but what I'm willing to make an exception.

  • Karen McCann: HELP ME! Can you call the police for me! Can you send them to 244 Eden Street in the Palisades! Please!

  • Robert Doob: [when leaving courtroom, to Karen] S-s-s-sorry.

  • Karen McCann: Are you married?

    Angel Kosinsky: Yeah - her name is Michelle.

  • Sergeant DeNello: I know what you've done here.

    Karen McCann: What?

    Sergeant DeNello: I've been doing this a long time. You haven't fooled me.

    Karen McCann: [Faking innocence] Prove it.

  • Karen McCann: I hate it when she runs off.

  • Karen McCann: Sean? Is your name Sean?

    Sean Kosinsky: Uh-huh!

    Karen McCann: Is your mom home?

    Sean Kosinsky: Which one?

  • Megan McCann: Look mom! That's my friend from the playhouse!

Eye for an Eye

Director: John Schlesinger

Language: English,French,Spanish,Korean Release date: January 12, 1996