Ovi Mahajan: "You drown not by falling into the river, but by staying submerged in it."
Ovi Mahajan: You hit him with a truck.
Tyler Rake: Yep.
Ovi Mahajan: You don't look like a Tyler.
Tyler Rake: No? What I look like?.
Ovi Mahajan: A Brad.
Gaspar: [about Ovi] That kid is a walking corpse.
Ovi Mahajan: You want your son to see his next birthday? Then get mine back.
Tyler Rake: If you want to survive you will do exactly as I say.
Nik Khan: You're hoping if you spin the chamber enough times, you're going to catch a bullet.
Gaspar: The best thing you can do is go put a bullet in his brain. Make it painless. Because the animals out there are not going to be as kind to him.
Nik Khan: What's going on?
Tyler Rake: We just got attacked by the goonies from hell.
Extraction Quotes
Maddison 2022-03-24 09:01:35
Three and a half stars, full of action scenes from start to finish, and its actions even keep up with the rhythm of the film, especially the 11-minute long shot has an excellent sense of substitution. While there isn't a lot of plot twist, for this kind of action movie, the plot isn't all that matters, it's situation-based, with a little emotional element. The biggest shortcoming is that the villain's portrayal is relatively face-to-face, and its motives are not very convincing.
Rosella 2022-04-24 07:01:05
Every time I watch this kind of American tough guy fight (firearms mixed with cold weapons), I can think of the orangutan fighting in the zoo, but this type of thing should remind the audience of two hungry wolves in the wild.