Maddy Whittier: I'm willing to sacrifice everything just to live one perfect day.
Maddy Whittier: You're really different than I thought you're gonna be.
Olly Bright: Sexier, right?
Olly Bright: Are you sure you're not sick? You feel fine?
Maddy Whittier: Yeah, I feel fine. Better than fine, actually. I feel pretty perfect.
Maddy Whittier: Dear mom, I know staying in this house keeps me alive, but this isn't living. I want experience everything... everything!
Kayra: It's actually... more of a... an apology than an introduction.
Pauline: What's she apologizing for?
Olly Bright: For moving in.
Maddy Whittier: It's just cat videos.
[Carla excitedly comes and sits on a chair]
Maddy Whittier: You don't want to see this one, Carla. The cat... dies.
Carla: Are you crazy?
Maddy Whittier: Wouldn't you be if you'd been inside for 18 years?
Maddy Whittier: I wish I could remember them.
Pauline: Maybe it'd be easier if I couldn't.
Pauline: I love you, you know. More than you even know.
Maddy Whittier: I'm not choosing death. It's that if I don't go, I won't really know what it's like to be alive.
Everything, Everything Quotes
Extended Reading