Jason Walker: [on his lack of compassion] Survival is a CHOICE
Games Master WooTan Yu: Have you ever think of Kentucky Derby, do you think the horse can get the prize?
Zoey Davis: Breathe, bitch.
Ben Miller: Where'd she get all the scars?
Amanda Harper: Served in Iraq, asshole.
Ben Miller: Oh, so you've had military experience. So that makes you, like, a... a... psycho... Xena...
Ben Miller: This is the worst game of Twister ever.
Jason Walker: None of us died, right?
Zoey Davis: We're sole survivors.
Jason Walker: So what.
Zoey Davis: We're a statistical improbability. And now they want to see who will be the luckiest among the lucky.
[last lines]
Games Master WooTan Yu: I'm so glad Zoey got over her fear of flying. Let's play again.
Escape Room Quotes
Extended Reading