Epic Quotes

  • Bomba: Just because you haven't seen something doesn't mean it's not there.

  • Mub: What's going on, baby girl?

    Mary Katherine: Talking snails.

    Mub: Actually, he's a snail. I'm a sluuuug. No shell over here, baby. It just slows me down.

  • Mary Katherine: Who are you people?

    Ronin: We are the Leafmen, protectors of the forest.

  • Mandrake: I'm going to destroy the forest. But I'm only going to do it once, so try to pay attention.

  • Mary Katherine: I'm not from this world.

    Nod: What happened? You got shrunk?

    Mary Katherine: Yes!

    Nod: Seriously?

    Ronin: It's been a weird day for everybody.

  • Queen Tara: You're here for a reason. Sometimes the connections aren't clear, but they're always there.

  • Ronin: If our world dies, your world will die too.

  • Nod: C'mon! You're with us now.

  • Mandrake: The forest belongs to the darkness.

  • Mandrake: You just can't stop the rot.

    Mub: Ugly says what?

    Mandrake: What?

    Mub: Nothing.

    [he and Grub snicker]

  • Mary Katherine: My dad always told me stories about a hidden world. Where brave warriors watch over and protect us.

  • Mary Katherine: Dad? I had the most messed-up dream. There were talking slugs and tiny little soldiers and-


    Grub: Hello!

    Mary Katherine: Aw, man!

  • Mary Katherine: What was that thing?

    Nod: What, you've never seen a Boggan? Someone had a happy childhood.

  • Bufo: Oh, look, it's Ronin. Defender of the weak, pooper of parties.

  • Bomba: I have to find my daughter!

  • Nod: This guy's been crashing around the forest for years.

    Mary Katherine: He's my dad!

    Ronin: You're kidding.

    [Nod laughs; M.K. shoves him in frustration]

    Ronin: You're not kidding.

  • Larry: That's not a house, it's termites holding hands.

  • Mandrake: Ronin! What a surprise! I get so few guests.

    Ronin: Could be the stench of death. Some people don't care for it.

  • Mub: Fruit fly, huh?

    Grub: So uh, hat's it like, having such a short life cycle?

    Fruit Fly: It's great, mister. When I grow up, I'm gonna...

    [ages instantly; one of his legs falls off and he uses it like a cane]

    Fruit Fly: ...wish I had done more with my life, sonny.

    [Keels over dead]

  • Nod: Can't you go a little faster?

    Mub: It's kinda hard with you pulling on my brain!

  • Grub: Do you know what this means? We single-handedly saved the entire forest!

    Mub: Eye five!

    [They slap eye stalks]

    Mub: Down low...

    [Pulls away as Grub attempts to slap eyes with him]

    Mub: ... too slow.

  • [repeated line]

    Mary Katherine: Ozzie, no kisses!

  • Ronin: Many leaves, one tree. We're all individuals, but we're still connected. No one's alone.

  • Jinn: You know what we'll do if you win?

    Nod: I don't know. Lose?

  • Nod: Nice tail. It's flexible.

  • Mary Katherine: [in Wrathwood] When I get big again, I'm so coming back here with a can of bug spray.

  • Mandrake: What's that little saying you people have? "Lots of leaves, something, something..." Very inspiring. But in the end, every leaf falls and dies alone.

    [lifts his sword to kill Ronin, but right before it hits, a leafman sword blocks its way in the nick of time]

    Nod: No one is alone. Not even him.

  • Mary Katherine: [being pulled away from Nod] What's happening?

    [last lines]

    Nim Galuu: [points to Tara's successor] A queen brought you here... how about a queen send you back?

    [last lines]

    Flower Kid: [concentrating on using her new found powers] UMMM...


    Flower Kid: ... It's Working!

  • Nim Galuu: The scrolls don't tell us the future,they only guide us with the knowledge of the past.

  • Finn: [to Ronin, about Nod] Here comes your star pupil.

Extended Reading
  • Darius 2021-12-15 08:01:08

    Emma is so beautiful! The theater is full, there are everyone, everyone, young and old, children watched happily and adults laughed from ear to ear! Can the snail and slug brothers be cute? Laughing from the beginning to the end, the whole person lying there laughing to the end of the epilepsy, the picture is also super beautiful and awesome, so cute and cured! I want to pull a bench to sit at the door and ask everyone to come and see~

  • Mark 2021-12-15 08:01:08

    Strong push: I didn't expect that the biggest surprise in this year's cartoon was the "Forest Warrior" (Epic) by Blue Sky Studio! It is said that Blue Sky is the third in the millennium in the Hollywood animation industry. Then this "Forest Warrior" makes me feel that it has the ability to catch up with DreamWorks and Pixar. The theme is deeper, worthy of taste, and the visual effects are also amazing. "Some things, it's not that you can't see or choose not to believe, they don't exist." See the long comment for details