Old Karamakate: To become warriors, the cohiuanos must abandon all and go alone to the jungle, guided only by their dreams. In this journey, he has to find out, in solitude and silence, who he really is. He must become a wanderer dream. Many are lost, and some never return. But those who return they are ready to face what is to come.
Young Karamakate: Knowledge belongs to all. You do not understand that. You are just a white man.
Young Karamakate: A chullachaqui. We all have one, it resembles us, but it is empty, hollow. A chullachaqui has no memory. He just wanders the world, empty, like a ghost, lost in a time without time.
Embrace of the Serpent Quotes
Ashlynn 2022-03-26 09:01:11
Boating on land, a revelation of the collision between barbarism and modern civilization, the mysterious plant Yakuna is like the black stone in 2001 Space Odyssey, the waving bones connect the cosmic civilization, and a long shot of running water also evokes two paragraphs After decades of historical time and space, a similar series of great images of "star gates" appeared at the end. When the butterflies are around, the natural civilization meets at that moment, the witch doctor quietly disappears, but the scientists are still there.
Omari 2022-03-22 09:02:38
[Embrace of the Snake] has a unique subject matter and perspective, well-structured and well-executed. It shows the distortions one civilization undergoes after being struck by another. But in the end, the film seems to be less confident in its own abilities, inserting a lot of debate scenes between many shocking scenes, and trying to diagnose Western materialism when it should be left blank. As a result it appears long and unrestrained as a poem, and as an educational novel it appears broad and not in-depth.
Director: Ciro Guerra
Language: Spanish,Portuguese,Aboriginal,German,Catalan,Latin,English Release date: May 25, 2015