Sonny: Some snacks... Nice ones
Elvis: No, that's cool man. Buzz sent me one too.
Elvis: That's how I learned to develop these knuckles of steel. Now, slap them. Come on, harder! Harder! Let it out! Let it out! Those are the steel claws of a tiger, Mr. President.
Elvis & Nixon Quotes
Maryam 2022-04-23 07:04:00
4-...The movie itself is probably only 3 stars, but the real historical figures are enough to mobilize people to start to associate, overall it is a very interesting movie...ps. It is very sensible that the length of the film should not exceed 90 minutes
Kyle 2022-04-22 07:01:48
Shannon was a little weird playing Elvis, and Spacey's Nixon taste was pretty heavy, but of course the performance was brilliant. The film narrates this piece of lace news with humour and forbearance. If you have to say something about the meaning, it is to re-tell America's advocacy of freedom in a different way.