Dunston Checks In Quotes

  • Mrs. Dubrow: I like psychotic people. They get things done.

  • Lord Rutledge: Where do you keep your champagne? Near the furnace?

  • Lord Rutledge: From the look of my soup I'd say someone in your kitchen has a serious hair loss problem.

  • Lionel Spalding: Monkey head! Monkey head!

  • La Farge: When I was in the sewer once, I saw a turtle that was so big it looked like a Volkswagen with a tail.

  • Brian Grant: Dad's gonna kill you when he finds that you lost his camcorder.

    Kyle Grant: I didn't lose it. The gorilla did.

    Brian Grant: All right, the gorilla did.

    Kyle Grant: When we get back, you'll see.

  • Robert Grant: Kyle, I know you're upset about the vacation, but that is no excuse to throw a guest's dog into the garbage.

    Kyle Grant: I didn't throw him in the garbage.

    Robert Grant: Then, what happened? No, no, don't tell me, let me guess. You decided to give him a coffee-ground bath to improve his coat.

    Kyle Grant: He jumped off the dog walk.

    Robert Grant: The dog is suicidal? Is that what you're trying to tell me?

    Kyle Grant: He smelled the monster on the ledge and jumped over.

    Robert Grant: Oh, it makes perfect sense now. He smelled the monster on the ledge. It is the smelly ledge monster.

    Brian: [to Kyle] Way to blow the tip, psycho.

  • Mrs. Dubrow: Where did it come from?

    La Farge: Well, when two orangutans fall in love...

    Robert Grant: I think she means how did it get into the hotel.

  • Brian: Well, if you're going to be grounded in a five-star hotel it is the place to be.

  • Robert Grant: [sees Dunston out the window] HOLY SHIT!

    Mrs. Feldman: [to Mrs. Winthrop] He must really hate the Four Seasons.

    Robert Grant: No, no!

  • Kyle Grant: Where's Mrs. Dubrow?

    Victor Dubrow: Scouting hotel sites in Alaska.

  • La Farge: I'm sorry. I was only trying to do my job. It was nothing personal. Do you forgive me?

    [Dunston slaps him]

    La Farge: I deserved that.

  • Kyle Grant: [Robert has gotten a Dubrow Alert] Dad, wait, I'm not done.

    Robert Grant: Yes, you are. She hates kids. She once kicked Big Bird in the nuts!

  • Victor Dubrow: [Robert whispers to Kyle hiding under his desk] Why is he talking to his crotch?

  • Robert Grant: I'm giving you a week's paid vacation.

    Consuelo: Thank you.

    Robert Grant: On one condition: you have to go running out of this office right now, crying.

    Consuelo: [starts up tears] Hoo hoo hoo hoo. Ahhhhh.

  • Lord Rutledge: You know, I do all sorts of tricks. Do you know what my specialty is?

    Kyle Grant: No.

    Lord Rutledge: I can make noisy little boys disappear.

  • Victor: Fluffy towels.

    Robert Grant: Excuse me?

    Victor: Read the cards, Robert. You gotta keep up on the cards. You know what the guests want?

  • Lionel Spalding: His name is Neil, after Neil Armstrong

    [in baby talk voice to Neil]

    Lionel Spalding: The first man on the moon, yes he was.

  • Brian: You do realize we'll probably end up living in a Motel 6?

    Robert Grant: Yep! Sounds pretty good to me.

  • Man at Table: Can I help you with somethin', son?

    La Farge: I'm lookin' for a Pongo Pygmaeus.

    Man at Table: [slyly] I catch you lookin' at my wife's Pongo Pygmaeus once more, I'm gonna break you in half.

    La Farge: Right.

  • Kyle: Dad! There's a gorilla in the bathroom!

    Robert: Kyle, there is no gorilla in the bathroom.

    Kyle: But, Dad...

    Robert: Go back to sleep.

  • [shouts hysterically after seeing Dunston and La Farge slaps him]

    Lionel Spalding: Why is everyone in this hotel always slapping me?'!

    [La Farge slaps him again]

  • [last lines]

    Lionel Spalding: NOOOO!

    [Dunston drops a coconut on his head]

  • Brian Grant: [to Kyle] If anything happens to me, there's a box of magazines under my bed.

    Kyle Grant: Yeah?

    Brian Grant: Get rid of 'em, okay?

  • [first lines]

    Doorman: Good morning, sir. Welcome to the Majestic.

  • [Under a table]

    Lord Rutledge: The party is over, Dunston.

    [captures Dunston with a tablecloth]

  • [on his phone after seeing Dunston in the greenroom on the roof]

    Robert Grant: Call security and get them up here! Everybody! Everybody! And call the best animal control in the city. And Nancy, Nancy - call Kyle, and, uh... apologize for me.

    [hangs up, begins hyperventilating]

    Robert Grant: I got a monkey in my hotel!

  • [his dog has spotted Dunston]

    La Farge: He's in there, Fang?

    [Fang barks]

    La Farge: All right!

    [cocks his tranquilizer gun]

    La Farge: As you were.

  • [Failing to nail Norman with the fountain in the lobby]

    Kyle Grant: Uh-oh! Air shaft to basement, we have a problem!

    Brian: [Through the radio] What?

    Kyle Grant: We hosed a guest!

    Brian: Abort mission! Repeat, abort mission!

    [Kyle quickly crawls out of the air shaft]

  • [on the phone with the kitchen]

    Brian: You heard me, more bananas.

    [Catches a Frisbee and throws it back]

    Brian: That's right! Bananas!

  • [to two French teenage girls]

    Brian: Enjoy your stay.

  • [Dunston has a cigarette in his mouth]

    Lord Rutledge: I thought you were giving up.

    [rolls his eyes]

    Lord Rutledge: It'll stun your growth; now give it back.

    [Dunston shakes his head]

    Lord Rutledge: [annoyed] Dunston, I'm a little too busy with your ever-so-amusing little games. Now will you please give it back?

    [Dunston spits the cigarette out, nailing Lord Rutledge in the face, and laughs]

    Lord Rutledge: Monkey spit, how delicious.

  • Robert Grant: [of Rutledge] He tied you up?

    Kyle Grant: Yes, and he's gonna hurt Dunston if he finds him!

    Robert Grant: Okay. You guys, you split up, you find the monkey, and you take him upstairs to the apartment. I'm gonna take care of Lord Rutledge.

Dunston Checks In

Director: Ken Kwapis

Language: English,French Release date: January 12, 1996