Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Quotes

  • Poole: You should go out, sir. London offers many amusements for a gentlemen like you, sir.

    Dr. Jekyll: Yes, but gentlemen like me daren't take advantage of them, Poole. Gentlemen like me have to be very careful of what we do and say.

  • Dr. Lanyon: Perhaps you're forgetting, you're engaged to Muriel.

    Dr. Jekyll: Forgotten it? Can a man dying of thirst forget water? And do you know what would happen to that thirst if it were to be denied water?

    Dr. Lanyon: If I understand you correctly, you sound almost indecent.

    Dr. Jekyll: What names you give things!

  • Mr. Hyde: Perhaps you prefer a gentleman. One of those fine-mannered and honorable gentlemen. Those panting hypocrites who like your legs but talk about your garters.

  • Dr. Lanyon: You're a rebel, and see what it has done for you. You're in the power of this monster that you have created.

    Dr. Jekyll: I'll never take that drug again!

    Dr. Lanyon: Yes, but you told me you became that monster tonight not of your own accord. It will happen again.

    Dr. Jekyll: It never will. I'm sure of it. I'll conquer it!

    Dr. Lanyon: Too late. You cannot conquer it. It has conquered you!

  • Dr. Jekyll: Oh, God. This I did not intend. I saw a light but did not know where it was headed. I have tresspassed on your domain. I've gone further than man should go. Forgive me. Help me!

  • Dr. Jekyll: I have no soul. I'm beyond the pale. I'm one of the living dead!

  • Blond-haired student: [joking to another student about Jekyll's lecture on splitting the personality] Why don't you stay at home and send your other self to the lecture?

  • Mr. Hyde: If you do one thing I don't approve of while I'm gone, the LEAST little thing, mind you... I'll show you what horror means!

  • Mr. Hyde: [after strangling Ivy] Isn't Hyde a lover after your own heart?

  • Mr. Hyde: Think before you decide, I tell you! Do you want to be left as you are, or do you want your eyes and your soul to be blasted by a sight that would stagger the devil himself?

  • Dr. Jekyll: Things one can't do, are the ones I want to.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Gentlemen! London is so full of fog, that it has penetrated our minds, set boundaries for our vision. As men of science, we should be curious and bold enough to peek beyond it - into the many wonders it conceals.

  • Dr. Jekyll: I shall not dwell today on the secrets of the human body, in sickness and in health. Today I want to talk to you of a greater marvel: the soul of man!

  • Dr. Jekyll: My analysis of this soul , the human psyche, leads me to believe that man is not truly one - but, truly two. One of him strives for the nobilities of life. This we call his good self. The other, seeks an expression of impulses that bind him to some dim animal relation with the earth. This - we may call the bad. These two carry out an eternal struggle in the nature of man. Yet, they are chained together - and that chain spells repression to the evil, remorse to the good. Now, if these two selves could be separated from each other, how much freer the good in us would be? What heights it might scale? And the so-called evil, once liberated, would fulfill itself and trouble us no more. I believe the day is not far off, when this separation will be possible.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Sometimes a doctor must hurt you a little to make you well, right?

  • Dr. Jekyll: May I?

    Muriel Carew: I shouldn't.

    Dr. Jekyll: But, you will.

  • Dr. Jekyll: I love you so much. I don't want to wait any longer. I want you to marry me now.

    Ivy Pearson: Darling, I want to with all my heart. You know I do. But, father's so difficult.

    Dr. Jekyll: I don't want to marry your father.

  • Ivy Pearson: I don't think you love me seriously.

    Dr. Jekyll: Oh, I love you better than that. I love you gaily! Happily! High-heartedly!

  • Dr. Jekyll: I can't wait any longer. We shall go to Devon for our honeymoon and live on love and strawberries and the sight of the sea!

    Muriel Carew: And moonlight.

    Dr. Jekyll: Endless moonlight!

  • Dr. Jekyll: Oh, I do love you seriously. So seriously that it - it frightens me. You've opened a gate for me into another world. Before that, my work was everything. I was drawn to the mysteries of science, to the unknown. But, now, the unknown wears your face. Looks back at me with your eyes.

    Muriel Carew: Darling, I wish this moment would last forever.

    Dr. Jekyll: You can make it last, dear. Oh, I love you. Be near me always.

    Muriel Carew: Always. You and I.

    Dr. Jekyll: Apart from the world!

  • Dr. Jekyll: You ought to wear squeaky shoes, Hobson.

  • Dr. Lanyon: I'm afraid you offended the General.

    Dr. Jekyll: Offended him! It's a pity I didn't strangle the old walrus!

  • Dr. Lanyon: Well, I hope the responsibilities of marriage will sober you up.

    Dr. Jekyll: I'm not marrying to be sober. I'm marrying to be drunk! Drunk with love and life and experiments.

  • Dr. Jekyll: You have no interests in science at all! You have no dreams, no curiosity.

    Dr. Lanyon: There are bounds beyond which one should not go.

    Dr. Jekyll: Yes, it isn't done, I suppose. I tell you there are no bounds, Lanyon.

  • Dr. Lanyon: I'm not interested in your shortcuts and byways.

    Dr. Jekyll: But, it's in the byways that the secrets and wonders lie! In science and in life.

  • Ivy Pearson: Look where he kicked me.

    [hikes up her dress to expose her thighs]

    Dr. Jekyll: It's only a bruise. It will be quite well in a few days. By the way, you mustn't wear to tight a garter. It's bad for you.

    [Ivy presses Dr. Jekyll's hand on her thigh]

    Dr. Jekyll: It impedes the circulation.

    Ivy Pearson: You're kindly to look after me. Anyone can see now, you're a real gent, you are. Now, you're the kind a woman would do something for.

  • Ivy Pearson: He's hit me here too, the blighter! He's broken me ribs, that's what he's done. I'm going to faint.

    Dr. Jekyll: [feels her ribs] You're not seriously hurt. A little rest would do you no harm though.

    Ivy Pearson: You think I ought to go to bed?

    Dr. Jekyll: I know of no better place for a rest.

  • Dr. Jekyll: [laughs] I'm a doctor, you know, and I'll call that kiss my fee.

  • Ivy Pearson: Come back soon. Won't you?

    Dr. Jekyll: Sorry, I'm afraid I can't.

    Ivy Pearson: Oh, yes, you can!


    Ivy Pearson: Sooooon.

    Dr. Jekyll: Good night.

    Ivy Pearson: [breathly] Come baaaaaack.

  • Dr. Jekyll: That's not a matter of conduct; but, elementary instinct.

    Dr. Lanyon: You ought to control those instincts.

    Dr. Jekyll: Are you pretending that either can or do? We may control our actions; but, not our impulses.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Why aren't you frank enough to admit that other - that indecent self in you? No! You prefer to hide it, pretend it isn't there.

    Dr. Lanyon: We have to accept certain things...

    Dr. Jekyll: I don't want to accept them! I want to be clean - not only in my conduct; but, in my inner most thoughts and desires.

  • Poole: I beg your pardon, sir. I thought I heard a strange voice.

    Dr. Jekyll: It's quite all right, Poole. There was someone here. A friend of mine. His name is, eh, Hyde. Hyde. He's just gone out the back door.

  • Dr. Jekyll: We'll go to Paris for our honeymoon! We'll be so gloriously happy that even the French will be jealous of us.

    Muriel Carew: I'm so thrilled and tempted.

  • Ivy Pearson: [singing] Champagne Ivy is my name, Champagne Ivy is my name, Good for any game at night my boys, Come and join me in a spree...

  • Ivy's Admirer at Music Hall: You're a bit of something to look at...

    Ivy Pearson: Not all bad, so they say.

    Ivy's Admirer at Music Hall: You ain't conceited are you?

    Ivy Pearson: Well, I has me points.

  • Mr. Hyde: You are pretty. And what a figure, my dear. What a figure! Glass of champagne. To you. To you, my dear. To your beauty.

  • Mr. Hyde: Ah, my pretty, you deserve better than that. You ought to live in a place worthy of you!

    Ivy Pearson: Buckingham Palace, I suppose.

    Mr. Hyde: [laughs] That's the spirit! I like it. Sit down, my dear. Sit down, just for a moment. You should have a place that would set off that fine body of yours and yellow hair and pale face and orbs to match too, my dear.

  • Mr. Hyde: I'm no gentleman. No. But, I am money! Perhaps, my looks don't please?

    Ivy Pearson: Well, you ain't no beauty.

  • Mr. Hyde: Forgive me, my dear. You see, I hurt you because I love you. I want you! What I want, I get!

  • Mr. Hyde: I grant you, I'm no beauty. But, under this exterior, you'll find the very flower of man.

  • Mr. Hyde: Pleasure is brief in this world, my sweet. And your's is most uncertain.

  • Mr. Hyde: Remember, you belong to me, you hear. You belong to me! If you do one thing that I don't approve of while I'm gone, the least little thing, mind you, I'll show you what horror means!

  • Mr. Hyde: Look, my darling, how tight your garter is. You mustn't wear it so tight. It'll bruise your pretty, tender flesh!

  • Mrs. Hawkins: Strike me pink! Fifty pounds from the celebrated Dr. Jekyll. He's a grand gentleman. Always helpin' them what needs 'im. Now, dearie, he sends you fifty pounds, it shows he takes an interest in you. Now, why don't you go and thank the gentleman, proper. Then you could tell him all about this here Hyde business. He'll tell that blighter what's what! You'll see if he don't!

  • Muriel Carew: If you'd been ill, that would have been different.

    Dr. Jekyll: I was ill, my darling.

    Muriel Carew: Then, why didn't you let me know? I should have come at once.

    Dr. Jekyll: I wasn't ill in body. I was ill in soul! The sufferings of the spirit are so difficult to communicate.

  • Dr. Jekyll: I've played with dangerous knowledge! I've walked a strange and terrible road. Help me to find my way back.

  • Muriel Carew: I want to with all my heart. Take me. Take me soon!

  • Mrs. Hawkins: Well, to be frank Jekyll, I'm not at all satisfied with your conduct.

  • Ivy Pearson: The minute I laid eyes on you, I know'd you had a kind heart.

  • Ivy Pearson: You don't know him, sir. He ain't a man, he's a devil. He knows what you're thinkin' about, he does. I'm afraid of him! I'm afraid of him! Now, if he knows that that I've been here today, I don't know what he'll do! It won't be anything human, sir! Oh, save me! Save me! Keep him off me! I'll do anything you ask. I'll be your slave! Oh, help me!

  • Ivy Pearson: You're good, you are. You won't let me go back to him, will you? You're an angel. You're an angel. I'll do anything you like. I ain't as bad as you think. And I ain't a bad looker, either. I'll work for you. I'll slave for you! I'll love you.

  • Poole: Begging your pardon, sir, will it be a large affair?

    Dr. Jekyll: Not particularly. General Carew's cronies chiefly.

  • Dr. Jekyll: "Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! No hungry generations tread thee down."

  • Party Guest: It's very queer that he's not here.

  • Ivy Pearson: Here's hoping that Hyde rots wherever he is and burns where he ought to be!

    [takes a drink]

    Ivy Pearson: And here's hopin' that Dr. Jekyll will think of Ivy once in awhile.

  • Mr. Hyde: I'll give you a lover now. His name is Death!

    Ivy Pearson: No, no! He ain't! It ain't so!

    Mr. Hyde: Oh, ain't it so, my little bird, my little starling! Why, you lying wench!

  • Mr. Hyde: You who have sneered at the miracles of science, you who have denied the power of man to look into his own soul, you who have derided your superiors, look! Look.

  • Dr. Lanyon: You've committed the supreme blasphemy. I warned you. I told you that no man could violate the traditions of his kind and not be damned!

    Dr. Jekyll: That I still do not believe.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Forgive me. Forgive me, Muriel. Forgive me.

  • Muriel Carew: Don't you want me any longer?

    Dr. Jekyll: Want you! I want you, so that I can envy the damned. I am damned!

  • Dr. Jekyll: Oh, my love, my darling, my beautiful, if I could take you in my arms. If I could only touch you! Oh, forgive me. I dare never touch you, ever again, in this world or the next.

    Muriel Carew: What are you saying to me? Oh, trust me, believe in me. I'll help you.

    Dr. Jekyll: No. I'm beyond help, you hear! I'm in Hell. I-I-I'm in Hell.

  • [last lines]

    Dr. Lanyon: Drop that knife!

  • Mr. Hyde: Free at last!

  • Mr. Hyde: If you could see me now, what would you think?


Extended Reading
  • Retha 2022-04-23 07:03:54

    As soon as I heard the opening scene of Totaka and Fugue, the string ver and the male lead played [I cry to you, Lord Jesus Christ], I was already wet (. The subjective lens was used wonderfully, as if I was asking myself to perceive the outside world.” This subject consciousness of “snooping” – rather, where did the two contradictory consciousness and will come from… Social tradition and class system make people’s desires and actions fail to unify Science has become a tool to kill the prosecutor in consciousness…

  • Dessie 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    Universal Monster Series