Bill Nelson: [to Eden about going back to the city] You're going there? If there is such a thing as hell on earth, that's it.
Kane: They started this fire. They can burn in it!
Kane: Abandon any such hope.
Eden Sinclair: No.
Sol: [to his followers] This is our city!
Kane: In the land of the infected, the immune man is king.
Cellar Guard: [to Sinclair] If you're hungry, have a piece of your friend.
[first lines]
Kane: Like so many epidemics before, the loss of so many lives began with a single microscopic organism. It's human nature to seek even the smallest comfort in reason, or logic for events as catastrophic as these. But a virus doesn't choose a time or place. It doesn't hate or even care. It just happens.
Bill Nelson: [as Sinclair puts her fake eye in her socket] I'll never get used to that.
Bill Nelson: [to Sinclair] You carry on the way you're going, you're going to wind up one seriously fucked up individual.
Michael Canaris: It's the Reaper virus.
John Hatcher: Oh dear god.
Michael Canaris: It's back.
John Hatcher: Yesterday if I turned up on the six o'clock news with a survivor in tow, they would've strung me up from the nearest lightpost by the balls. But in 48 hours, I arrive with a survivor and cure... sure, they won't give a flying fuck about the survivor, but they'll be lining up to kiss my ass for that cure.
Bill Nelson: Once you're over that wall, there's no rules, no back-up.
Eden Sinclair: Better that way.
Michael Canaris: Leave the dying to die.
Viper: [upon seeing Sinclair] This one's for Sol.
Sol: [after hitting Sinclair] I'm so sorry. I got a bit carried away.
Sol: [to Sinclair] I could eat you right up!
Sol: The hounds are hungry! It's feeding time at the fucking zoo!
Sol: The wind of change is blowing a hurricane! Give 'em hell!
Sol: [yelling to mob] This is our city! Whoever they send here, we're gonna catch them, we're gonna cook them, and we're gonna eat them!
Eden Sinclair: You know where Kane is?
Cally: I should. He's my father.
Eden Sinclair: What were you doing in the city?
Cally: I went to find my brother... Sol.
Eden Sinclair: That maniac is your brother?
Norton: That is one fucked up family, man.
Dr. Ben Stirling: Jesus. What've they got in here, the lost ark?
Eden Sinclair: [upon seeing someone wearing knight's armor riding up to them] You don't see that every day.
Kane: I knew they'd be watching the cities. That's why we chose this place. Out of sight, out of mind. I suppose it was only a matter of time before they sent someone to ask the question "why are you alive, when you should be dead?"
Kane: These walls around you; they were built to last, and so shall we. What we've built here, from the ashes, is pure blood. Uninfected by the outside world... until now.
Dr. Ben Stirling: Have you found the cure?
Kane: Ah, even now you still cling to hope, huh? If I were you, I'd abandon any such thought.
Dr. Ben Stirling: There's always hope.
Kane: But there is no cure. There never was. We had prevailed here, not because of science but through natural selection. Survival of the fittest. We have earned the right to live here.
Kane: So, tell me, what's it like out there now?
Eden Sinclair: What do you care?
Kane: I'm curious.
Eden Sinclair: Same shit, different era.
Michael Canaris: Rough ride?
Eden Sinclair: Rough enough.
[last lines]
Eden Sinclair: [throwing Sal's head on the ground] If you're hungry, have a piece of your friend.
DJ: Ladies and gentlemen, here he is, the head chef, the big cheese. The sunshine of your lives, it's Sooooooool!
Eden Sinclair: I'll tell you what I lost. I lost my mind.
Sol: We have a rare treat in store for you tonight!
[crowd cheers]
Sol: Medium... fucking... rare!
[crowd cheers even louder]
Eden Sinclair: I don't suppose you got a cigarette?
Bill Nelson: [annoyed] When are you gonna buy your own? Do you know how much these things cost?
Eden Sinclair: Why do you think I smoke yours?
Eden Sinclair: I don't suppose you got a cigarette?
Michael Canaris: There's no smoking on the helicopter, and I don't smoke.
Eden Sinclair: Fair enough.
Eden Sinclair: So, if we don't get out, no one will know we went in?
Michael Canaris: You've got forty-eight hours. If you don't make it back, all of London and everybody in it, will be left to die.
Eden Sinclair: If it's there, I'll find it.
Michael Canaris: You'll need this. It's a GPS locator beacon. It'll tell us exactly where you are. We'll have a gun ship standing by to extract your team.
Eden Sinclair: So much for low profile.
Michael Canaris: Once you have the cure...
[slides open door of helicopter]
Michael Canaris: it won't matter.
Eden Sinclair: What happens if I don't find anything up there?
Michael Canaris: [as he steps out of the helicopter, looks back:] Then you needn't bother coming back.
Dr. Ben Stirling: [on the goods train] Where are you taking us?
Cally: Somewhere safe for the moment.
Eden Sinclair: Sorry to piss on your chips, but we haven't got time to play safe. You said you'd take us to Kane, and I need to see him *now.*
Cally: I said I would help you find him. I can't take you to him.
Norton: Why not?
Cally: Because he will kill me. And if he finds out where you're from, he'll kill you, too. Ever since Sol left, he's become suspicious of everyone, even me. These people are too afraid to defy him. And those who dare are tortured or killed. You're living proof of a world beyond that wall. All our lives we've been told there was nothing out there. You being here makes him a liar.
Eden Sinclair: What were you doing in the city?
Cally: I went to find my brother. Sol.
Eden Sinclair: That maniac is your brother?
Norton: That is one fucked-up family, man.
Cally: They're at war. And we're caught right in the middle.
Norton: [as Eden"s hands are being tied up] Sinclair, what did they call you before they called you Major?
Eden Sinclair: Eden.
Norton: Well, Eden, I still think this is a shit plan.
Eden Sinclair: Your wife and family could still be out there. Did you ever stop to think about their pain?
Kane: I haven't slept one night in twenty-five years without reliving that moment. Who the hell are you to talk to me about pain? What do you know? What did *you* ever lose?
Dr. Ben Stirling: [directs Cally to the Bentley] Get in the back!
Cally: What does it do?
Eden Sinclair: I'll show you what it does!
Eden Sinclair: [upon seeing the magnificent Bentley] Nice color. I'll take it.
Dr. Ben Stirling: [as the huge helicopter lands in front of them] What the fuck's wrong now, Sinclair?
Eden Sinclair: They want my cure.
Eden Sinclair: I don't suppose you got a cigarette?
Michael Canaris: Come with me. I'll get you all the cigarettes you want.
[she smirks at him]
Michael Canaris: Pity. I could have used someone like you.
Doomsday Quotes
Dwight 2022-03-21 09:02:00
A seriously underrated movie, this movie with all kinds of sci-fi horror B-level elements is really exciting
Ethel 2021-12-30 17:21:28
Guan Gong first fought against Tai Qiong, then participated in the Wuchang Uprising, then the Express Kesai, and then boarded the fast man PK Huang Guolun...