Dogtooth Quotes

  • Father: [subtitled version] Soon your mother will give birth to two children and a dog.

  • Older Daughter: Mom, what is a "cunt"?

    Mother: Where did you learn that word?

    Older Daughter: On a case on top of the VCR.

    Mother: A "cunt" is a large lamp. Example: The "cunt" switched off and the room got all dark.

  • [first lines]

    Mother: The new words of the day are: "Sea", "Highway", "Road trip" and "Shotgun".

  • [subtitled version]

    [last lines]

    Father: If you don't drink your orange juice while it's fresh, it's no use.

  • Father: [subtitled version] I hope your kids have bad influences and develop bad personalities. I wish this with all my heart.

  • Older Daughter: Do that again, bitch, and I'll rip your guts out. I swear on my daughter's life you and your clan won't last long in this neighborhood

  • Father: Do you want to hear your grandfather sing?

    ["translating" Frank Sinatra's Fly Me To The Moon to his children]

    Father: Dad loves us. Mom loves us. Do we love them? Yes, we do. I love my brothers and sisters because they love me as well. The spring is flooding my house, the spring is flooding my little heart. My parents are proud of me because I'm doing just fine. I'm doing just fine but I will always try harder. My house, you are beautiful and I love you and I will never ever leave you.

  • Son: Mom! I've found two little zombies.

  • Father: The animal that threatens us is a "cat". The most dangerous animal there is. It eats meat, children's flesh in particular. After lacerating its victim with its claws, it devours them with sharp teeth. The face and whole body of the victim.

  • Older Daughter: Do you know what Dad will do if he finds out I lick your keyboard?