Troy: You ever been inside, Reverend? In the joint?
Charles: Yes, sir.
Troy: Well, then you know. Guy who has a past, guy who's made mistakes. They say they forgive you, but they never do. They're always lookin' at ya, tryin' to catch ya at something. All we want... heck, all anybody wants, is justice.
Troy: Bogart was the best - the king.
Mad Dog: Your problems are over, Sheila.
Mad Dog: [Face distorting in the mirror]
Troy: Fuck!
El Greco: Good to see ya again. Here, count it. It's $5,000 dollars. You can pay me back later. You don't even have to thank me. Just don't go wastin' it on those other fools. The gig? Uh, it's a friend of mine. Armenian dude. Former friend, actually. Uh, used to be a deputy D.A. prosecuting drug cases. So he got sick of watching himself go poor while his clients went rich, so he switched sides. Buys himself a big ol' house in Brantlow, got a little puss on the side. He's a squirrely girl, but now he has a problem. He needs some money the wife don't know about. So, get this, he's setting up his former clients for rip-offs. You'd like him, he's your kind of guy, Troy. That'd be a monkey out of east Cleveland, calls himself Moon Man. They used to call him Balloon Head til he got so much money that now they just call him Guard. He likes to play the fool. He says to my friend, the Armenian, he says, "Hey Mr. Cracker." He talks like that, says, "Hey Mr. Cracker, if you're so smart and I'm so dumb, why I got $5,000,000 and you workin' for me?" He buys himself a house up in Rocky River. Big ol' gaudy thing, and it needs renovatin'. You know that part of Cleveland? He's got a 300-pound fool he calls a bouncer. Uh, he likes to drive a bimmer 7, but not in the hood. So he's got 4, 5 little junker cars. You know, switch 'em one place, one or the other, you know how they do that. But, this is where you come in, he don't keep anything worth shit up at the Rocky River house, so you gotta find where he keeps his stash. So you've got Diesel... No, no. Not Mad Dog. Ha ha ha. No, no, really? Shit. Like the old fudge puncher said, a man kills for the thing he loves. You keep him away from me. Those paranoid types make me scared.
Troy: Can you shut this baby up? No, you know how. Where's the thing you put in the fucking baby's mouth? What's it called?
Mad Dog: Uh, dick?
Dog Eat Dog Quotes
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