DOA: Dead or Alive Quotes

  • [From trailer]

    Helena Douglas: Don't you think the guy in the second row's cute?

    Christie Allen: Is there a guy in the world that you don't have a crush on?

    Kasumi: You can have him. But what about the other 300?

    unknown: [a whole army of men charge at the girls]

    Tina Armstrong: [pause] Why don't we just split em' up evenly?

  • [From trailer]

    Tina Armstrong: Perfect. Broke another nail.

  • [from trailer]

    Christie Allen: Look at this. They've been monitoring everything we do.

    Tina Armstrong: Jeez, bunch of pervs...

  • Leon: [crashes through Kasumi's door] Room service.

  • Bass: Tina! It's showtime!

    Tina Armstrong: Dad! Not now I'm in my underwear.

    Christie Allen: Which I hate. Why you can't just sleep in the nude like me I'll never know.

    Bass: Oh my god.

    Tina Armstrong: No Dad, she's just another fighter. We're just sleeping together.

    Bass: Yeah I can see that.

    Tina Armstrong: No. I mean we're not sleeping together. We're just... sleeping.

    Bass: Seems to me like my baby girl's found a special friend. We'll settle it tomorrow, sweetie. Nice to meet you miss.

    Christie Allen: Oh it's Christie.

    Bass: Tina's real name's Christina!

    Tina Armstrong: Dad!

    Tina Armstrong: Thanks a lot, bitch.

    Christie Allen: Save your strength sweetheart, big day tomorrow fighting daddy.

  • Ayane: I am your servant but if you leave the compound, I am honor-bound to kill you.

  • Christie Allen: I Felt the Earth move

    Maximillian Marsh: That's the desired effect

    Christie Allen: No, really I felt the earth move!

    Kasumi & Leon: [Leon and Kasumi come crashing through the wall]

  • Tina Armstrong: How the hell are we supposed to get up there?

    Kasumi: We better get going.

    Christie Allen: Well, you're both on your own. I don't do teams.

    Tina Armstrong: Well that's fine with me, any team you're part of is bound to lose anyway.

    Christie Allen: Well I'll remember that when I'm collecting the $10 Million.

  • Kasumi: [after landing way off course from the site] ... It's a sign.

    Tina Armstrong: Look little Miss Zen Master. This isn't Karate Kid, it's DOA... as in Dead or Alive, as in 10 million dollars...

    Kasumi: [points to a sign] You don't understand. It's a sign.

  • Donovan: Our Nano-bots were working overtime on THAT fight.

  • [first lines]

    Ryu Hayabusa: Princess Kasumi, your brother is dead. Your destiny is to lead your people.

    Kasumi: I will not believe he is dead, until I see his body.

    Ryu Hayabusa: There is no body.

    Kasumi: Then he is not dead.

  • [Weatherby congratulates Helena on her progress in the match]

    Helena Douglas: Thanks, Weatherby.

    Weatherby: It's Weatherby, but...

    [Weatherby's shocked that Helena finally got his name right]

  • Tina Armstrong: [Tina rolls her eyes after seeing Helena and Weatherby make out in the boat] Oh, for god's sake; GET A ROOM!

  • Ayane: [Kasumi looks at her reflection in the mirror, while Leon is getting ready for his fight with Kasumi. Ayane breaks the mirror and fights Kasumi holding up her sword to Kasumi holding up a lamppost pole cut off] Before I take your life, will you repent for leaving the clan?

    Kasumi: My only goal is to find out what happened to my brother!

    [Both Ayane and Kasumi hear a bang on the door. Ayane then knocks the pole out of Kasumi's hand and flees]

  • Hayate: [Donovan has kicked Hayate from the building where the girls and Hayabusa are having their microchips harvested in the tubes. He then falls and plummets 3 feet, almost to his death, until a pair of arms save him, and both of them grunt. Hayate realises that Ayane is the one that saved him, and she doesn't know he's alive] Ayane!

    Ayane: [Ayane smiles at Hayate, surprised, and hugging him tightly] I thought you were dead!

    [Hayate and Ayane are locked in a passionate embrace and they kiss]

    Ayane: I will *never* leave your side!

    [Hayate and Ayane smile at each other]

  • Kasumi: [Kasumi has just gotten the ninja star signal from Ayane, and agrees to meet her in the bamboo forest. She looks around for her and calls out to her] Ayane! I don't want to fight you!

    [Ayane then comes out of nowhere, yelling, sword in and engages in another fight with Kasumi. Ayane then cuts through various bamboo trees while Kasumi dodges her attacks and climbs over the tree and flips over. Ayane aims her sword at Kasumi, while Kasumi pushes a bamboo tree in front of it, blocking the sword]

    Ayane: You are a shinobi!

    Kasumi: So was Hayate when he came here. Yet, you did not pursue *him*!

    Ayane: Hayate was *different*!

    [Ayane gets her sword out of the tree, and swipes it at Kasumi]

    Kasumi: Because you loved him?

    [Kasumi and Ayane resume fighting, Kasumi takes the sword out of Ayane's hand, and uses a bamboo trunk as a weapon then fights her, and aiming the trunk against her sword]

    Kasumi: Hayate is in *both* our hearts! Help me find out what happened to him!

    Ayane: [coldly and bitterly] He's dead.

    [kicks Kasumi]

    Ayane: Prepare to join him!

    [Ayane and Kasumi continue fighting, bamboo stick against sword, as Kasumi swings the stick against Ayane, then Ayane does a two-leg split against two bamboo trees, aiming her sword at Kasumi. She flips over and yells, as her sword splits Kasumi's kimono, practically showing her bikini. She then puts the bamboo sticks down]

Extended Reading
  • Domenica 2022-01-06 08:01:59

    Yuan Kui is very good at training actresses in action scenes, and he can compete with Yuan Heping. From the Sunset Angel in 2002, the Thousand Chance Change 2 in 2004, to this life-and-death fight in 2006, to the Wudang and character weapons in 2012, you can see him directing. He ended his cooperation with Jet Li and shined in the hands of many female artists. The film’s healthy fight with no blood and no injuries is not only in line with the American film classification system, but also the actresses are very seductive.

  • Kole 2022-01-06 08:01:59

    The plot is too silly!