Digimon: Digital Monsters Quotes

  • Kari: I know you have to leave,

    Tai: I really do. O.K?

    Kari: O.K.

    Tai: Agumon can't digivolve without me. This is my fight too.

  • Matt: What planet did I dial?

  • Agumon: Digivolving is a very difficult process. In order to be successful, I had to share your energy.

  • Metal Garurumon: I meant what I said, Matt. Cherrymon was wrong. Friendship, loyalty, they're more than just words, they're real, and they matter. I'm going to prove it to you.

  • Tentomon: Whenever my skin gets dirty, I just shed it.

    Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi: That would be difficult for me.

  • Mimi: I want my own bed, my own bathroom, and I'm even starting to miss my baby brother.

  • Sora Takenouchi: Too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair.

  • Ken: You will bow before me.

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: Sorry, the floor's kind of dirty.

  • Takeru "T.K." Takashi: When you can't think of anything to say, do you always resort to fighting?

    Ken: I guess...

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: That's your problem. You don't know when to talk and when to fight. Now's a good time to talk... on the other hand... it's also a good time to fight.

  • Puppetmon: All I wanted to do was play a little game of war with T.K.

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: Oh, play? You mean like... pretend?

    Puppetmon: But of course. At least at first it will be make believe, anyway. But then it's bye bye, and it will be time to destroy you for real. If I got rid of you now, I'd have no fun.

  • [TK sniggers]

    Ken: What's so funny?

    TK: You claim to be the Digmon Emperor. You turn good Digimon into your slaves. You see Ijijoudji you're a pretender. You have no idea of the powers that you're up against.

  • Tai: Good thing we're in a hospital, cause it looks like we may need one.

  • Vademon: All those that are greedy fall into the pit.

    Izzy: I'm not sure I comprehend what you're talking about. What are you accusing us of being greedy for?

    Vademon: Wanting to know too much of course. You're sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

    Izzy: What could possibly be wrong with gaining knowledge and information?

    Vademon: See, you're doing it again. You can't seem to stop yourself. You're headed straight into the pit if you don't learn to control yourself.

    Izzy: How come?

    Vademon: You don't even know that you're doing it.

    Izzy: I don't?

    Vademon: It's like a disease with you. Oh well, nice knowing you.

  • Izzy: All you need to know, whether you like it or not.

  • Matt: Enough. Why don't you stop and think about other people's feelings for a change?

    Tai: Huh? What are you talking about?

    Matt: We all know you're right, Tai, but just give us a little space.

    Tai: Wha?

    Matt: We miss our friends who fought along side of us. Not everyone has ice running through their veins like you do.

    Tai: Wha?

    T.K.: Calm down.

    Matt: You're so busy looking forward, that you never take time to look back. We've lost some good friends here, Tai and it's nice to remember them once in awhile.

    Tai: If we always stop to do that, we'll never have enough time to save the world.

    Matt: You still don't get it. I know you hear me, but you're not listening.

  • Tai: Izzy.

    Izzy: Look, it's Tai. Where are you?

    Tai: I'm home, but I got your message that you're in danger. I'm trying to find you.

    Izzy: Tell me about it, I'm trying to find myself... don't bother coming back to the digiworld, Tai. You'll just corrupt the universe.

  • Tentomon: The name's Mon... Tento Mon.

  • [about Piedmon]

    Joe: He made them all disappear.

    Tentomon: Well, at least he didn't saw them in half.

  • Sora: What kind of sicko turns people into keychains?

    Piedmon: I'm not a sicko, I'm a collector of these new items of such sentimental value to me.

  • T.K.: What's more boring? Paint drying or math?

  • Kari: I need you, Tai... Gatomon... the National Guard.

  • TK: I care too much about you to let you go down without a fight.

  • Davis: You can't do this. You're just a kid like me.

    Digimon Emperor: No, I'm not just like you. If I was, I would be the one hanging off the cliff.

  • Davis: Did you see that? I got a noogie, that means I'm one of the guys now.

    DemiVeemon: I have a question. If you're one of the guys now, does that mean you used to be one of the girls, and how come you never told me about it? I wish you humans would just make up your minds.

  • Matt: I've been living a lie.

    Gabumon: You're not a natural blonde?

  • Kari: What could be worse than living your life without a single friend?

    Gatomon: A litter box full of fly paper.

  • Flamedramon: [prepares to attack Digimon Emperor] Fire...

    Davis: Flamedramon wait. There's a chance you'll miss and hit Patamon.

    Flamedramon: I'm such a hot-head.

  • BlackWarGreymon: I'm going to a darker place for me.

    Davis: You should try my sock drawer.

  • Wizardmon: Are you okay, Gatomon?

    Gatomon: You saved me. I'm sorry.

    Wizardmon: For what?

    Gatomon: Sorry I got you involved in this.

    Wizardmon: Don't be sorry. I don't have any regrets. If I hadn't met you, my life would've had no meaning. I'm glad that you and I became friends.

    Gatomon: That's forever.

  • Davis: Sorry I'm late. I was supposed to get a haircut but when I looked in the mirror, I realized my hair was already perfect.

    Yolei: The only thing is he was staring in the mirror for over an hour.

  • Arukenimon: I'll be back to destroy you in a minute.

    Mummymon: Yeah, ditto that.

    Davis: Destiny Stones can break my bones, but you guys are real losers.

  • Davis: All right, if you're gonna destroy me, then will you please proceed to wash your hands first? I like to keep things clean.

    Veemon: Good thing he hasn't seen your room...

  • Mimi: Hey. I had singing lessons for three years.

    T.K.: Oh, you did? Did it help?

    Izzy: Heh, Mimi, you should get a refund, that's what I think.

  • Wargreymon: There is no need for us to fight.

    Metalgarurumon: I must.

  • Tai: I'm only doing this to honor all the brave digimon that have helped us. They trusted us and believed in our commitment. We can't let them down.

  • Matt: No offence, but even if I felt like talking, it wouldn't be to a tree.

  • Cherrymon: Young man, didn't anyone ever tell you, you should listen to your elders? Or was it redwood you should listen to, I can never get those two straight.

  • Cherrymon: What? You mean you've never seen a talking tree?

    Matt: Not many...

  • Gabumon: Be careful, that's Cherrymon, lord of the forest and the best reason for the existence of termites.

  • Digimon Emperor: Like sands in the hourglass, so are your friends' lives.

  • Sora: Now that you boys have holes in your heads, maybe your brains will get more oxygen.

  • Takato Matsuki: Mom, Dad, why are girls so crazy?

    Yoshie Matsuki: They're not. Their husbands make them that way.

  • Takato Matsuki: Sorry to wake you up so late.

    Henry Wong: That's okay. I was just sleeping.

    Terriermon: And not just sleeping... snoring too.

  • Henry: You better just back off, Rika.

    Rika: Or else what? You'll go run off and hide on me? Ooo... I'm so scared.

  • [about Rika]

    Guilmon: You going to fight her, Takato?

    Takato: No way, she's a girl. Besides, she'd kick my butt.

  • Icedevimon: Why waste yourself with beauty when you can tame the beast?

  • Rika: I don't get it. Where could he have gone?

    Henry: Not too far I imagine. Looks like he was hurt pretty bad.

    Rika: It's his own fault. It wouldn't have been so bad if he had a partner.

    Henry: Rika... you do have a heart.

  • Davis: Hey, it's getting pretty dark in these woods. Here, Kari, I'll hold your hand so you won't get scared.

    Kari: I'm not scared.

    T.K.: And it's not her hand... it's mine.

  • Izzy: Part Wargreymon...

    T.K.: and part Metalgarurumon.

    Izzy: They digivolved together to become...

    OmnimonOmnimon: OMNIMON.

  • Henry: Maybe it doesn't matter what card we use, Rika.

    Rika: Okay, did that pig monster eat your brain?

  • Recording on telephone: This number only exists in your imagination. Please hang up and don't call back.

  • [Mat's digimon digivolves]

    Matt: The sleeper has awakened.

  • Digimon Emperor: Hahahahahahahahahahaaaa... oh, it's not that funny.

  • [opening narration]

    Tai Kamiya: That's home, planet Earth. But I'm not sure that's where I am just now.

  • Mimi: I knew I should have gone to cheerleading camp.

  • Koromon: My name's Koromon. And we're partners.

    Tai: Koromon? That means... talking head?

    Koromon: It means brave little warrior. And don't forget it, Tai.

  • [Ken and Davis are playing football, Ken scores]

    Davis: Huston, we have a problem.

  • IceDevimon: I hear one becomes quite warm before freezing.

    Henry Wong: You're so twisted, it's scary.

  • Demidevimon: Everyone makes mistakes. Remember disco?

  • Takato Matsuki: How could you... how could you do this horrible thing? I'll make you hurt. I'll make you pay.

  • [while falling]

    Takato Matsuki: Where are we going?

    Henry Wong: You really think I have any idea?

    Terriermon: Momentie.

    Henry Wong: Oh, momentie yourself.

  • [while falling]

    Terriermon: Momentie.

    Rika Nonaka: You're kidding right?

  • Rika Nonaka: It's not funny, you know. I don't want to walk all the way to the next town just to find your little friend.

    Henry Wong: Well, if it makes your feel any better, Rika. The tunnel might flood and we can all swim there.

    Rika Nonaka: It's just my luck to be stuck down here with a couple of comedians.

  • Rika Nonaka: I would eat dirt before I'd ever let Renamon become what you are... a montser.

    IceDevimon: Better a powerful monster than a weak nobody. Is that what you really want to be, a nobody?

    Rika Nonaka: I'll tell you what I don't want to be. The partner of some freak show digimon.

  • Leomon: [dying] Why... can't you see? Why won't you try to understand the truth?

  • Terriermon: What are you, Henry, the center of the universe? What, you think the sun won't rise if you're not there to greet it or something?

    Henry Wong: What are you talking about?

    Terriermon: Just look behind you, Henry.

    Henry Wong: Huh?

    Terriermon: You don't have to do everything yourself. They're all here to help you. Let 'em.

  • Takato Matsuki: Try this card.

    Henry Wong: The last one almost killed him.

    Takato Matsuki: Hey, I'm just trying to help.

  • [about Rika and Renamon]

    Takato Matsuki: I don't get it.

    Henry Wong: It's obvious that they were worried about each other. Problem is, they're too hard-headed to admit it. They'll go on playing silly games until they drop.

    Takato Matsuki: Being honest with each other would be too hard.


  • Henry Wong: I think I was pretty selfish when I was younger. I had so many brothers and sisters,, the only way I could be heard was to assert myself. When I learned martial arts from Sensei, he taught me that we learn to fight in order to avoid fighting. But I used my power against the neighborhood kid... and I hurt him. After that, I always felt that I had to hold back, that fighting was wrong. But this is different. This is a battle that needs something. Fighting for a purpose is different than just fighting to fight. This is something I have to do. Something only Terriermon, my friends and I can do.

  • Ryo: I feel so powerless.

    Ebonwumon: Better to feel powerless than to feel dead.

  • [Joe is doubled up on the floor in pain and clutching his stomach]

    Kari: Joe what is it?

    Joe: My stomach.

    Kari: What's wrong does it hurt?

    Joe: No. I'm just doing this coz it's fun

  • Izzy: Does it bother you that Sora's with Tai instead of you?

    Matt: Come on Tai's my best friend and he knows how I feel, besides I completely trust Sora, I'm not worried at all Izzy.

  • Kumbhiramon: Is that any way to greet your worst nightmare?

    Jeri: Are you my partner?

    Kumbhiramon: I am a mighty Deva sent here by the all-powerful Sovereign. Why would I join forces with a pathetic human?

  • Joe: I wanted to go to summer school but would my parents listen to me? NO."

  • June Motomiya: Hey, Matt. I made it.

    Matt: [about June] No, she followed us. She's like a boomerang that keeps coming back.

  • Puppetmon: [dying] Cherrymon... what is it that those kids have... that I don't?

    Cherrymon: Friends.

  • Puppetmon: That kind of negative attitude brings me down.

  • Henry Wong: Terriermon. It's not wise to mouth off to someone who's bigger than you.

  • Davis: Hey I believe in good hygene so before you destroy us could you wash your hands?

    Veemon: Oh really? It's a good thing he's never seen your room.

  • Recording over telephone: At the tone, the time will be exactly 45 miles per hour and 90 seconds.

  • Tai: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

    Izzy: I'd settle for a small cow.

  • Gabumon: You're the man!

    Matt: And you're the wolf man!

  • Palmon: Time to take it to the next level. I may be a lady, but I am no pushover!

  • Sora: Tell me how you like your eggs and I'll do the best I can.

    Joe: I prefer my eggs to be covered in salt and pepper, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

    Tai: I like soy sauce.

    Matt: How about salsa?

    Sora: How about a reality check?

    Izzy: I'll have mine with mustard and jellybeans, please.

    Tai: Oh, gross!

    T.K.: Jellybeans. That sounds good.

    Mimi: What? You're all weird! My favorite is eggs covered in maple syrup! Sometimes I like to eat them with cherries on top!

    Tai: Now that's weird!

    T.K.: But I bet it's good.

    Joe: You guys are completely making me lose my appetite! I mean, come on. Jellybeans and cherries on eggs? That's just crazy talk! Salt and pepper is all they need. Keep it simple. That's always been my motto.

  • Palmon: You just like playing on your computer. That's all.

    Izzy: You think I'm just playing around here?

    Palmon: I think you like computers more than people.

  • Mimi: This is going to ruin my hair all the way to the roots!

    Palmon: Use my roots.

    Mimi: You're a plant!

  • Joe: Did you say something about food?

    Piximon: Yes, but first you must earn it.

    Gomamon: I should have known there'd be a catch.

  • Gomamon: [in his sleep] Mmm, delicious food. Mine, all mine.

  • Tai: Thanks a lot, Piximon. We've learned a lot from you.

    Joe: Yeah, like how to clean floors and starving half to death.

    Mimi: That's just Joe's stomach talking.

  • Tai: Be ready when I give the signal.

    Izzy: Roger.

    Mimi: He forgot his name!

  • Joe: [looking at a picture of Gommamon] All right, look at Gommamon!

    Gomamon: I'm cuter in person.

  • Gennai: You must never forget that you are the Digidestend.

    Joe: I'll never forget this stomachache.

  • Joe: Now that we're home, we don't have to eat leaves anymore. We can eat cheeseburgers!

    Mimi: That's right! And pepperoni pizza!

    T.K.: And French fries!

    Matt: And ice-cream!

    Sora: Yeah, and broccoli.

    JoeMimiT.K.Matt: *Broccoli*?

    Tai: Broccoli?

  • Koromon: How did you know my card was the fake, Tai?

    Tai: I didn't. I kept your card because you're my friend.

  • Sora: There are millions of kids like us in the world.

    Biyomon: You mean there are millions of Soras?

  • Tai: Are you analyzing something on your computer again?

    Izzy: Well, I'm not playing Solitare.

  • [Megaseadramon roars]

    Joe: [to T.K] Is your tummy rumbling or did I just hear something?

  • Myotismon: Is this what you are looking for?

    Wizardmon: Another copy.

    Myotismon: Do you think I'd leave the original lying around?

  • Palmon: It's been so long since I've seen you. My you've... shrunk.

  • Lillymon: It's just little old me... or should I say little old us? I'm Palmon and Togemon too.

  • Tentomon: Find an outlet, stop the gear... is "find our friends" on that list?

  • Puppetmon: I've got a riddle for you - what has four strings and is made of wood?

    MimiJoeGomamonPalmon: Puppetmon!

    Puppetmon: No, a violin. But that's a good guess.

  • Izzy: All the countries seem to be mixed together.

    Tai: It's like that theme park in Florida.

  • Izzy: We all seem to have become some type of data.

    Mimi: What? I'm too young to be dating!

  • Izzy: It's some kind of Marco Polo experience.

    Tentomon: I know what he's famous for! Marco!

    Agumon: Polo!

    Tentomon: Marco!

    Patamon: Polo!

    Tentomon: Marco!

    Biyomon: Polo!

  • Tentomon: Izzy, when I first met you, I thought you were just one of those computer geeks, but after I got to know you better, I just realized that you are one of those computer geeks!

  • Hawkmon: Why do I always get stuck with a defected human?

  • Armadillomon: How about we play a game of Checkers? We can use my shell as the board.

  • Cody: Note to self - come up with a better way to sneak Upomon out of the building.

  • Kari: Hey, check out that scrumptious smell.

    Yolei: [sniffing] Wow! That's awesome! My stomach is growling with sheer delight.

    [Davis and Veemon cover their stomachs]

    Davis: Mine's growling sheer hunger!

    Veemon: Mine too.

  • Matt: This heat has turned Palmon's brain into a French fry!

  • Cody's Grandfather: This doll obviously has more than just cotton balls in its stomach.

  • Davis: Have you noticed that T.K. and Kari are always hanging together? What's up with that?

    Veemon: Maybe they're identical twins that look completely different.

  • Hawkmon: I'm going to have seconds and thirds before I even have my firsts!

  • Michael: Davis, do you know where Times Square is?

    Davis: Actually, I haven't a clue!

    Palmon: That's typical Davis.

  • Yolei: Good job, guys! You were awesome!

    [stomach growls]

    Yolei: I guess we don't need a translator to explain that.

    Sora: We may not understand each other, but growling tummies are universal.

  • [Sora, Yolei, Hawkmon and Biyomon are crying hysterically]

    Matt: Let's get them out of here before their eyelids freeze.

  • Joe: Ready? Heave!

    Ikkakumon: Go!

    Joe: No! Not go! Ho!

    Ikkakumon: Joe?

    Joe: No! Ho!

  • Takuya Kanbara: You're toast, lady!

    Ranamon: Thanks, but I've already had my breakfast.

  • Mercurymon: If only thy mouth were thy weapon, then truly thou couldst never be defeated.

  • Tai: [looking at Agumon in his disguise] Yeah. That's real inconspicuous.

  • Yolei: [thinking to herself] I just don't know if I can truly trust Ken. After all of the destruction he caused in the digital world. The way he destroyed Rockmon. I thought that he was more ruthless than ever. Maybe I am being too hard on him. After all he did save the day.

    Armadillomon: [Hawkmon groaning] Hawkmon are you okay?

    Hawkmon: Hmm? I feel rather strange. Hawkmon digivolve to... Aquilamon.

  • Patamon: T.K. and Davis sure do fight a lot. How come?

    Veemon: Something about Kari. Human girls make human boys act really weird.

  • [Patamon gets shot down by Andromon]

    Patamon: I'll have two cheeseburgers and a large order of fries.

  • Tai: Did you find anything down there, Izzy?

    Tentomon: You could say that, Tai, but the thing is we're up here and you're down there.

    Agumon: I think you guys may need glasses. We're way up here above you.

    Izzy: But that can't be! That's scientifically impossible!

  • [Veemon gets shot down by Andromon]

    Davis: Veemon, speak to me!

    Veemon: You're kneeling on my tail!

  • Davis: Let's go, T.A.!

    TK Takashi: T.A.?

    Kari: He forgot how to spell T.K.!

  • Ken: [reading] Dear Ken, I hope that someday you'll join the Digidestined. Signed Yolei.

  • Gatomon: Wait a minute that voice. I hear that voice in my nightmares. It's Myotismon!

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: Is that Myotismon or VenomMyotismon?

    Myotismon: Actually I'm MaloMyotismon

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: MaloMyotismon?

  • Tentomon: TK and Kari have something that the other children don't.

    Hero Ishida: Matt's Father: They have brothers.

    Tentomon: Bingo! All we have to do is get Angemon and Angewomon to hit Tai and Matt with their arrows of love and hope.

    Matt Ishida: It's worth a shot

    TK Takaishi: Okay Angemon. I know this maybe sounds crazy but I need you to hit Matt and Tai with your arrow.

    Kari Kamiya: You too Angewomon.

    Agumon: Wait a minute Tai. What if that Prophecy is all wrong?

    Tai: Do you want the whole world to be destroyed.

    Matt Ishida: Sometimes miracles require a little faith. Hey Tai. I'll hold your hand just in case you try to run away.

    Tai: Yeah. Me too.

    Angemon: One miracle

    Angewomon: Coming up.

    Agumon: Agumon warp digivolve to... War Greymon!

    Gabumon: Gabumon warp digivolve to... Metal Garurumon!

  • Cody: [crying] I did the worse thing I could ever do. I told a lie.

    Joe: That's okay Cody. You told a lie to help other people

    Cody: But my grandfather says that the worse thing you could ever do is tell a lie.

    Joe: When I get back to school we'll tell the principal everything.

  • Jeri: Lonely... is my destiny...

  • Joe: [yelling] Gomamon! I told you to save the food for later.

    Gomamon: I thought you meant later as in 10 minutes later.

    Joe: No. I meant we need to save food for later.

    [Joe retches and heaves over the side of the boat]

    Gomamon: I'm sorry, Joe. I didn't mean to eat all of the food.

    Joe: Starvation is a good motivator.

  • Tai: [feeling Whaemon swallowing them up] Whoah! It's Whaemon. I never thought that I would be glad to be swallowed up by a fish but we'll be safe in here.

    Izzy Izumi: Technically speaking it's a *mammal*!

  • Tai: [feeling Whaemon swallowing them up] Whoah! It's Whaemon. I never thought that I would be glad to be swallowed up by a fish but we'll be safe in here.

    Izzy Izumi: Technically speaking it's a *mammal*.

  • Gatomon: [singing with Matt accompanying on harmonica] Cats always land on their feet but sometimes Digimon need to eat. Tis Gatomon's wish to catch a big flying fish. I'm a kitty, a digi-kitty.

    [Gatomon jumps and slices up the flying fish]

    Gatomon: Oh, yeah!

  • Takeru "T.K." Takashi: Patamon, help!

    Patamon: [thinking] What am I going to do? Devimon is so big and I'm so small. I can't do anything in this size I know. Patamon, digivolve to... Angemon!

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: Oh!

    Angemon: Your reign of terror has gone on long enough, Devimon. Now I must do everything I can to protect the children.

    [Angemon draws his power from the other digimon returning them to their rookie forms]

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: Oh, Angemon! Please don't do it.

    Devimon: [laughing] Not only did you destroy me but you destroyed yourself in the process.

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: Oh, Angemon!

    Angemon: Don't worry, T.K. I'll be back if you want me back.

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: [crying] Oh, Angemon! Angemon!

    [Angemon's feather falls and turns into a digi-egg]

    Gabumon: Don't you worry, T.K. Angemon will be back.

    Agumon: Yeah, he's just resting in his digi-egg. If you take care of it he'll come back as good as new.

    Takeru "T.K." Takashi: [rubbing his digi-egg] Don't worry. I'll take good care of his digi-egg. You saved my life.

  • Davis: So Patamon can Digivolve to Angemon?

    TK: Yup.

    Davis: And Gatomon, what about her?

    TK: Oh, she can Digivolve to Angewoman.

    Davis: Then I have one question: Is there an Angebabymon too?

    Patamon: Sometimes, he says the strangest things.

    Davis: Veemon, tell me you can Digivolve into Ange-something too!

    Veemon: Uh...

    Davis: [picks up Veemon and shakes him around] Ange-Dinosaur-mon? Ange-Soccer-Player-mon? C'mon!

    Veemon: I just don't have it in me!

    TK: He's still got a lot to learn.

    Patamon: [laughs]

  • Rika: Renamon, I'm going to be very vexxed if you lose.

  • Cody: So many Digimon!

    Davis: I hope we don't have to feed them all.

  • Henry Wong: Jeri's a Tamer, are you sure? She's chasing him, making eyes? Tamers don't do that.

    Takato Matsuki: Wait, I'll ask.


    Takato Matsuki: Hey Jeri?

    Jeri: Yeah?

    Takato Matsuki: Are you sure he's your partner?

    Jeri: Yeah.

    Takato Matsuki: How come?

    Jeri: Cause it's destiny!

    Takato Matsuki: Okay thanks!

    Jeri: [resumes chasing Leomon] You can't escape destiny Mr. Leomon.

    Takato Matsuki: [into the receiver] She says it's destiny.

    Henry Wong: That doesn't sound good at all. Okay I'll be right there.

    Takato Matsuki: Henry's on his way. I guess I should tell Rika too.

    Rika: Jeri? That just isn't possible.

    Takato Matsuki: Wait I'll ask. Hey Jeri?

    Jeri: Yeah?

    Takato Matsuki: Do you have a Digivice?

    Jeri: No I don't.

    Takato Matsuki: [into the receiver] That's a negative.

    Jeri: Anything else?

    Takato Matsuki: No that's all!

    Jeri: Mr. Leomon, wait up!

    Rika: No Digivice? She's obviously not a Tamer she's delusional. Oh whatever I'm coming right down.

    Takato Matsuki: Rika's coming too.

Extended Reading
  • Easter 2022-03-18 08:01:01

    I've always had a strange resistance to Digimon because of Pokemon preconceived notions

  • Thurman 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    So far, every time I think of the four evil gods, I still want to revisit it

Digimon: Digital Monsters

Director: Mamoru Hosoda, Wendee Lee, Jeff Nimoy, Michael Sorich

Language: English,Japanese Release date: August 14, 1999