Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Quotes

  • Bill Walter: Hey, no hard feelings, right?

    Rodrick Heffley: Hey, Bill, you know what? After tonight, you're out of the band!

    Bill Walter: What?

    Rodrick Heffley: That's rock and roll, bro.

  • Greg Heffley: I was thinking I would write her a note.

    Rodrick Heffley: Like, one with words in it?

  • Greg Heffley: [narrating] On weekends, I try to stay as far away from my brothers as possible. But on Sunday morning, I have no choice.

    [Greg and his family step out of the car once they arrived at the church]

    Manny Heffley: Poopy!

    Greg Heffley: Huh?

    [Greg looks down at his pants]

    Susan Heffley: [offscreen] Greg! It looks like he has a candy bar on there.

    [camera points to candy bar on the car seat]

    Greg Heffley: Manny!

    [Rodrick puts candy wrapper in his pocket]

    Susan Heffley: Frank, you're gonna have to do something.

    Frank Heffley: Yeah. I'll get a rag.

    [wipes off the candy bar stain as much as possible]

    Greg Heffley: Dad, stop it!

    Frank Heffley: Hold still! All right, let me see.

    [looks at stain mostly rubbed off]

    Frank Heffley: You're fine. Can't even tell.

    [he puts rag in the car. Greg saw that Holly was also going to church]

    Greg Heffley: I'm not going in with a poop stain on my pants.

    Susan Heffley: Okay, well, you can't skip church.

    Greg Heffley: No, I'm not going in like this.

    Susan Heffley: Fine.

  • Taylor Pringle: Poop! He's pooped his pants!

  • Susan Heffley: My computer is supposed to be for homework only. You lied to me. And you know how I feel about that.

    Greg Heffley: Mom, from now on, I'll be 100% honest.

  • Greg Heffley: Mom, it's Mrs. Gillman from the PTA.

    Susan Heffley: Tell her I'm not here!

    Greg Heffley: But that would be lying and I don't do that anymore.

    [on phone]

    Greg Heffley: I'm sorry, Mrs. Gillman, but my mom isn't in the house right now

    [Susan stands outside in the rain]

  • Susan Heffley: What did I say about being civil to one another? That's all I asked of you!

    [as time passes]

    Susan Heffley: Well, you have blown it big time! Never been more embarrassed! Everyone we know was there!


    Susan Heffley: I have no idea how I'm gonna write a column this week. I feel like a complete fraud! Well, you brought this on yourselves. You can kiss Rockin' Rapids good-bye. You two will stay here together all weekend and work out your differences. And if you don't, I will. And trust me, you don't want any part of that. Do you understand?

    Rodrick Heffley: Yes.

    Greg Heffley: Yes.

    Rodrick Heffley: Yes.

    Susan Heffley: All right, let's go.

    [Susan, Frank and Manny leave the house]

  • Greg Heffley: [Rodrick closes basement door behind Greg] Rodrick, help! The door's closed!

    Rodrick Heffley: Yeah, and it's staying closed. I don't need a middle-schooler ruining my party.

    Greg Heffley: What? I thought it was our party!

    Rodrick Heffley: It's my party. Now keep quiet or I'll lock you in the dryer!

    Greg Heffley: [bangs on the door] Rodrick!

    Rodrick Heffley: [mocking] Greg!

  • Rodrick Heffley: [answers phone] Hello?

    Susan Heffley: Rodrick, it's Mom. Is everything okay? It took a long time for you to answer.

    Rodrick Heffley: Yeah, everything's fine. I was just washing dishes.

    Susan Heffley: Okay, honey. Well, I just wanted to check in and say I love you, and I'm sorry I was so harsh earlier.

    Rodrick Heffley: No problem, bye.

    Susan Heffley: Now let me say good night to Greg.

    Rodrick Heffley: Greg? Oh... He can't. He's asleep. I don't want to wake him.

    Greg Heffley: No, I'm not. I'm right here. Hi, Mom. Hi Rodrick.

    Susan Heffley: Hi, sweetie. Is everything okay? Why were you sleeping so early?

    Greg Heffley: Well, actually, I wasn't sleeping. I'm down in the basement.

    Rodrick Heffley: The basement? What the heck are you doing down there? Wouldn't you rather be up here with me?

    Greg Heffley: Yeah, I would, Rodrick. Why don't you come down and get me? Now.

    Susan Heffley: [to Frank] I think they're trying to get along.

    Frank Heffley: Huh? That's good. Good, honey.

    Rodrick Heffley: Okay. Everything's cool here, right, Greg?

    [unlocks basement door]

    Greg Heffley: [grabs Rodrick's arm for the phone] Yeah, Mom. And I have your number if I need you.

    Susan Heffley: Okay, sweeties. Well, we'll see you tomorrow. Good night.

  • Minister: Please be seated.

    [people sit]

    Minister: Let me just say how gratifying it is to see so many smiling faces here today. Mothers and fathers...

  • Rowley Jefferson: Hey Greg, maybe we could...

    Rodrick Heffley: CAN IT, CHUNKY CHEESE!