Devil Fish Quotes

  • Professor West: For a woman who has the sensitivity of a slut... to the point of giving her lover the identical watch she gave to her husband as an anniversary present, I will not accept lessons.

  • [trying to record the Devil Fish's cry]

    Dr. Bob Hogan: You filthy rotten bloody shark, LET ME HEAR YOU!

  • Dr. Bob Hogan: He'd sit on his mother's head if he had something to gain by it.

  • Dr. Bob Hogan: [making a toast] Up the shark's ass.

  • Doctor: Whatever it is, I wouldn't want to rub it the wrong way.

  • Sheriff Gordon: Bob's boat was attacked here, so I can infer that it just sits in that area.

  • Doctor: These don't look like the teeth marks of a shark to me.

  • Peter: It's not a shark!

  • Dr. Janet Bates: I can simply say, that the creature you have in your part of the ocean... is a 'living fossil'.

  • Dr. Bob Hogan: The truth is, you've become old, West. Old for science... old for your wife!

  • Dr. Janet Bates: 320 years ago, new forms of fish developed.

    Dr. Janet Bates: Fish with teeth.

Devil Fish

Director: Lamberto Bava

Language: Italian Release date: November 14, 1986

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