Dear Frankie Quotes

  • [writing a letter to his dad]

    Frankie (Voice-Over): Dear Da, did you know something? We're moving again. Ma says it's time. She says it's definitely the last time but she says that every single time. Nana Gourley says, if there is a next time, they'll have to carry her out in a box and ma says don't tempt her!

  • Lizzie: We had an arrangement. You broke it.

    The Stranger: One more day that's all.

    Lizzie: No, no, no. I want you to go now. It's over, do you hear me, it's over.

    The Stranger: My ship sails on Monday. There is only one more day.

    Lizzie: Who the hell do you think you are? Who gave you the right to come in here and behave like this?

    The Stranger: You did.

  • Lizzie: Right, if he's not back in five minutes, I'm going to the docks myself.

    Nell: How do you even know that's where he is?

    Lizzie: Where would you go if it was you?

    The Stranger: He won't go on that ship.

    Nell: How do you know what he would do? You've not even met him.

    The Stranger: He doesn't want to spoil the surprise. If I was a betting man...

    [Nell glares at the Stranger]

    The Stranger: ...which I'm not, I'd put money on it.

  • Nell: I knew something like this was going to happen. I told you, didn't I? What are we going to do?

    Lizzie: Move.

    Nell: Lizzie, darling, listen, I - you cannot keep running, you got to face this sometime. Tell Frankie the truth. He should know what his daddy was. Then maybe he'd stop wishing for him.

  • Lizzie: I don't have much, but, I'll pay you what I can.

    The Stranger: [picks up and looks at a photo of a baby Frankie, pauses] What time do you want me to be there?

  • Lizzie: I had a good time tonight.

    The Stranger: Don't sound so surprised.


    The Stranger: He's got your eyes. They... pull you right in.

    Lizzie: Don't know what to say to that

    The Stranger: You don't have to say anything.

    Lizzie: You don't have to say nice things to me. I'm not paying you for that.

    The Stranger: So why don't you want to hear them?

  • Lizzie: Frankie wasn't born deaf. It was a present from his daddy.

  • The Stranger: Frankie's a very... very lucky boy.

    Lizzie: How'd you figure that one out? I'm his mother and I lie to him every single day.

    The Stranger: No. No, you protect him every single day

  • Lizzie: It must be some life, seeing all those different places.

    The Stranger: You should know... you've been writing from them for years.

  • Frankie: [to the Stranger] You... coming... back?

  • Lizzie: I was looking for a man... a stranger. No past, no present, no future.

Dear Frankie

Director: Shona Auerbach

Language: English,British Sign Language Release date: April 15, 2005

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