Dobbs: There's a lot of blood in this room, but no bodies.
Shen: Sounds like one of your parties.
Dobbs: Or your sex life!
Hansen: This shit's getting weirder by the second!
Dobbs: Sounds like a date with Shen.
Shen: Fuck you, rookie!
Alissa Vincent: This is no time to be a hero, Irons!
Samuel Irons: I'm not a hero, just a man.
[first lines]
Alissa Vincent: My name is Alissa Vincent. I may be the sole survivor. We've encountered an alien life form. They have taken over the bodies of the crew. The colony was lost. My team is dead. It is my belief that the artifact we discovered on the surface is somehow responsible. If you find this recording, the Ishimura and the artifact must be destroyed.
Glenn: Come on, Colin, you telling me the thing ain't creeping the shit out of you? I mean, the suicides? The murders? Seems like everyone on this rock is losing their shit.
Colin Barrow: We're in deep space, weird shit happens. The faster we do our jobs, the faster we get home.
Captain Mathius: What's happening?
Chic: I'm not sure, the entire system is rebooting.
Alissa Vincent: Out power cores are shielded?
Chic: Yes, I know, another wave of disruption just broke into the surface and smacked into us. It's a temporary glitch, not an attack, Alissa. Down, girl.
Alissa Vincent: Asshole.
Glenn: The planet is pushing back.
Colin Barrow: What?
Glenn: Something about the danger of harvesting planets.
Colin Barrow: You got another line of work you're looking to get into?
Glenn: It says the planet cracking procedure is extremely dangerous to the overall harmony to the universe.
Colin Barrow: What a bunch of Unitologist bullshit. The only planets we ever found in all of space are dead. Earth was a fluke.
Chic: Captain! The shuttle just slipped through Bay 17 before we could secure the doors!
Captain Mathius: [to Alissa] Get down there now, arrest everyone on board that shuttle, and quarantine them!
Alissa Vincent: You sure you don't want me to shoot them first?
Shen: I count 15 sets of footprints, give or take.
Alissa Vincent: The log says there were 20 corpses set for cryostorage.
Hansen: Maybe they had a miraculous recovery.
Dobbs: Here's a crazy idea...
Shen: Don't say it, Dobbs.
Dobbs: Hey, I don't mind shooting living dead as long as I get to shoot something.
Alissa Vincent: You froze up. Do I need to worry about you, Hansen?
Ramirez: You fallin' apart on us, Sarge? Maybe Irons here can sign you up with the Unitologists. They seam pretty at peace with this bullshit.
Hansen: I'm okay, mind your own fucking business!
Chic: You're a sight for sore eyes.
Alissa Vincent: Is that a compliment? Now I know things are fucked up.
Samuel Irons: [last words] Holy creatures, transform me into your holy servant. Show me the path to enlightenment as you alter my flesh, and free my soul.
Ramirez: Hey, Vincent, you know why I really took this job?
Alissa Vincent: You can tell me later.
Ramirez: My old man always said I was chicken shit, he wanted me to join the service. But, I wasn't big on the idea of getting my ass shot off in some war zone back home.
Alissa Vincent: Ramirez, they're getting closer. Give me the all hope is lost speech another time!
Ramirez: I've always been afraid of getting into a fight. Can you believe that?
Alissa Vincent: Ramirez, I swear, I will...
Ramirez: I guess it makes sense as to why I took a security job. Y'know, badge and gun, pretty much it easy not to get in a fight.
Alissa Vincent: Will you shut the fuck up and open that door?
Ramirez: It wasn't till all this shit went down and that I realized it ain't like what my old man says. I'm not a coward. I just don't like confrontations.
[door slides open]
Alissa Vincent: Yeah, that's great, let's go!
[last lines]
Alissa Vincent: My name is Alissa Vincent. I was- I'm the security chief onboard the Ishimura. I may be the sole survivor. We encountered an alien life form. They have taken over the bodies of the crew. The colony was lost. My team is dead. This Ishimura is under their control. It is my belief that the artifact we discovered on the surface is somehow responsible. It had driven us mad. Turned us against each other. If you find this recording, the Ishimura and the artifact must be destroyed. Tell those on Earth, that many people fought and died bravely. Don't let us be forgotten. This is Chief Alissa Vincent, signing off.
Captain Mathius: Plot a course for Earth; we're getting the hell out of here.
White: What?
Captain Mathius: Lock down any sections of the ship affected by this disturbance. I want it contained, do you understand? We have to get the artifact home. That is our only mission now.
Dr. Kyne: Captain, listen to me. We're not in control anymore. I'm not sure we ever were.
Captain Mathius: What are you talking about?
Dr. Kyne: The artifact, the mission; it's a trap, it has to be. We've brought something aboard that we didn't fully understand, something alien, and it's trying to kill us. We cannot bring the artifact to Earth.
Captain Mathius: Have you lost your mind, Doctor? The holy artifact must be delivered to the Church if humanity is to be delivered into the welcome arms of the universal awakening!
Dr. Kyne: Keep your voice down.
Captain Mathius: Don't tell me what to do, I'm the captain. This is my ship!
Dr. Kyne: You are being irrational; people are dying. We are all in danger!
Captain Mathius: The faithless want to destroy the artifact because they fear it. I won't allow it, Kyne, I will not allow it!
Dr. Kyne: The Marker is making us paranoid and delusional; it's the only explanation for the irrational behavior that has been plaguing the colony, the crew, and now the officers.
Captain Mathius: This is not irrational, Doctor, this is religious persecution; and I'm not going to allow you or anyone else to destroy the artifact. White, have the Doctor restrained!
White: Sir, he's right.
Captain Mathius: He's speaking heresy! He's a spy, planted on my ship to destroy any hope we have of transcending death.
[White and Chic attempt to restrain Matthius as he tries to attack Kyne·]
White: You need to calm down.
[Matthius strikes White across the face and tosses Chic aside]
Captain Mathius: I gave you an order, Mr. White!
Chic: Nobody cares if you're a Uni, Cap. We just want to get out of this alive!
Captain Mathius: What is that supposed to mean?
[Captain Matthius scans the control room and sees everybody staring at him with worry]
Dr. Kyne: Captain, please. Let me give you a sedative.
[Kyne raises another syringe like the one he used earlier on Leggio, filled with the same liquid]
Captain Mathius: Wait a minute... You- You're all with him. He's going to poison me, isn't he?
Chic: Fuck this, he's lost it!
[Chic and White accost Matthius and hold him down against a railing]
Captain Mathius: You'll all be arrested for mutiny!
White: He's out of his mind, Kyne. Give him something!
Captain Mathius: Get your filthy... Get off of me! We have to bring the artifact back to Earth. The Church needs it. Kyne, you traitor! You're one of us; you were sent here by the Church, specifically, to retrieve the Marker. Just like me! You bastard!
Dr. Kyne: This is a sedative. Don't fight us; it's for your own good.
Captain Mathius: Bastard! Get away from me!
Dr. Kyne: Hold his head!
Chic: I'm trying.
[Matthius breaks free of Chic and White's hold, attacking Kyne and then attempting to strangle him. As Kyne gasps for air, he reaches out his hands in an attempt to get the syringe into Matthius' neck to sedate him. However, Chic and White come from behind and, in attempting to restrain Matthius once more, push the Captain into the needle. The syringe punctures his ocular cavity and Matthius cries out in pain, stumbling forward, before falling atop Kyne and smashing his face into the ground, pushing the syringe in further. As Kyne lies underneath Matthius, the Captain's health monitor on his RIG begins to drop, finally going out completely. Matthius is dead]
Dr. Kyne: My God.
White: Is he...
[White and Chic lift Matthius' body off of Kyne and place it on its back]
Dr. Kyne: The sedative must have punctured his brain.
White: You killed him, Doc.
[Looks to the crew]
White: You all saw it; he killed the Captain.
Dr. Kyne: It was an accident.
Dead Space: Downfall Quotes
Extended Reading