Dark Skies Quotes

  • Edwin Pollard: People think of aliens as these beings invading our planet in some great cataclysm, destroying monuments, stealing our natural resources. But it's not like that at all. The invasion already happened.

  • [first lines]

    Title Card: Two possibilities exist... Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. - Arthur C. Clarke

  • Lacy Barrett: What kind of animal eats all the lettuce but leaves the bacon?

    Daniel Barrett: A rabbit. A very large rabbit with opposable thumbs.

  • Daniel Barrett: Look, officer, this wasn't a- a cooking mess. This was like a... like a mathematician's idea of a geometry joke. Ha, I don't know whether to be pissed or impressed.

  • Lacy Barrett: [seeing new house cameras] This isn't some kind of twisted way for you to spice up our sex life, is it?

    Daniel Barrett: That wasn't the idea. But I like the way you think.

  • [last lines]

    Jesse Barrett: [over crackling walkie-talkie] Sammy!

  • Daniel Barrett: How do you know all these?

    Edwin Pollard: You are not alone in this.

  • Lacy Barrett: Why are the grays, or whatever they are, so interested in us? What makes us so special?

    Edwin Pollard: Nothing. There's nothing special about you. I'm sorry. You were hoping for a different answer. But this is beyond our comprehension.

  • Edwin Pollard: The first thing we need to do is determine whether or not you actually are experiencing an encounter.

    Lacy Barrett: Is-is that a test?

    Edwin Pollard: Uh, just a series of questions. Helps weed out the lunatics.

    Daniel Barrett: Well, good. Let's do it.

    Edwin Pollard: OK. Have either of you seen any bright lights in the sky above your neighborhood that moved in an unusual way?

    Daniel Barrett: No.

    Edwin Pollard: Have you experienced any severe headaches or migraines?

    Daniel Barrett: Nope.

    Edwin Pollard: Either of you heard a ringing in your ears that seems to be happening only inside your head?

    Daniel Barrett: Yes.

    Edwin Pollard: Have you experienced any unexplained illnesses, strange allergies or nosebleeds?

    Lacy Barrett: Yes.

    Daniel Barrett: Yes.

    Edwin Pollard: Have you witnessed any abnormal behavior by animals in your neighborhood?

    Daniel Barrett: Three different flocks of birds flew into our house the other day.

    Edwin Pollard: I would say that qualifies.

    Edwin Pollard: Have either of you experienced any blackouts, stretches of time that you can't account for?

    Edwin Pollard: And have you experienced a feeling that you might not be in control of your own body?

    Daniel Barrett: How do you know all this?

    Edwin Pollard: You are not alone in this. Others have experienced what you're going through and have struggled the way you're struggling now.

Extended Reading
  • Victoria 2022-01-04 08:01:53

    The second and third types of contact

  • Emmitt 2022-01-04 08:01:53

    The director started from Blade Runner as special effects. The director’s debut is the recently beautified "Christ Advent", which is quite a stick, this time it is also a certain stick, and the theme is relatively bad, even if it combines the ghost house and the third It's a sci-fi thriller that is kind of contact, but the combination of sound effects is quite good.