Dark Crimes Quotes

  • Kozlov: I'm not responsible for what I write.

    Interviewer: But as the author... the female torture scenes, are they symbolic?

    Kozlov: Maybe. Maybe not. I think communism did women no favors. We still have the sexual sophistication of cavemen.

    Interviewer: So, in a sense, your writing is a counter-commentary on feminism.

    Kozlov: I think my writing's shit.

    Interviewer: But that's very bold. Er, thank you for being with us here today.

    Kozlov: Thank you for wasting my time.

  • Kozlov: There's only one idea that matters. Nothing is real. We create the fact, we create the fiction. Fact, fiction. Fact, fiction. Fact, fiction. The end.

  • Kozlov: Truth cannot be separate from us. It cannot exist independently of the human mind. Truth is strong and it will prevail. There's nothing wrong with that, except it isn't true. Truth is what you make it. Reality is perception.

  • Kozlov: [narrating his book] You murder a man, and the moment it's done you're already retelling the story to yourself, so that the act of killing is not your act of killing, but belongs, instead, to some fictional simulacrum, in just the same way the men who murdered so prosaically in Auschwitz made peace with what they did; transmuted their memories like pieces of fiction, to the point where good and evil lost all meaning, and the only lights by which they steered were what they tasted, saw, and touched.

  • Tadek: I've got to know what Sadowski did to you.

    Kasia: You want to hear the truth?

    Tadek: It's all I have left.

  • [last lines]

    Kasia: I do this for my daughter. And for Krystof. This is the only... the only family I have. And nothing is going to get in its way. Because this is the best I can be. I'm sorry.