Dare Quotes

  • Gabby: Excuse me Ms. Davis... um... I talked to my mom, and she said to tell you I'm really not comfortable playing Donna's girlfriend in some lesbian play.

    Ms. Davis: Please tell your mother that 'The Children's Hour' is a famous piece of literature, not some lesbian play.

  • Courtney: I guess that's what happens when you discover the power of a dick.

  • Ben Berger: I had my first kiss tonight.

    Alexa Walker: What? With who?

    Ben Berger: I also gave my first blowjob.

  • Johnny Drake: I'm not a fag, man.

    Ben Berger: Whatever, I'm not the sensitive one.

    Johnny Drake: When did you turn into evil Light Boy?

    Ben Berger: When you turned out to be a total poser.

  • Ben Berger: You can try and play all mature and worldly, but you're not. You're still the same scared, pathetic, perfect little girl.

    Alexa Walker: And you're still the same bitter, lonely loser who can't stand to see me have a life because you've never had one.