Young Babita: We missed training just for a day. What was the need to create such a big scene?
Young Geeta: What kind of father forces his daughters to become wrestlers? Make them wake up at 5 am to run. Works them like slaves. Makes them fight boys. And if they protest, he cuts their hair. May God never give anyone such a father.
Geeta's wedded friend: I wish God had given me such a father. At least your father thinks about you. Otherwise, our reality is the moment a girl is born, teach her to cook and clean, make her do all the household chores, and once she turns 14 - marry her off. Get rid of the burden. And hand her over to a man... whom she has never met. Make her bear children and raise them. That's all she is good for. At least your father considers you his child. He is fighting the whole world. He is silently tolerating their taunts. Why? So that the 2 of you can have a future... a life. What is he doing wrong?
Mahavir Singh Phogat: You have to fight in a way that people will remember you. If you win silver, sooner or later, you will be forgotten. If you win gold, you will be an example, And examples are given, child... not forgotten. See those girls? If you win tomorrow, you will not win alone. Millions of girls like them will win along with you. It will be a victory for every girl who is considered inferior to boys; who is forced into household chores, who is married off to just raise children. Tomorrow's match is the most important one. Because tomorrow, we are not fighting just that Australian, but all those people who think lesser of girls.
[from trailer]
Mahavir Singh Phogat: All along, I was desperate for a son so he could win a gold in wrestling for India. But what didn't occur to me was that gold is gold. Whether won by a boy or a girl.
[after too much strict training and ruthlessness]
Young Geeta: Enough of wrestling, now's time for the real fight.
Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.
Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.
Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.
Daya Kaur: But wrestling is only for boys.
Mahavir Singh Phogat: You think our girls are any lesser than boys?
Dangal Quotes
Virgil 2022-01-28 08:04:47
There were three brothers, three sisters, three mothers and three uncles in the audience. Everyone stood up when they sang! Very burning! Worth seeing!
Sincere 2022-03-16 09:01:04
Think it's well done and there's no point talking about patriarchy in the comments because it's not an educational film, it's a film, if Aamir Khan plays an authoritarian father, then it disgusts you because he plays it well . It is boring to discuss whether the values of the movie are correct or not. The movie is just telling a story. Who stipulates that the protagonist must have correct values. Is the value of the murderer of "Chainsaw" correct?