Jehnna: I go where I feel myself led.
Conan: So I've noticed.
Jehnna: I suppose nothing hurts you.
Conan: Only pain.
Malak: A fine magician you are! Go back to juggling apples.
Malak: I think we made the merchant angry.
Conan: Are you surprised?
Malak: But we didn't steal everything he had!
Conan: We didn't have time.
Malak: Why are they trying to kill us?
Conan: Maybe they want to capture us, and torture us to death.
Conan: Into the boat!
Akiro 'The Wizard': Death to the world.
Conan: Life for Valeria.
Jehnna: How do you attract a man? What I mean is, suppose you set your heart on somebody. What would you do to get him?
Zula: Grab him! And take him!
Malak: My brother's sister's cousin never said anything about bars.
Jehnna: Conan! There are six of them against her!
Conan: One, two, three... I think you're right.
Conan: I need you.
Akiro 'The Wizard': I'm yours!
Conan: Enough talk!
Man Ape: Too late, my friends... , but come... Come anyway.
Jehnna: Could there ever be anyone else?
Conan: - Drunk - Another Queen? Lot on your knife... Uh, not on your life!
Conan: [Drunk, helping Jenna with throwing his sword up, hits Malik in the head] Good. Now you're ready to take on anybody!
Akiro 'The Wizard': The bars were put up after your sister's brother's cousin escaped!
Malak: Cousin's sister's brother. How many times do I have to tell you that?
Zula: Who cares who it is? What difference does it make?
[first lines]
Akiro 'The Wizard': [voiceover] Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world. Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, sword in hand. It is I, his chronicler, who knows well his saga. Now, let me tell you of the days of high adventure.
[last lines]
Akiro 'The Wizard': [voiceover] So it was that Conan mourned his lost Valeria. At length he sought adventure in distant lands and trod the jeweled thrones of the earth beneath his sandaled feet. Until at last, he found his own kingdom and wore his crown upon a troubled brow.
Conan the Destroyer Quotes
Extended Reading