Ezra: [recording] Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Cold and wet. But it burns. Sucking the life out of everything. It came down in the rock. It lives in the well. It grew down there. Poisoning everything. Changing everything. Into something like the world it came from. Into what it knows. We all know it's coming, but we can't get away. It's got everything that lives. They all drunk the water. It got strong. Fed itself on them. It came from the stars... where things ain't like they are here. It's just a color. But it burns. It sucks, and it burns. It burns.
Lavinia: Do you believe me now?
Nathan Gardner: I don't know what I believe anymore.
Ward: What touched this place cannot be quantified or understood by human science. It was just a color out of space. A messenger from realms whose existence stuns the brain and numbs us with the gulfs that it throws open before our frenzied eyes.
Lavinia: [seeing Jack whistle sit down in the garden] Jack? What are you doing?
Jack: Sshh... he's talking to me.
Lavinia: Who? Who's talking to you?
Jack: The man in the well.
Benny: Is this thing radioactive?
Nathan: Christ I hope not
[seeing his blood after to be shot]
Nathan: The color it's so bright... like flowers.
Ward: [about Ezra's cat] What's her name?
Benny: G-spot.
Ward: [puzzled] What?
Benny: [funny] What? Come on. That's like the coolest name ever. A pussy named G-Spot? It's totally hilarious.
Lavinia: What're you gonna do?
Nathan: Handle it.
Lavinia: Like you handled the alpacas?
Nathan: Drink? I'm having one.
Lavinia: [watching his father on TV] Yeah, I think the freaked-out-abductee look suits you pretty well.
Benny: [snarling] I'm not your barn bitch.
Lavinia: [sarcastic] Actually, you are.
Theresa: God, you know, I hear myself with her. I am turning into my mother.
Nathan Gardner: Oh, God. You couldn't be any more different than your mother. Believe me.
Theresa: That's what everyone says until they are.
Nathan Gardner: What about me? Living on my father's old farm, exactly like I said I never would.
Theresa: But it's the first thing you've ever done he would have approved of.
Nathan Gardner: Yeah, I can still hear his intellectually abusive voice in my head: "You're never gonna be a painter, Nathan. So you can just get the fuck out of my sight, Nathan."
Benny: I mean, how can any of this even be possible?
Lavinia: That thing from the meteorite happened to them. It changes everything around it.
Benny: Not just matter. Time as well. Time, it stretches around it, like when you're approaching a black hole, right? I mean... I mean, how long have we been sitting here? How long has it been since Dad went out to the car?
Lavinia: [after Comet the horse escapes] Looks like we're gonna have to walk out of here.
Benny: In the dark? Through 12 miles of ancient woodland?
Lavinia: [surprised] Are you looking at my legs?
Ward: [shy] What? Oh. No. Um... No, I was...
Lavinia: [funny] Yeah, sure you weren't. Come on.
Nathan Gardner: Is there a doctor around here who's open on weekends? My son isn't feeling well...
Mayor Tooma: You can try the hospital in Arkham. They usually have somebody on the emergency desk.
Nathan Gardner: Isn't there anywhere closer?
Mayor Tooma: Welcome to life in the sticks.
Nathan Gardner: Who's this?
Lavinia: Oh, this is that weird guy I met by the river. Sorry, what was your name again?
Ward: Ward Phillips.
Nathan Gardner: Let me guess. Boston.
Ward: Providence, actually.
Ward: [using Ezra's headphones] What exactly am I supposed to be listening to?
Ezra: The people under the floor, dude. The aliens. They're there.
Ward: Well, yeah, it is strange. But it's probably geothermal activity or magnetic distortions.
Ezra: No, no.
Ward: Something like that.
Ezra: They came on the rock.
Ward: Look, no offense, Ezra, but that's pretty out there.
Ezra: You don't get it, do you? It's not out there. It's in here. It's in the static. It's in the moisture. Up is down. Fast is slow. What's in here is out there, and what's out there is in here now. Comprendo?
Ezra: Um, look, why don't you think about getting out of here for a while? I'm gonna be back tomorrow. I'll have some more equipment with me. I'm sure it will all make more sense in the morning.
Ward: Morning? Dude, it's already morning.
Nathan Gardner: [receiving Ward and Sheriff Pierce in his house] It's you. Toxologist.
Ward: I'm the hydrologist, sir, yeah. Um, we came to make sure you're okay.
Nathan Gardner: [touched] That's very kind of you. We've been having a hard time, you know? The car and telephone and Wi-Fi. Heh, life in the sticks.
[first lines]
Ward: West of Arkham the hills rise wild and there are valleys with deep woods that no ax has ever cut. There are dark, narrow glens where the trees slope fantastically where thin brooklets trickle without ever having caught the glimpse of sunlight. When I went into the hills and vales to survey for the new reservoir, they told me the place was evil. They told me this in Arkham, and because that is a very old town, full of witch legends, I thought the evil must be something which grandams had whispered to children through centuries. Then I saw the dark westward tangle of glens and slopes for myself and ceased to wonder at anything besides its own elder mystery.
[last lines]
Ward: I hope the dammed water that covers this place will be very deep. But even then I will never drink it. There are only a few of us that remember the strange days now. What touched this place cannot be quantified or understood by human science. It was just a color out of space, a messenger from realms whose existence stuns the brain and numbs us with the gulfs that it throws open before our frenzied eyes.
Nathan Gardner: You are even more beautiful to me now than ever.
Theresa: It's because you took your glasses off.
Nathan Gardner: [talking to Theresa about to din Cassoulet] Although apparently our daughter would rather have fast food.
Theresa: Uh, and just what kind of meat do you think you're eating at the Golden Arches?
Lavinia: I know it's mechanically retrieved, but it tastes like heaven.
Nathan Gardner: Then just wait until you try the alpaca meat next year. Then you'll know what heaven is.
Lavinia: No, I'm gonna puke. No one eats alpacas. They use them to make sweaters. I don't know why you bought them in the first place.
Nathan Gardner: [after an umcomfortable silence] Because they're the animal of the future, remember? Those Mayans knew what they were about.
Lavinia: [sarcastic] That's why they went extinct.
Ward: [screams in terror] You're dead, Nathan!
Ward: Oh, hey, I will let you know if I see G-spot.
Ezra: You might see her, but I don't think you'll recognize her.
Color Out of Space Quotes
Extended Reading