Ernesto de la Cruz: [from trailer] I have to sing. It's not just *in* me... It *is* Me.
[from trailer]
Clerk: [sneezes] I am terribly allergic.
Miguel: But Dante doesn't have any hair.
Clerk: And I don't have a nose, and yet, here we are.
[from trailer]
Héctor: What are you doing?
Miguel: I'm walking like a skeleton.
Héctor: No, skeletons don't walk like that.
Miguel: That's how *you* walk.
Héctor: No, I don't.
[Repeated line]
Abuelita: [to any musicans; shouts] No Music!
Héctor: [sings] Remember me, though I have to say goodbye / Remember me, don't let it make you cry / For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart / I sing a secret song to you, each night we are apart / Remember me, though I have to travel far / Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar / Know that I'm with you, the only way that I can be / Until you're in my arms again, remember me...
Mamá Imelda: [seeing Miguel in the Land of the Dead; surprised] Miguel?
Miguel: Mamá Imelda?
Mamá Imelda: [puts her hands on her hips; suspiciously to the rest of the Rivera family] WHAT is going on?
[Mamá Imelda has just taken Héctor's protrait from De La Cruz and is about to give Miguel her blessing to send him back home]
Mamá Imelda: Miguel, I give you my blessing, to go home and...
Miguel: ...never play music again.
[Mamá Imelda looks at Héctor and smiles]
Mamá Imelda: ...And never forget how much your family cares for you.
Mamá Imelda: Mijo, I was so worried.
[Hugs Miguel, then looks to Héctor resentfully]
Mamá Imelda: And you, how many times must I turn you away?
Héctor: Imelda...
Mamá Imelda: I want nothing to do with you! Not in life, not in death! I spent decades protecting my family from *your* mistakes. He spends five minutes with you, and I have to fish him out of a sinkhole!
Miguel: I wasn't in there because of Héctor. He was in there because of me. He was just trying to get me home! I didn't want to listen, but he was right! Nothing is more important than family. I'm ready to accept your blessing. And your conditions. But first, I need to find de la Cruz. To get Héctor's photo!
Mamá Imelda: What?
Miguel: So, he can see Coco again. Héctor should be on our ofrenda. He's part of our family.
Mamá Imelda: He *left* this family!
Miguel: He tried to go home to you and Coco. But de la Cruz murdered him!
Héctor: [sorrowfully] It's true, Imelda.
Miguel: And so what if it's true? You leave me alone with a child to raise, and I'm just supposed to forgive you?
Héctor: Imelda, I...
[Suddenly shudders and collapses to his knees, Imelda gasps]
Héctor: I'm running out of time. It's Coco.
Mamá Imelda: She's forgetting you.
Miguel: You don't have to forgive him. But you shouldn't forget him.
Mamá Imelda: I wanted to forget you. I wanted Coco to forget you, too, but...
Héctor: This is my fault, not yours. I'm sorry, Imelda.
Mamá Imelda: Miguel, if we help you get his photo, you will return home? No more music?
Miguel: Family comes first.
Mamá Imelda: I... I can't forgive you. But I will help you. So how do we get to de la Cruz?
Miguel: I... might know a way.
Mamá Imelda: [to Héctor; after Miguel reveals that Héctor didn't abandoned her, but was killed while trying to come back to her and that Ernesto took Héctor's portrait] I will never forgive you...
[suddenly smiles]
Mamá Imelda: But I will help you.
Ernesto de la Cruz: [after Héctor is taken away by security for attacking Ernesto after learning the truth about his death] I apologize, where were we?
Miguel: You were going to give me your blessing.
Ernesto de la Cruz: Yes, uh, si. Miguel, my reputation it is, ah, very important to me. I would hate to have you think...
Miguel: That you murdered Héctor, for his songs?
Ernesto de la Cruz: Ha ha. You don't think that, do you?
Miguel: I... no. Everyone knows you're, the... the good guy.
Ernesto de la Cruz: [Ernesto looks at Héctor's photo, and then puts it in his pocket]
Miguel: Papa Ernesto, my blessing?
Ernesto de la Cruz: [Ernesto looks at Miguel's marigold petal, and then crushes it into powder] Security, take care of Miguel. He'll be... extending his stay.
Miguel: [as he is taken away by security] WHAT? BUT I'M YOUR FAMILY!
Ernesto de la Cruz: And Héctor was my best friend. Success doesn't come for free, Miguel. You have to be willing to, do whatever it takes to... seize your moment. I know you understand.
Miguel: No, NO!
Miguel: [to Héctor, after learning that he is his real great great grandfather] A minute ago I thought I was related to a murderer! You're a total upgrade!
[Héctor gives Miguel an annoyed look]
Ernesto de la Cruz: [to Mamá Imelda] Don't I know you?
Mamá Imelda: [Smacks Ernesto with her shoe] That's for murdering the love of my life!
Ernesto de la Cruz: [Confused] Who the...?
Héctor: She's talking about me!
Héctor: I am the love of your life?
Mamá Imelda: I don't know, I am still angry at you!
Héctor: [Ernesto takes Miguel at the edge of the stadium] Ernesto, STOP!
[shudders and collapses to the floor]
Héctor: Leave the boy alone.
Ernesto de la Cruz: I've worked too hard, Hector. Too hard to let him destroy everything.
Héctor: He's a living child, Ernesto.
[the other family members turn the camera towards Ernesto and sets it to show through the big screens in front of the audience]
Ernesto de la Cruz: HE'S A THREAT!
[the audience gasps]
Ernesto de la Cruz: You think I'd let him go back to the land of the living WITH YOUR PHOTO? TO KEEP YOUR MEMORY ALIVE? No.
Ernesto de la Cruz: I am Ernesto de la Cruz, the greatest musician of all time!
Miguel: Hector's the REAL musician, you're just the guy who murdered him and stole his songs!
[the audience gasps]
Guy in audience: Murdered?
Ernesto de la Cruz: [grabs Miguel by the shirt collar] I am the one who is willing to do what it takes to seize my moment, whatever it takes.
[Throws Miguel off the stadium]
Miguel: This isn't a dream, then - you're all really out there.
Tía Victoria: You thought we weren't?
Miguel: Well, I don't know - I thought it might have been one of those made-up things adults tell kids! Like vitamins.
Tía Victoria: Miguel, vitamins are a real thing!
Miguel: Well, now I'm thinking maybe they could be.
Miguel: Are those... Alebrijes?
Tío Oscar: Real Alebrijes. Spirit creatures.
Tía Rosita: They guide souls on their journey.
Tío Felipe: Watch your step - they make 'caquitas' everywhere.
Frida Kahlo: [explaining her new performance piece to Miguel] Darkness - and from the darkness... a giant papaya! Dancers emerge from the papaya, and the dancers are all me! And they go to drink from the milk of their mother, who is a cactus, but, who is also me! And her milk is not milk, but tears!
Frida Kahlo: Is it too obvious?
Miguel: [unsure] I think it's... just the right amount of obvious.
Héctor: [singing for Chicharrón] Well everyone knows Juanita / Her eyes each a different color / Her teeth stick out / and her chin goes in / and her...
[he hesitates]
Héctor: ... knuckles, they drag on the floor.
Chicharrón: Those aren't the words!
Héctor: There are children present.
Héctor: Her hair is like a briar / She stands in a bow-legged stance / And if I weren't so ugly / She'd possibly give me a chance.
Chicharrón: [chuckles] Brings back memories. Gracias.
[exhales deeply as he vanishes]
Miguel: [after watching Chicharrón disappear] Wait... what happened?
Héctor: [sadly] He's been forgotten. When there's no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from this world. We call it the Final Death.
Miguel: Where did he go?
Héctor: No one knows.
Miguel: But I've met him! I could remember him when I go back.
Héctor: No. It doesn't work like that, chamaco. Our memories, they have to be passed down by those who knew us in life - in the stories they tell about us. But there's no one left alive to pass down Cheech's stories.
Héctor: Hey, it happens to everyone eventually.
Miguel: [to Mamá Coco, pointing at each of his cheeks] I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side. Dimple. No dimple. Dimple. No dimple.
Tío Oscar: [stares at Miguel's face] I miss my nose...
Mamá Imelda: [the Rivera family spots Mamá Imelda at the desk of a Family Reunion agent] I demand to speak to the person in charge.
Departures Agent: Sorry, señora it says here no one put up your photo.
Mamá Imelda: My family always, ALWAYS puts my photo on the ofrenda
[pulls off her shoe and begins beating the computer]
Mamá Imelda: That devil box tells you nothing but lies.
Papá Julio: [Approaches with fear] Mamá Imelda?
Mamá Imelda: Oh, mi familia! They wouldn't let me cross the bridge.
[Puts her shoe back on]
Mamá Imelda: Tell this woman and her devil box that my photo is on the ofrenda.
Papá Julio: Well, we-we never made it made it to the ofrenda.
Mamá Imelda: What?
Papá Julio: We ran into a, a...
[the family parts to reveal Miguel]
Mamá Imelda: [Gasp] Miguel?
Miguel: [Gives a hesitant wave] Mamá Imelda.
Mamá Imelda: What is going on?
Clerk: [Office door opens] You the Rivera family?
[States matter-of-factly]
Clerk: Well, you're cursed.
[after Ernesto is disgraced, and flung from the amphitheater, a guy returns from the concession stand]
Guy in audience: [to his wife, excitedly] What did I miss?
[Abuelita has just destroyed Miguel's guitar in front of the Rivera family. Miguel is in tears]
Abuelita: [smiling; lifting her hand to touch Miguel's cheek] Aw, it's okay. You can weep with your family.
Miguel: [slapping her hand away; angrily and tearfully] I *DON'T* want to be part of *this family* anymore!
[Miguel runs away]
[Miguel is being chased by Mama Imelda, and he goes through a door in the alleyway]
Mamá Imelda: I am trying to save your life!
Miguel: You're ruining my life!
Mamá Imelda: [shocked] What?
Miguel: Music's the only way that makes me happy. And, you wanna take that away! You'll never understand!
[Miguel turns to leave, but then he stops when he hears Mama Imelda singing a verse of "La Llorona"]
Miguel: [questioned, turning back] I thought you hated music.
Mamá Imelda: [smiling nostalgically] I LOVED it! I remember that my husband would play, and I loved to sing, and nothing else mattered.
[stops smiling; calmly]
Mamá Imelda: But when we had Coco, there was something that mattered more than music. I wanted to put down roots. He wanted to play for the world. We each made a sacrifice to get what we want. Now, you must make a choice.
Miguel: [resentfully] But, I don't want to pick sides. Why won't you just be on my side? That's what families do. Support you!
Miguel: But you never will...
[Miguel runs away, leaving Mama Imelda looking shocked and hurt]
Juan Ortodoncia: Gracias!
[repeated line]
Abuelita: No music!
Coco Quotes
Krista 2021-10-20 19:00:19
It can be said that every second is a routine, but still crying and barking, envy can talk about death in a calm and innocent mood like this
Trycia 2022-03-16 09:01:02
I guessed the whole story in less than 1/3 of the places. There are basically no unexpected surprises in the future. I can't say how bad it is. After all, it is an animation for children, and there are tears of laughter, but compared to Pixar This brand, I still don't want it to continue on the path of mediocrity.