Closed Circuit Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Mother: [walking in a busy market square] You really will have to rethink your lifestyle, you know?

    Pregnant Daughter: What lifestyle are you taking about, mum?

    Mother: Wine only on Fridays. And try to think about dark green vegetables.

    Young Man on Cellphone: [appearing another video monitor] So really, that's the same as saying we'll never see each other again. Well it is. It just is.

    Woman on Cellphone: [on another monitor] How can I do anything if I don't know what you want?

    Teenage Girl: [in the background] She was so upset about it, and I said to her, "Look," I said, "you've got boobs. They're there, look." Staying in is pathetic when she could be out having a good time.

  • Devlin: [viewing site of the bombing] I told you, nothing to see.

    Martin Rose: Nothing to look at, which is different.

  • Martin Rose: [at dinner party] Can I sit between two people who hate each other? I like to come as a relief.

  • Devlin: This room's bugged.

    Martin Rose: Not like you to be suspicious.

    Devlin: No, I'm just saying. It's routine around here. Confidential conversations are transcribed and filed away.

    Martin Rose: Better be careful what I say, then.

    Devlin: Yeah, or at least speak clearly. For the sake of the typist.

  • Attorney General: Look, Martin, I can imagine what you're thinking. How this looks to you.

    Martin Rose: I've made no allegation.

    Attorney General: But if we accept that they - that someone... Then we have to accept all sort of things which are simply unacceptable. And I will not accept that.

    Martin Rose: You really know how to clarify a situation, don't you?

    Attorney General: I'm not even here.

  • Joanna Reece: And that's where it all went wrong. That's why the secret is lethal.

    Martin Rose: Is that your headline?

    Joanna Reece: [scoffs] Huh, no headline without proof.

    Martin Rose: You've obviously never read a British newspaper.

  • Devlin: Martin, be careful.

    Martin Rose: It's a bit bloody late for that.

  • Claudia Simmons-Howe: What if they get us before he gets to court?

    Martin Rose: Well at least we bloody well tried.

  • Woman on Cellphone: [at Bourough Market] That's bullying. Just tell the teacher. Yes, being too friendly is the same as bullying.

  • Devlin: [to Martin Rose] I needed a cigarette. Patches don't work for me, my skin's too thick. Comes from working with bastards like you.

  • Devlin: [referring to Farroukh Erdogan] Well, he's born in a three-goat town on the Turkey-Iraq border.

  • Claudia Simmons-Howe: You broke into my chambers.

    Nazrul Sharma: It was open.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: After you unlocked it, I'm sure it was.

  • Nazrul Sharma: There are people who really want a conviction here. So if you're ever feeling, uh, bullied or intimidated...

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: [interrupting] Oh, I can cope with that, thank you.

    Nazrul Sharma: Or threatened.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: Threatened? And what do you mean by that exactly?

    Nazrul Sharma: You can give me a call.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: And what will you do?

    Nazrul Sharma: Whatever needs to be done, Claudia.

  • Joanna Reece: [at dinner party] Then they sent me back and said, "No, now you have to take off your shoes." And I mean, I'm wearing stilettos, right? What, do I have tiny, little explosives?

    Iqbal: You should try being Asian. I get stopped and searched every couple of weeks.

  • Piccola: [opening house door] Martin! You never come. Are you drunk?

    Martin Rose: [handing over bottle of wine for dinner party] Not yet.

  • Piccola: Martin, may I introduce Joanna?

    Martin Rose: Hello, Joanna.


    Martin Rose: I'm going through a vicious divorce at the moment and will soon be penniless, so from your point of view, what would be the point?

    Piccola: Joanna, he's famously awful.

  • Martin Rose: [to Chinese Chef] I just have some simple questions for you with one-word answers. 20 pounds a word.

  • Claudia Simmons-Howe: I used to do that.

    Emir Erdogan: What? Play Medal of Honor?

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: No, I used to get angry. Rather than help people who were trying to help me, I'd just say nothing as a way of getting my own back, even though the only person I was really hurting was myself.

  • Attorney General: [subtly threatening Martin Rose] And perhaps that weakness is the very reason you were chosen for this job.

  • Joanna Reece: But defense barristers who ask the wrong sorts of questions in this situation, well, they're sort of expendable, aren't they? Stay off the rooftops, Martin.

  • Martin Rose: There is doubt.

    Melissa: You lawyers, you like your fucking doubt, don't you? Well, I can't use doubt. I can only use certainty. I need certain knowledge in order to do my job.

  • Nazrul Sharma: They want you, in court. To give evidence. Are you okay with that, Emir?

    Emir Erdogan: [belligerently] I saw you. With my father.

    Nazrul Sharma: There's a lot of blokes look like me.

  • Claudia Simmons-Howe: [dejectedly] We're not strong enough to fight them, are we?

    Martin Rose: No.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: There's no good way out of this, is there? There's no... There is no right way out of this.

    Martin Rose: No. Sorry, Claudia.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: So how do we do it?

    Martin Rose: I'll call them, and tell them that we'll do as we're told.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: [chuckles incredulously] It's that simple?

    Martin Rose: Yes, that simple.

  • Nazrul Sharma: [strangling Claudia Simmons-Howe with a wire] You have every advantage our society can offer, but will you defend it, huh? No, you leave that to someone else. So I fight a war against men who'd see you wrapped up in a mask the moment you look like a woman.

  • Claudia Simmons-Howe: [referring to Martin Rose's son] How old is he now?

    Martin Rose: Old enough to know how much I fucked up his life. In so many ways, you were the worst thing that ever happened to me.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: [smiling] Oh? You are undoubtedly the worst thing that ever happened to me.

  • Attorney General: [to Martin Rose, insinuatingly] A calamity for justice, of course. Now, we can fret about it, become indignant, write an angry letter to the newspapers or our Members of Parliament. Won't make any difference.

    [Silent scenes showing Farroukh Erdogan in jail cell being strangled with a wire by MI5 agent]

    Attorney General: Emir's evidence is being heard in closed session, and that is where it will remain. It will be presented in accordance with the law, then the evidence will be placed in a box. The box will then be closed, and it will never be opened again.

  • Claudia Simmons-Howe: You blame yourself.

    Martin Rose: Mostly.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: Well, that's good. The old Martin Rose would never have accepted the blame for anything.

    Martin Rose: I only said "Mostly."

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: Well, that's even better 'cause that means the old Martin Rose has not entirely gone.

  • Martin Rose: And for the next bit, you tell me that uhm... the law needs men of integrity.

    Claudia Simmons-Howe: Yeah, it does. But that doesn't mean that there's also a place for someone like you.

Extended Reading
  • Kameron 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    All kinds of seasonings, all kinds of tasteless

  • Jorge 2022-04-05 09:01:07

    She's also a big beauty, the more she looks, the more sleepy she gets. How come she didn't have an orgasm at the end?