Chucky: [as Andy places Chucky in the fireplace and gets ready to light it up] No, Andy, NO!
Chucky: We're friends 'til the end! Remember?
Andy: This is the end, friend!
[Andy lights the fireplace and Chucky starts to scream as he burns]
Andy Barclay: Chucky says Aunt Maggie was a bitch and got what she deserved.
Karen Barclay: Andy! How can you say something so horrible?
Andy Barclay: I didn't say it! Chucky did!
Chucky: Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play?
Lucy: Ugly doll!
Chucky: [as the elevator rises up] Fuck you...
Chucky: [as he attacks Mike Norris while he's driving] Good night, asshole!
Karen Barclay: [she grabs Chucky] Talk to me.
Karen Barclay: Come on, talk!
Karen Barclay: I said, "talk to me", damn it!
[Chucky gives no answer]
Karen Barclay: All right! I'll make you talk!
[Karen grabs Chucky, lights up her fireplace and holds Chucky near the fire]
[Chucky comes alive]
[Chucky attacks Karen]
Mike Norris: Give it up, Ray. It's over.
Chucky: The only person that I let in on the fact that I was still alive was a six-year-old kid. I'm gonna be six years old again. Well, John, it's been fun, but I gotta go. I have a date with six-year-old boy... and you have a date with death.
Chucky: Hello, John. Over here. Hi. It's me, Chucky. What do you think? The gri-gri work? You know, when I came here learning that stuff about how to cheat death, I thought maybe you were pulling my chain. But, not now. Uh, uh. Not now. Only one problem.
Dr. Death: What?
Chucky: This. I didn't think anybody could hurt me. But, last night I got shot. And you know something? It hurt... It hurt like a son of a bitch, it even bled! Why is that, John?
Dr. Death: You're turning human.
Chucky: [in shock] What?
Dr. Death: The more time you spend in that body, the more human you become.
Chucky: You mean I have to live out the rest of my life in this body? No fucking way!
[points his finger]
Chucky: You got me into this, you get me out!
Dr. Death: I can't do that, Chucky.
Chucky: Why not?
Dr. Death: Because, you're an abomination. An outrage against nature! You've perverted everything I've taught you and used it for evil! And you have to be stopped!
Charles Lee Ray: You hear this, you son of a bitch! I'm gonna get you for this! I'm gonna get you and I'm gonna get Eddy, no matter what!
Andy: His real name is Charles Lee Ray and he's been sent down from Heaven by daddy to play with me.
Lucy: Look, George. Some child left their doll on the elevator.
George: Leave it alone. Let whoever is looking for it find it, and it will be there.
Chucky: [screaming] GIVE ME THE BOY AND I'LL LET YOU LIVE!
[first lines]
Mike Norris: I got the strangler! Wabash and Van Buren.
Mike Norris: [Chucky has just attempted to strangle Jack] Believe me now?
Jack Santos: Yeah... but who's gonna believe ME?
Andy: Look, you stay here; I have to go tinkle.
Chucky: Hi Mikey!
Chucky: Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'm your friend till the end. Hidey-ho!
Eddie Caputo: Oh shit,
[silently, after he watches Charles lee Ray get shot by Detective Norris; Jack Santos pulls up in a marked squad car]
Eddie Caputo: OH SHIT!
Karen Barclay: Andy, who're you talking to?
Andy Barclay: Chucky.
Karen Barclay: Chucky, huh?
Andy Barclay: Yeah. He's sitting right over there.
Karen Barclay: Chucky's been talking to you too hasn't he?
Andy Barclay: Yes.
Karen Barclay: What's he been saying?
Andy Barclay: All kinds of things. His real name is Charles Lee Ray. And he's been sent down, from Heaven, by Daddy to play with me.
Karen Barclay: Anything else?
Andy Barclay: Yes. He said Aunt Maggie was a real bitch, and got what she deserved.
Karen Barclay: Andy, how could you say something so horrible?
Andy Barclay: I didn't say it Chucky did.
Karen Barclay: Andy, you're making this up.
Andy Barclay: But I'm not. Chucky's alive. Really, he is.
Karen Barclay: Andy! Chucky... Chucky's a doll. He's made out of plastic and stuffing. Now look at him - look at him. Now does he *look* like anything else to you?
Andy Barclay: Don't! You'll hurt him!
Karen Barclay: Andy! LOOK! Now, you really don't think Chucky is alive, do you?
Andy Barclay: But he is.
Karen Barclay: Andy, *STOP IT!* Please!
Andy Barclay: It's 'cause of Aunt Maggie, you're yelling at me, isn't it?
Karen Barclay: Yes, I guess it is.
Andy Barclay: I'm sorry. I'll stop telling stories.
Karen Barclay: Okay. You wanna sleep in with me tonight?
Andy Barclay: No, it's alright. I've got Chucky.
[Karen leaves. Andy turns to Chucky]
Andy Barclay: You're right, Chucky. She didn't believe me.
Maggie Peterson: Okay, mister. What do you have to say about this?
Andy Barclay: About what?
Maggie Peterson: You know what I'm talking about. Turning the TV on, and putting Chucky in front of it, when I told you it was time to go to bed.
Andy Barclay: I didn't do that.
Maggie Peterson: Oh no? Then what did Chucky do? Walk into the living room and turn it on, all by himself?
Andy Barclay: Did you do that Chucky?
Maggie Peterson: Andy! Stop it! Now, get under the covers. Hurry!
Andy Barclay: But, Aunt Maggie...
Maggie Peterson: Under the covers and not another word!
Andy Barclay: But, I didn't put Chucky in front of the TV.
Maggie Peterson: Okay. Enough, alright? Now goodnight.
Andy Barclay: Goodnight, Aunt Maggie.
[Maggie leaves. Andy turns to Chucky]
Andy Barclay: I told you she'd be mad if you watched the news.
[repeated line]
Chucky: [after Karen Barclay's gun jams after aiming at Chucky] What's wrong, gun jammed?
[Chucky screams viciously and charges at Karen]
Karen Barclay: The heart, the heart! Shoot it in the heart!
Charles Lee Ray: [after being shot] Oh God, I'm dying!
Charles Lee Ray: [Stumbling and breathing heavily after being shot] I- I gotta find something here!
Chucky: [Karen opens Chucky's battery slot and finds that there are no batteries in the doll] HI, I'M CHUCKY! WANNA PLAY?
[Karen screams and drops the Chucky doll on the floor]
Maggie Peterson: Karen!
Karen Barclay: Hi.
Maggie Peterson: You know that doll that you wanted for Andy. Only costs a hundred bucks?
Karen Barclay: Yeah. The Good Guy doll.
Maggie Peterson: There's a peddler in the alley. Behind the store. And I think he's got one.
Karen Barclay: What? What would a peddler be doing with a doll?
Maggie Peterson: Who cares! Would you grab your purse and come on? We can get a deal on it.
Karen Barclay: But, I can't just leave my counter.
Maggie Peterson: Do you want the damn doll or don't ya?
Karen Barclay: Of course I do.
Maggie Peterson: Well, then come on.
[grabs Karen's hand]
Maggie Peterson: Come on!
Karen Barclay: Alright!
Maggie Peterson: [opens garage door] There he is.
[Maggie & Karen walk over to Peddler]
Maggie Peterson: Okay. Show her.
[Peddler presents Good Guy doll]
Maggie Peterson: [to Karen] Well, is it a Good Guy or not?
Maggie Peterson: It is. It is!
Maggie Peterson: Yeah, well, I told you.
Karen Barclay: Oh, uh, how much do you want for it?
Peddler: Fifty bucks.
Maggie Peterson: Ten and not a penny more.
Peddler: Thirty.
Maggie Peterson: W-What? Are you kidding? That thing is not worth thirty dollars.
Peddler: Hey, look, take it or leave it. Somebody else can buy it.
Karen Barclay: I'll take it!
Maggie Peterson: Karen! It's too much money.
Karen Barclay: No, it isn't. You have no idea how much Andy wants this doll.
Maggie Peterson: But, we don't even know if the damn thing works.
Peddler: [hands Karen Good Guy doll box] There you go, lady. May it bring you and your kid a lot of joy, huh.
Karen Barclay: Thank you.
Maggie Peterson: Hey, hold on, you! H-How do we know if the damn thing isn't stolen, huh?
Peddler: Ah, steal this!
[gives inappropriate gesture to Maggie]
Maggie Peterson: Ah, steal this, yourself.
Karen Barclay: Maggie.
[grabs Maggie's hand]
Maggie Peterson: I think I dated him.
Karen Barclay: [laughs] Come on, we gotta get back to work.
Mr. Criswell: [Karen and Maggie return to their shift] Miss Barclay so nice of you to drop by, had a nice break?
Karen Barclay: Sorry Mr. Criswell I was only gone for a moment.
Maggie Peterson: Don't be hard on her Mr. Criswell we were just downstairs getting her son a birthday present.
Mr. Criswell: We have specified break times for activities like that Miss Peterson.
[to Karen]
Mr. Criswell: Mrs. Howell has taken sick and we're short handed tonight. You have to fill in for her.
Karen Barclay: [Taken aback] I can't! I have to pick up my son from daycare in an hour!
Mr. Criswell: I' m sorry but this is an emergency.
Maggie Peterson: Wait a second. I will take over for her.
Mr. Criswell: Miss Peterson you work in shoes, not in jewelery. You'll simply have to do it. Now you can take off at 5 but you have to be back by 7.
Karen Barclay: It's my son's birthday.
Mr. Criswell: Miss Barclay, are you happy with your job here?
Karen Barclay: [Defeated] Yes of course I am.
Mr. Criswell: Then I suggest that...
Maggie Peterson: [Interrupting] Chill out will you, Walter? I will take of Andy for you.
Karen Barclay: Oh Maggie you can't.
Maggie Peterson: Don't be silly. It will be the hottest date I had in months.
Mr. Criswell: [sarcastically] I can't imagine why.
Karen Barclay: [Sarcastically] He wants you for a best friend... Yeah sure.
Chucky: Well John it's been fun but I got to go. I have a date with a 6 year old boy and you have a date with death!
[Stabs John's voodoo doll]
Chucky: So long John!
Karen Barclay: Hey mister! I'm not going to hurt you. Do you remember me?
Peddler: No I don't.
Karen Barclay: I bought a doll from you.
Peddler: Doll?
Karen Barclay: Yes a Good-Guy doll with my friend at the back of the department store a few days ago. Do you remember?
Peddler: Oh yeah doll. What about it?
Karen Barclay: Where did you get it?
Peddler: What would you give if I told you?
Karen Barclay: I don't have much!
[Takes money out of her purse]
Karen Barclay: You're welcome to whatever I have!
Peddler: [Snatches the money and throws it away] Not enough! What else you got?
Karen Barclay: That's all I got!
Peddler: All you got? Is that all you got?
[Looks at Karen's legs]
Peddler: You have a lot!
Karen Barclay: [Petrified] No!
[the peddler undoes his fly and forces himself onto her]
Karen Barclay: No stop!
Mike Norris: Miss Barclay!
Karen Barclay: Detective Norris!
Mike Norris: You no been to school to pick up your son yet?
Karen Barclay: No I came directly from work why?
Mike Norris: Let's go to my office!
Karen Barclay: Is there something wrong with Andy?
Mike Norris: Please!
[Referring that Andy is in the station]
Mike Norris: I don't know how to tell you this Miss Barclay.
Karen Barclay: Tell me what?
Male TV Newscaster: Good evening. WDOL with a late-breaking report: Eddie Caputo repeated accomplice of Charles Lee Ray, has just escaped from the Michigan Avenue precinct. More details to follow on the news at 9, next.
Child's Play Quotes
Deanna 2022-03-27 09:01:06
I watched it when I was a kid, had nightmares after watching it
Demetrius 2021-12-08 08:01:49
Chucky's idea is very good, the technical work is also good, the story is still those old things... In addition, the ghost doll XXG ghost doll bride = ghost doll Hanako (this equation can actually be established?! Hahahahahahaha