Children of Dune Quotes

  • Leto: I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. I will face my fear, I will let it pass through me.

  • Paul Atreides: The Golden Path is dangerous... the desert storm that cannot be stopped. You will become that storm; the whirlwind! And nothing will be able to stop you, not even yourself!

  • Ghanima: History is written on the sands of Arrakis. A chapter has ended, swept away by the whirlwind. One door has closed, but another has opened. And on the other side... our future...

  • Ghanima: He runs and runs and runs. And when he's exhausted himself, he returns to me, puts his head in my lap and asks me to help him find a way to die.

    Farad'n Corrino: But why does he want to die?

    Ghanima: To save himself from the sacrifices he must make, sacrifices for the future of us all

    Farad'n Corrino: Then there is a place for me in this future?

    Ghanima: Your blood was spared the day Leto came back to me.

    Farad'n Corrino: What of our marriage then?

    Ghanima: [Ghani turns around] As my mother was not wife, you shall never be husband.

    Farad'n Corrino: Politics.

    Ghanima: Politics. But in time, there my be love, which is more then my brother will have.

    [Ghani looks out into the desert]

    Ghanima: One of us had to accept the agony. He was always the stronger. History is written on the sands of Arrakis. A chapter has ended, swept away by the whirlwind. One door has closed but another has opened and on the other side... our future.

  • Alia: Mommy, help me.

    Leto: [sets a knife down in front of Alia] Help yourself.

  • Leto: Behold me, family!

    [lets out a sandworm's roar]

    Leto: I am Leto, Lion of Atreides, returned from the desert to announce Secher Nbiw - The Golden path, to rid humanity of the perversions done in Muad'dib's name and to save it from the abomination know as Alia

  • Leto: Alia's water. Take it into the desert and spread it upon the open sand in the midday sun. It is our way. Are you going back to Sietch Tabr?

    Stilgar: I wish to return to our old ways.

    Leto: The deserts dying, Stil.

    Stilgar: And the Freman too, I'm afraid.

    Leto: We're about to go through the crucible, but we'll come out the other side. We always arise from our own ashes. Everything returns later in its... changed form.

    Stilgar: [Leto hands Stil Pauls ring] Your grandfather's ring... and your father's.

    Leto: And now the Fremen's - to remind you of Muad'Dib. To remind you that all humans make mistakes, and that all leaders are but human.

  • Irulan: [obviously afraid as her stepchildren fly her near three large sandworms] Perhaps a slightly higher altitude would be advisable, Leto.

    Leto: Do you know, my father used to love being this close to the ground when he flew?

    Irulan: And you, of course, know this intuitively, don't you? Just like how you knew to fly it without any training.

    Leto: Don't forget your Bene Gesserit training, step-mother. Fear is the mind killer.

    Ghanima: I'm afraid she's about to let it pass through her.

  • Leto: I'm here, Father, as you knew I would be. We go forward; we go back. Don't be afraid. We're pre-born, my sister and I. Thanks to our mother and the spice... thanks to you! Yes, Father, it is me! Use my eyes, Father. Let me see for you.

  • Paul Atreides: I meddled in the future, in all possible futures, trying to create them. Instead they created me... and I became trapped by it.

  • Leto: Knowing there's a trap is the first step in evading it... the first step along the Golden Path. Don't be afraid, Father. The answer is right in front of you.

  • Duncan Idaho: They say he has gone on a journey... into the land where men walk without footprints. He will not be found. Yet all men will find him.

  • Lady Jessica Atreides: Concentrate on visualizing the flow of time. It must move, not you.

  • Leto: A myth I have allowed to persist until I am ready.

  • The Preacher: You have no idea who I am!

  • Reverend Mother Mohiam: What is the meaning of this?

    Priest: Helen Gaies Mohiam of the Bene Gesserit, You have violated Mua'Dib's eternal order never to set foot on Arrakis again.

    Reverend Mother Mohiam: I am not on Arrakis. I am in free space.

    Fremen: There is no such thing as free space where Mua'Dib rules.

  • Alia: I heard about your little stunt in the desert.

    Leto: Well, I prefer to think of it as expert flying but carry on...

    Alia: With your encouragement of course!

    Ghanima: Our Father's memories were very instructive.

    Alia: Well, I suppose I should be grateful I don't have to tell your grandmother you were lost to a worm before she was supposed to see you.

    Ghanima: That would have been an unpleasant task, wouldn't it?

  • Leto: It is all we may ever have.

  • Leto: Put the weapon away, cast out. That is what you are? Adopting the cameleon colors of a smuggler tribe in order to keep your true identities hidden.

    Sabiha: Allowing us to survive, trading Spice.

    Leto: That's not all, is it? You're breeding Sand Trout. I've seen the holding pens. Selling Worms off-planet you hope to break the Atreides monopoly on Spice.

    Sabiha: It is dangerous for you to know these things.

    Leto: More dangerous for you; none of your Worms survive long away from Dune.

    Sabiha: Not yet.

    Leto: Not ever.

    [takes a drink of Spice]

    Sabiha: You're already saturated with Spice.

    Leto: Then it can no longer harm me. I have survived the Crucible Sabiha. I have silenced the voices within that would have possessed me. Only I remain now; to do what I must do.

    Sabiha: And what is that?

    Leto: Save the desert.

  • Gurney Halleck: My loyalty is to House Atreides.

    Leto: Well, I am House Atreides.

    Gurney Halleck: And what of your Aunt?

    Leto: My Aunt is lost; lost to forces she could not control. Forces that wish to destroy House Atreides.

    Gurney Halleck: What have you done to yourself?

    Leto: I have made a choice, accepted a destiny, nothing more.

    Gurney Halleck: My eyes can see it; but my mind refuses to believe.

    Leto: Believe it Gurney. Remember the words of my father and my grandfather, your Duke. They spoke to you of Desert Power. Well, I AM Desert Power, and nothing can stop what is going to happen.

  • The Preacher: [feeling Leto's sandworm skin, speaking in Fremen language] This is no good!

    Leto: [spoken in Fremen language] This is all the good we may ever have.

  • Leto: I am a desert creature.

  • The Preacher: You cannot control the future!

  • The Preacher: He was trapped by his own prophesy. A victim of what he knew he could not choose!

  • Leto: So I have chosen! To make a world where human kind can create its own future from moment to moment... Free of one man's vision... Free from the perversions of the prophet's words. And free of future predetermined.

  • Leto: [tearing] How many nights... I have sat on Dune, just like this, imagining a night, just like this, with... with my father. Just the two of us... talking and laughing. And how many nights I have gone to sleep on the cold floor of the sietch, dreaming of his arms around me, sheltering me from everything I was afraid of, everything I could not understand!

    The Preacher: [pause] Are you still a good fremin?

    Leto: Yes.

    The Preacher: Then will you permit a blind man to go out into the desert, and find peace on his own terms?

    Leto: Not yet.

  • Leto: We're about to go through the crucible. But we'll come out the other side. We always arise from our own ashes. Everything returns later in its changed form.

  • Leto: Remember the words of my father and my grandfather, your duke. They spoke to you of desert power. I am desert power and nothing can stop what is going to happen.

  • Wensicia: Don't you find it interesting Jessica, how the sins of the mother bloom in the children they bear?

  • Alia: I hate you. I love you. I will never forgive you.

  • Leto: To know the future is to be trapped by it, Grandmother. My father knew it but he couldn't escape it. I want more freedom than that! A universe of surprises, that is what I pray for.

    Lady Jessica Atreides: Is such a universe possible for someone like you?

    Leto: Possible? Yes. But is it desireable? I have a difficult decision to make, Grandmother. Do I accpet the Atreides mystic, dress myself in our myths, live for my subjects and die for them? Or do I choose another path? A golden path? One that may change me, may change human destiny forever?

  • Irulan: I did love your son, Jessica. And I would have made him a good wife. Instead I have satisfied myself being a good teacher to his children and friend. Nothing, nothing will harm them as long as I can prevent it. Do you understand?

  • Lady Jessica Atreides: I don't understand.

    Leto: No, I know you don't. Because you do not understand time.

    Lady Jessica Atreides: I can help you, Leto.

    Leto: Oh, on the contrary, Grandmother. It is I who will help you.

    [using the Voice]

  • Alia: One day each of you will come face to face with the horror of your own existence. One day you will cry out for help. One day each of you will find yourselves alone.

  • [repeated line]

    Leto: My skin is not my own.

  • Wensicia: You insolent bastard!

    Farad'n Corrino: Let's not discuss your weaknesses now, mother.

  • Bijaz: Forgeting is not having till the words are right.

  • Lady Jessica Atreides: I hate this planet, Gurrney, stole both men I loved.

  • Irulan: I am his wife!

    Chani: You have his name! I am the one he calls wife!

  • Irulan: [narrated] When religion and politics ride in the same cart, the whirlwind follows.

  • Irulan: Must you insist on sneaking away like this?

    Ghanima: I still feel him


    Ghanima: , Irulan, his presence; sometimes I even think I can hear his laughter in the wind.

    Irulan: Mocking your decision to marry Farad'n I hope?

    Ghanima: Why should he mock it?

    Irulan: I cannot stand by and let you be used as a pawn in Alia's schemes.

    Ghanima: Is that what you think? That I'm being used? That I've agreed to this marriage as part of some conspiracy with Alia?

    Irulan: No, but I know you Ghani, there is more to your decision than anyone else believes.

    Ghanima: Alia wants my grandmother back, Farad'n is simply the means.

    Irulan: But what do you want?

    Ghanima: Farad'n's blood on the wedding sheets, not mine.

  • Alia: We will have a corner on the scarcest commodity in the universe!

    Lady Jessica Atreides: You will have a corner in hell!

  • Chani: ...I suddenly feel like we have so little time.

    Paul Atreides: We have eternity.

    Chani: You have eternity. I have only now.

  • Fremen: They say the price on your head keeps going up.

    Stilgar: Then I say unto you, send men to summon worms! And we shall go to Arkeen to collect.

  • Alia: Very well. I'm returning to the palace... I have a wedding to attend.

  • Duncan Idaho: Even your empire must spend its time, then die.

  • Lady Jessica Atreides: I could have killed you.

    Farad'n Corrino: It wouldn't have been that easy.

    [he slips away]

    Farad'n Corrino: ...I didn't truly think it was possible, and then my mind melted away. I gave up fighting you, and it happened.

    Lady Jessica Atreides: It wasn't me you were fighting.

    Farad'n Corrino: It was myself. All that I've learned, all the nonsense I've imprisoned myself with - I feel... I feel like I'm being reborn, like I'm standing on the threshold of something extraordinary.

    Lady Jessica Atreides: Para-Bindu balance, Farad'n. But only on the threshold.

    Farad'n Corrino: [chuckles] Patience?

    Lady Jessica Atreides: Yes, patience. Remember, it's one thing to gain control of your perceptions, quite another to gain control of your desires.

    Farad'n Corrino: And if I succeed?

    Lady Jessica Atreides: You'll find reality to be quite a bit different than you thought.