Chalet Girl Quotes

  • Richard: [pointing at a helicopter] You ever been in one of these things?

    Kim: [impressed but ultracool] Yeah, we have one at home. This one's pretty small actually.

    Richard: Do we pay extra for irony?

    Kim: No, the irony's free, it's the sarcasm you're paying for. Ironically...

  • Willy: I always tell the mountains my problems.

    Willy: They are a good listener.

  • Interviewer 2: You're a lovely girl, but I'm just not sure...

    Kim: Let me try. You're just not sure I'm the right kind of girl for your clients. It's hard to say why exactly, but it's probably something to do with the fact that I'm not called Arabella, or Isabella, or anything-Bella. That I don't have hundred-quid highlights, perfect nails, I'm just guessing here. Expensively trimmed pubes. So even though I might be the only person with actual experience, and actual work in the actual real world, and you know I'd try really really hard, I'm just not the right kind of girl. Is that about the size of it?

    Interviewer 2: About there, yes.

    [answering phone]

    Interviewer 2: This is Bella.

  • Georgie: Three golden rules of chalet girling. One, no friends up in the chalet. Two, you can party all you like as long as breakfast is on the table at eight. You're asleep, you pack your bags.

    Kim: Friends, breakfast - check.

    Georgie: Three, no sleeping with the clients. Unless they're fit. Or minted. Or hitting on you.

    Kim: Basically there's only two rules.

    Georgie: Basically, yeah.

  • Bill: [on the phone] How's it going?

    Kim: Fine.

    Bill: What are the people like?

    Kim: There, uh, fine. If it doesn't work out I can always nick one of the paintings.

  • Mikki: Jumping is easy. Landing is hard.

  • Charles: The global financial melt-down is something that happened to other people, wasn't Madsen?

    Richard: I warned you about those sub-primes. Greed's only good when it comes to lunch.

  • Kim: My mum always used to say, "You've got brains in your head, feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose."

    Jonny: Clever girl, your mum.

  • Willy: Do you want to talk about it? A barman's cheaper than a shrink.

    Kim: A beer's cheaper than a barman.

    Willy: I'm pretty cheap.

    Willy: Beer doesn't talk back either.

  • Kim: What is it with you people walking in on me naked?

  • Caroline: She's a chalet girl. My God, it is such a cliché. I wouldn't have minded so much if you were discrete, but Bernhardt said the two of you were all over each other. On the beginner slope.

    Jonny: Bernhardt could learn a few things about being discrete himself.

    Caroline: Honey, do you realize what you're risking, here? You have to stop this right now, or I will!

    Jonny: This isn't "Jane Austin", mom. Look when you and dad met...

    Caroline: Enough, Jonathan. I just think you can do better.

    Jonny: Well, I don't think *dad* could have done better.

    Caroline: Look, your father and I, we got lucky. But believe me, this girl is only after one thing.

    Kim: [walking up] Yeah, and it was *great*.

    Caroline: [turning] Is there a reason you're still here?

    Jonny: Look Kim, can we just...

    Kim: Oh, there's a noise. I can't quite... oh that's right, it's a lying bastard.

  • Jonny: [having called off the engagement] You're not upset?

    Richard: She's lovely, but I trust you. Your mother, on the other hand...

    Caroline: [unknowingly addressing party guests] Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the happy couple.

    Richard: [to Jonny] In the unlikely event of an emergency landing, the cabin crew will direct you to the nearest available exit...

    Richard: [now walking toward Caroline] Okay baby, let's get you drunk.

  • T4 Presenter: [crowd cheering wildly] She is so sweet my teeth hurt!

  • Jonny: Congratulations. So I guess your hourly rate just shot through the roof?

    Kim: Oh right, it's the lying bastard.

    Jonny: Technically, I never lied to you.

    Kim: Withholding-the-truth bastard.

  • Jonny: I have an idea that i would like to run through you. How, how , how would you feel if we didn't get married? How, how would that sit with you?

    Chloe: Good idea

    Jonny: Really?

    Chloe: [nods]

    Jonny: You're okay with this?

    Chloe: Of course I'm not okay with it.

    Jonny: Look, I understand it's bad timing.

    Chloe: Do you really?


    Chloe: Ending a 5 year relationship in the middle of our engagement party? Yes, I think that constitutes bad timing.

  • Georgie: Do you want to prep the veg?

    Kim: I live to prep veg.

    [picks up the carrots]

    Kim: Alright, come one, carrots, we've got a big game coming up! I want to see each and every one of you giving 110%!

    Georgie: Are you done?

    Kim: Yeah.

    [puts the carrots away without peeling or cutting them]