Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Quotes

  • Diggs: You'll never get away with this, Kitty!

    Kitty Galore: Oh, I was hoping someone would tell me I'd never get away with this! It makes it so much more satisfying when I *do*!

  • Lou: Tab Lazenby. So you're the new fat cat at MEOWS. And by that, I mean you should really switch to skimmed milk.

    Tab Lazenby: Oh, Lou, so catty. I see they've given you the key to the executive dumpster. All that butt-sniffing finally paid off.

  • [From trailer]

    Kitty Galore: I will enslave all mankind!

    [laughs evilly]

  • Kitty Galore: Meow!

  • Kitty Galore: Behold, my glorious device!

  • Diggs: I love bein' a spy dog!

  • Diggs: [upon seeing D.O.G. HQ] This is like Petco meets Vegas!

  • Calico: You guys aren't mad, are you?

    Catherine: Where's Kitty? Start talking now, or these dogs are gonna into you like a bag of Snausages.

  • Seamus: This is a story, 3 species putting aside differences to solve a mystery.

  • Diggs: You wanna bite something pal? Bite this!

  • Shane: Suspended?

    Captain Flemming: This dog's a disaster! We've sent him to obedience school, what, three times now? And he still won't listen.

    Shane: Dont put him back into the system. He's been in and out of kennels his whole life, he's never had a home. I tell you what, I will adopt him.

    Captain Flemming: Sorry Shane, he's state property. Besides, you have a new baby now, you don't need this kind of trouble at home. Let him go Shane, let him go.

    Captain Flemming: Captain, please don't make me do this.

    Gruff K-9: Nice one Diggs.

  • Butch: Team, huddle up.

    Diggs: It's go time.

    Catherine: Save the dogs, save the world.

    Butch: First thing to do, get on top of that ride.

    Seamus: Yes! Wait is there a height requirement for this ride?

  • Catherine: Nice try Kitty, but there are a lot of dogs in this world, what are you going to do? Go door to door with your little sound? It would take you the rest of your nine lives.

    Kitty Galore: That's true, unless I had a... satellite!, why do you think I'm been telling you all this? I got time to kill until my satellite is in position, then, Once I beam the signal, It will instantly broadcast from every TV, radio and cell phone on earth!

  • Diggs: What do these guys want from me? I can't work with a cat. I don't want to go back to the kennel either. Ever lived in a cage, my friend?

    Seamus: Huh, I wish, the little swing, sunflower seeds, that little mirror to hang with.

    Diggs: Aw man, I wish I was back with my partner Shane, now that was a sweet setup.

    Seamus: You know who has the sweetest setup? Cats! Hmm hmm hmm, Talking about cushy. They're pampered like royalty. This one house that my cousin Nicky used to work at for Kitty Galore, it was a feline paradise!

    Diggs: House? What house?

    [bounds into the room]

    Diggs: Butch! I think I know where we can find Kitty!

  • Diggs: Alright team, we got work to do.

    Butch: You're not going anywhere.

    Diggs: What? Why not?

    Butch: Because you don't have your new collar... Agent.

    Seamus: Go ahead with you bad self, Bling!

    Lou: You guys ready to do this?

    Catherine: Work with a bunch of dogs again? How could I say no.

    Seamus: Absolutely! Wait we're talking about lunch right?

    Diggs: Alright team, Lets go kick some tail.

  • Calico: Okay, Okay! Look, I don't know where Kitty is, but I can tell you this. For months now, Kitty has been stealing technology from like NASA, or the pentagon, oh you should've seen what she got from Mr Windows. Now I'm just the middle cat, I take the parts, give them to pigeon carriers and they fly them to a secret location.

    Butch: Which is where?

    Calico: How should I know? It's a secret!

    Catherine: Hmm, Sounds like she's building something.

    Butch: But what?

    Catherine: Ahh, who could understand the mind of a crazy old cat?

    Calico: I know!

    Diggs: Wait what? You know what she's building?

    Calico: No, I know a crazy old cat. haha!

  • Butch: Diggs, you ruined everything. First you let the pigeon carrier, then you almost drowned us in kitty-litter. And now you let the MacDougalls escape!

    Diggs: Well I-I didn't blow up the ferry. I mean, that's something.

    Butch: I had it with you, you're un-trainable. I told Lou you didn't have what it takes to be an agent, and I was right.

    Diggs: What are you saying?

    Butch: I'm saying go home Diggs. You're off this team.

    Seamus: Umm I don't want to be rude but, the bird's still all good right?

    Butch: Come on, Seamus. We got work to do. What about you?

    Catherine: I'll umm, I catch up with you, I need to check-in with MEOWS first.

    Butch: Suit yourself.

    Seamus: Good luck dong.

    [Butch and Seamus walk away]

    Diggs: You know, you don't have to pretend to check-in with MEOWS so you can just thank me for saving you're life.

    Catherine: Err, I do have to check-in with MEOWS.

    Diggs: Oh err right

    Catherine: But I also want to thank you for saving my life.

    [Looks at Diggs's hurt paw]

    Catherine: Hey you're hurt.

    Diggs: Nah, I'm fine.

    Catherine: Well too bad tough guy, you're coming with me to get patched up.

    Diggs: Huh?

  • Butch: Where could Kitty be hiding that satellite dish.

    Catherine: It must be huge, you can't just hide something like that.

    Diggs: Hey wait a second, that ride, it looks kinda like a.

    Catherine: It sure does.

    Butch: It's huge

    Seamus: What? All I see is a giant satellite disk looking, ohhh.

  • Reporter: We've all seen his commercials, but today it appears Crazy Carlito really is off his rocker. he's claimed his prices are insane, Now it appears he is too. The simulation is tense, as we wait for someone to come end this standoff.

  • Seamus: We're on an epic quest, through foreign lands, learning about each other, and little about ourselves.

  • Catherine: You owe me, big time dog.

    Diggs: Yeah, about what I said before about liking cats...

    Catherine: Never happened

    Diggs: Thank you.

  • Mr. Tinkles: Greetings, my furry friends! It is I, Tinkles! Free! Scot-free! Meow, meow. Did you really think the Rock could hold me forever? I am definitely not an indoor cat!

    [steel drums are heard]

    Mr. Tinkles: HEY! Ringo! Enough with the steel drums here! I'm trying to talk, c'mon!

    Calico: Hey boss! I'm riffin'! Heh-heh-heh!

  • Tab Lazenby: This is our spilled milk; we'll lick it up.

  • Lou: Your mission: fetch and retrieve that bird.

    Diggs: Sounds easy enough. Just give me some bread, a big net and a hammer.

    Lou: We need him alive.

    Diggs: OK, scratch the hammer.

  • Kitty Galore: It'll take more than some dogs and a cat to stop me!

    Scrumptious: [kicking his way out of a tin] I've had it!

    Diggs: How about a mouse?

Extended Reading
  • Darion 2022-04-20 09:02:52

    The plot is too old-fashioned, even Xiao He felt bored after watching it.

  • Lorena 2022-03-29 09:01:10

    Cats and dogs on the screen must have more love than people. Silly and stupid, and spoofs also have an attitude. Cats can also paint skins, but they're pretty cheap