Capone Quotes

  • Fonse: What time is it in Ohio? What happened?

    Mae: You shit the bed, that's what happened.

  • Fonse: You lay one finger on my Lady Atlas, I will cut your fucking head off. Do you understand me?

    Rodrigo: Si.

  • Mae: Twenty-eight years I had to wait for some peace and quiet. He don't scare me.

  • Fonse: I hid ten million bucks.

    Johnny: You did what?

    Fonse: I hid ten million bucks.

    Johnny: You hid ten million bucks?

    Fonse: Yeah.

    Johnny: Where?

    Fonse: I don't fucking know.

  • Johnny: You want to go back to prison? Over a fucking swamp animal? You know, this is what happens when people spend too much time in Florida. They turn into fucking hillbillies!

  • Fonse: You tell anybody I will cut your fucking eyes out, do you understand me?

    Johnny: Tell anybody what?

  • Johnny: It's time to just let go.

  • Johnny: The only thing that really matters, Fonse, is how a man treats his family. You'll always be a hero to every stiff breaking his back. Not a lot of goons from Carol Street could state that claim. You're a good man, Fonse.

  • Johnny: Don't worry, pal. I didn't feel nothing. You took me off the street. I'll always respect you. You know, you seem like a really nice fella. Maybe if you had some courage you might be able to find yourself some new friends.

  • Crawford: Do you know what the difference is, sir, between Adolf Hitler and Al Capone? Hitler's dead. Capone lives like a king in Florida. Maybe he's crazy, maybe he's not. All I know is, a man who spends his entire life lying to everyone about everything, the truth rots in there. Let's catch some of his marbles on their way out.


Director: Josh Trank

Language: English,Italian,Spanish Release date: May 12, 2020