Michael Moore: What the fuck happened?
Michael Moore: Do you have any advice for me?
Wall Street Professional: Don't make any more movies.
Michael Moore: I refuse to live in a country like this, and I'm not leaving.
Baron Hill: I've got Michael Moore with me. You know who Michael Moore is, don't you? The film director. He's filming me right now.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Is this the United States Congress, or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs?
George W. Bush: [speaking at the Manhattan Institute] Capitalism offers people the freedom to choose where they work and what they do.
Lady in Restaurant: [reading the classified ads] There isn't anything in here. I'm not going to be a gentlemen's club hire dancer either.
Michael Moore: [Narrating] This is capitalism. A system of taking and giving... mostly taking.
Rich Man: Master! What must I do to have eternal life?
Jesus: Go forth and maximize profits.
Israelite: You say the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. But when exactly will it be?
Jesus: When you deregulate the banking industry.
Man with palsy: Please help me. I've been this way for over 20 years.
Jesus: I'm sorry. I cannot heal your preexisting condition. He'll have to pay out of pocket.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: I left Europe four decades ago because of Socialism has killed opportunities there.
Michael Moore: [through a bullhorn outside the New York Stock Exchange] Federal prison is a nice place!
Don Regan: [to Ronald Reagan] You're gonna have to speed it up.
Michael Moore: Who tells the President to speed it up?
[Photo of Don Regan]
Michael Moore: The man from Merrill Lynch, that's who.
Michael Moore: Where's our money?
Elizabeth Warren: I don't know!
Michael Moore: You know, I can't really do this anymore, unless those of you who are watching this in the theater want to join me. I hope you will. And please... speed it up.
Michael Moore: [Regarding the February, 2009 crash of Continental flight 3407 in Buffalo, New York] No one survived the crash, and 50 people lost their lives. The Media focused on the actions of the pilots.
Continental air crash reporter: Capt. Marvin Renslow and First Officer Shaw were chatting about their careers.
Michael Moore: "Careers" is a euphemism for what the pilots were really talking about: how little they were paid, and how overworked they were. There would be no discussion in the Media about why we have an economic system that allows a pilot to be paid less than a manager at Taco Bell.
Michael Moore: Many people didn't realize that we have an actual socialist in the Senate... although he is from the gay state of Vermont.
A cow: I do!
Michael Moore: Ah... the Constitution!
Cleveland Tourism Guy: [singing] It could be worse, though/at least we're not Detroit! We're not Detroit!
Michael Moore: No, they're not Detroit!
Chesley Sullenberger: Flying has been my lifelong passion. But while I love my profession, I do not like what has happened to it. It is my personal experience that my decision to remain in the profession I love has come at a great financial cost to me and to my family. My pay has been cut 40%. My pension, like most airline pensions, has been terminated. So please do not think I exaggerate when I say that I do not know a single professional airline pilot who wants his or her children to follow in their footsteps.
Wallace Shawn: The basic law of life is that if you have things, you can easily get more things. Very quickly, one guy can have five times more than anybody else.
Capitalism: A Love Story Quotes
Antonette 2022-03-28 09:01:07
There is a shadow of China in the film. . .
Ona 2022-03-15 09:01:05
The first thought is: you can't be reduced to the kind of working class that can't protect your own interests. The two opposing classes in the film, the biggest difference between the poor and the rich is the knowledge they possess. Knowledge really is power. I cannot criticize the rich for depriving the poor of their money and property, but I must prevent myself from becoming a poor person.
Director: Michael Moore
Language: English,Russian,Spanish Release date: October 2, 2009