Camp Rock Quotes

  • Shane Gray: I don't want to waste my summer at some camp! I'm Shane Gray for crying out loud!

    Nate: Hey, man, we used to love this place. Three years ago, we were campers.

    Jason: Yeah, man, this is where Connect 3... connected!

    Nate: [shakes his head] And you get to see our Uncle Brown.

    Shane Gray: [scoffs] Not a selling point.

    Nate: Look, man, right now, you're the bad boy of the press, and the label has a problem with that, which means, we have a problem with that.

    Jason: Actually, I don't really have a problem with that.

    [Nate glares at him]

    Jason: We have a problem with that!

    Nate: This camp thing is supposed to fix it, it's great PR. So do your time, enjoy the fresh air...

    [sniffs in]

    Nate: ... get a tan...

    Jason: Oh, and can you make me a birdhouse or something?

    Shane Gray: [scoffs at Jason] One word. Payback!

    Jason: That's two words!

    [Shane exits the limo]

    Nate: By the way, we told the press you'd be recording a duet with the winner of Final Jam.

    Shane Gray: WHAT?

    [Nate just waves as the limo drives off]

  • Caitlyn: Her mom is a great person. What's your mom like?

    Barron: Uhh, she's like a mom.

  • Shane Gray: [on the phone with Nate and Jason] Come on, guys. I learned my lesson! I showered in cold water! I looked at a tree! It's been three hours. I need hair product.

    Nate: I guess it's time to embrace the "natural" look.

    Jason: Oh, have fun.

    [they hang up on Shane]

    Shane Gray: Guys.

    Screaming Girl: Ahhh! There he his!

    [the girls chase him and he trips and falls. Then he hides behind some trees]

  • Nate: [answering his phone on speaker] Hello?

    Jason: Hey, buddy! How's my birdhouse coming?

    Nate: Jason!

    Jason: Sorry! It's not my fault you didn't ask him to make you anything.

    Nate: I didn't want anything.

    Jason: Well, I wanted a birdhouse! So what?

    Nate: And what do you need a birdhouse for?

    Jason: Because I wanted to see more birds about...

    Shane Gray: [interrupting Jason] Guys? Guys!

    NateJason: [together] Sorry.

  • Brown Cessario: I hate when I have to be uncool.

  • Jason: Guess who?

    Shane Gray: Dude, you're in the room. I can see you.

    Jason: I can see you, too, man! Ah. I've missed you. GROUP HUG!

    [grabs Shane and Nate who don't hug back]

    Jason: Much better. It hasn't been the same just hugging Nate.

    Nate: [sarcastically, at being let go] Yeah, it hasn't been.

  • Brown Cessario: Come on up, Margaret Dupree!

    Ella: Who's Margaret?

    Peggy: I am.

    Ella: Go, Margaret!

  • Shane Gray: That's the song!

    Nate: So that must be the girl.

    Jason: Ya think?

  • Ella: [sleepily] Mitchie?

    Mitchie Torres: You're dreaming. You're... a rock princess.

    Ella: Okay. I rock.

  • Shane Gray: So I guess my search is over.

    Mitchie Torres: That depends on who you're looking for. Hi, I'm Mitchie.

    Shane Gray: I'm Shane. You up for a canoe ride later?

    Mitchie Torres: I wouldn't miss it.

  • Mitchie Torres: Tess, stop talking to me like that! Stop talking to everyone like that! I may be the cook's daughter, and my father may not be rich, but I'm a much better person than someone who feels good about herself because she makes everyone else feel bad. And I'll take that any day.

  • Shane Gray: So here's some advice. It's not all about your image. None of it means anything unless people see who you really are. And your music has to be who you really are. It's gotta show how you feel, or it doesn't mean anything.

  • Shane Gray: [Mitchie, walking, stops when she sees Shane playing guitar, but he hears her cough] Can't a guy get some peace?

    Mitchie Torres: Sorry. I didn't mean... Sorry.

    Shane Gray: You said that already.

    Mitchie Torres: Sorry. I, uh... Was that you playing? It sounded kinda different.

    Shane Gray: [Shane rolls his eyes] Than my usual stupid cookie cutter pop star stuff? Sorry to disappoint.

    Mitchie Torres: [she laughs] You didn't. I liked it. I mean, it was good for stupid cookie cutter pop star stuff.

    Shane Gray: [he smiles] Wow. You really know how to make a guy feel better.

    Mitchie Torres: I thought you loved your sound. You created it here. You're like a Camp Rock legend.

    Shane Gray: Some legend. I only play the music that the label thinks will sell. That's it.

    Mitchie Torres: You don't think that song would sell?

    Shane Gray: I don't know.

    Mitchie Torres: Well, you'll never know if you don't try. And, by the way, I know of one girl that would buy that song.

  • Shane Gray: [singing alone by a canoe] "Turn on that radio as loud as it can go. Gotta dance until my feet can't feel the ground."

    Mitchie Torres: [Mitchie walks up] So, uh, does your voice sound better over here?

    Shane Gray: Why don't we get in one of these things and you can tell me?

    Mitchie Torres: [out on the lake, Mitchie is laughing as she and Shane are going in circles with the canoe] Really?

    Shane Gray: Yeah. It was awesome.

    Mitchie Torres: [laughing] Yeah. I don't think we're doing this right.

    Shane Gray: What? You don't like going in circles?

    Mitchie Torres: So, have you found you're special girl yet?

    Shane Gray: Why, are you jealous?

    Mitchie Torres: Jerk.

    Shane Gray: Hey, being a jerk is a part of the rock star image.

    Mitchie Torres: Keeping up an image can be tiring.

    Shane Gray: But it keeps the posers away. I never know if people are hanging with me for the free stuff or for the parties.

    Mitchie Torres: Oh, definitely the free stuff.

    Shane Gray: Funny.

    Mitchie Torres: Come on, I know you're really not a jerk. I mean you're helping Andy with his dancing, and those screaming girls seem to like you.

    Shane Gray: Which brings me back to the whole jealous thing.

    Mitchie Torres: I take that back. You are a jerk.

    Shane Gray: It must be the same for you too, huh?

    Mitchie Torres: What?

    Shane Gray: Because of your mom and her job at Hot Tunes. People probably are always fake around you.

    Mitchie Torres: Uh, yeah. Right. Totally.

    Shane Gray: You know, it's nice talking to someone who gets it.

    Mitchie Torres: Yeah. Me, too.

  • Steve Torres: Mitchie, you were fabulous.

    Connie Torres: Honey, I'm sorry you didn't win.

    Mitchie Torres: But I did. I won the best summer of my life, thanks to you.

  • Steve Torres: [while grilling burgers] So, how was work?

    Mitchie Torres: Uh, you know Barney's. We serve burgers with a Barney smile. So what's for dinner?

    Steve Torres: Burgers.

    Connie Torres: Well, our World Famous Torres burgers.

    Mitchie Torres: Um... I'll pass.

    Steve Torres: Okay, I can't stand it. Tell her.

    Connie Torres: Well, Steve, she just got home.

    Mitchie Torres: Tell me what?

    Connie Torres: [to Steve] Okay, honey, drum roll.

    Mitchie Torres: Mom!

    Connie Torres: Okay! You're going to Camp Rock!

    Mitchie Torres: What?

    Steve Torres: She said you're going to Camp Rock!

    Connie Torres: Well actually, we're going. Connie's Catering is going camping. Business is slow in the summer. This is a steady job and you get to go to camp at a discounted rate!

    Mitchie Torres: Aaahhh!

    Connie Torres: But you have to help out in the kitchen.

    Mitchie Torres: Thank you! Thank you like a million times!

    [they all hug]

  • Mitchie Torres: [Mitchie and her mom drive up and Mitchie looks out of the window] We're here!

    Connie Torres: Yeah! Are you excited?

    Mitchie Torres: A little. Okay, a lot! Yes! Major! Thank you, Mom, I'm gonna have so much fun!

    Connie Torres: Oh...

    Mitchie Torres: [spotting a limo] Whoa.

    [a girl steps out looking fabulous]

    Mitchie Torres: Whoa.

  • Connie Torres: Okay, sweetie, let's get settled in.

    Mitchie Torres: [she lays her stuff on her bed] Uh... settled!

    [a man walks in]

    Brown Cessario: That's great! Brown Cesario. Camp director/founding member and bass guitar of the Wet Crows. And you must be Connie Torres, our new cook.

    Connie Torres: That's me. And this is my daughter...

    [the cabin door shuts with no one to be seen]

    Connie Torres: ...uh... who's already gone.

    Brown Cessario: Ah, no worries. She probably just wanted to get out there, get to it. You know what I mean? When the music calls, you got to answer.

    Connie Torres: I can't wait for you to meet her though. She has got a great voice. Look at me, I'm already bragging.

    Brown Cessario: Ah, you gotta brag, love. Learned that from the Micster. Jagger.

    Connie Torres: You knew Mick Jagger?

    Brown Cessario: Yeah. Backed him up for years. Great times, great times! But not as great as the time when I taught Aerosmith...

    [scene drifts off]

  • Mitchie Torres: [Mitchie, looking around, walks backwards and bumps into Tess] Sorry! I didn't... I didn't see you.

    Tess Tyler: Obviously.

    [Tess walks away]

    Caitlyn: [another girl is sitting on the stage with a laptop] That's Tess Tyler, the diva of Camp Rock.

    Mitchie Torres: Is she really good?

    Caitlyn: She's good at trying too hard to be good. Understandable because her mom's TJ Tyler.

    Mitchie Torres: THE TJ Tyler? She's got, like, a trillion Grammys.

    Caitlyn: Uh, trillion and one, I think. Hi, I'm Caitlyn. Camper today; top selling music producer tomorrow. Check me out.

    [She plays something on her laptop]

    Mitchie Torres: Cool. I'm Mitchie.

    Caitlyn: Hi.

    [a lady runs on stage]

    Dee La Duke: Hi, gang! I'm Dee La Duke, the musical director here at Camp Rock.

    Mitchie TorresTess TylerCaitlynPeggyEllaLolaSanderBarronLola's Dancer #2: Hi, Dee.

    Dee La Duke: Here at Camp Rock we...


    Dee La Duke: ...siiinngg. So let's try that again.

    Mitchie TorresTess TylerCaitlynPeggyEllaLolaSanderBarronLola's Dancer #2: [singing] Hi, Dee.

    Dee La Duke: Sounds good. A little pitchy in places, but we'll fix that by the Final Jam.

  • Connie Torres: My sweetie, you are so much more than you can see.

  • Mitchie Torres: I'm not ashamed. It's just, for once, I just wanted to fit in and be popular.

    Connie Torres: What do you mean? You have plenty of friends at home.

    Mitchie Torres: I have ONE! And the last time I checked, no one was busting their butts to sit next to us at the lunch table, and when I got here I just... I just wanted it to be different! You know, just once.

  • Brown Cessario: Now get out there, steal their hearts, and rock it, poppet!

  • Brown Cessario: If the class is a rockin', I'm-a glad I came knockin'!

  • Brown Cessario: Eenie, meenie, miney, you.

    Mitchie Torres: Me?

    Brown Cessario: Can't argue with the finger.

    Tess Tyler: I'll do it!

    Brown Cessario: Uh, no. The finger picked her.

  • Brown Cessario: I know you're singing a solo, but it's so low I can't hear you.

  • Shane Gray: Do you work here?

    Mitchie Torres: [face completely covered in flour] Uh... uh... Yes.

    Shane Gray: Wow. You really get into your work. I'm Shane, but I'm sure even the kitchen help knows that.

    Mitchie Torres: Of course. It's nice to meet you.

    Shane Gray: Actually, it's not so nice. See, my manager said he sent over my food allergy list, but since I couldn't even go near my breakfast this morning... Can I just talk to whoever's in charge?

    Mitchie Torres: Excuse me?

    Shane Gray: What?

    Mitchie Torres: Well, you're kinda being a jerk.

    Shane Gray: And you are?

    Mitchie Torres: A person! And there's a way to talk to a person, and that's not it.

    Shane Gray: Well, I'll have my manager send it over again.

    Mitchie Torres: Fine.

    [clears throat as Shane walks away]

    Shane Gray: Thank you?

  • Shane Gray: I don't need a chaperone, Unc.

    Brown Cessario: Seeing how you blew off your class yesterday, you sort of do.

    Shane Gray: I didn't sign up for this. Get my agent on the phone.

    Brown Cessario: "Get my agent?" What happened to you, man? That kid on that TV, that's not who you really are. In there, Shane. What happened to the kid who just loved music?

    Shane Gray: He grew up!

    Brown Cessario: Big whoop! Stop acting like it's all about you.

    Shane Gray: In my world, it is.

    Brown Cessario: [turning Shane to face the camp] Oh, look. We're in my world. And, in my world, you're considered an instructor at this camp, which means you got to instruct, starting with Hip Hop Dance at 2:00.

  • Brown Cessario: So, you coming up to the campfire?

    Shane Gray: Yeah, right!

    Brown Cessario: All right. Well, you sit in here by yourself, superstar, because you're right - way cooler.

  • Mitchie Torres: No. No it's good. It's really good. And I don't lie.

  • Mitchie Torres: Why are you looking at me like that?

    Shane Gray: I don't know. You seem different. Good different.

    Mitchie Torres: Yeah, definitely different.

  • Mitchie Torres: So, uh, I-I better get going.

    Shane Gray: Back to the kitchen.

    Mitchie Torres: What?

    Shane Gray: To get some dip for these chips.

  • Caitlyn: So... thank you for yesterday, but...

    Mitchie Torres: Hey, I always stick up for my friends.

    Caitlyn: It's fun being friends with Tess.

    Mitchie Torres: How would you know?

    Caitlyn: Because I was friends with Tess. I know, it's hard to believe.

    Mitchie Torres: More like impossible. What happened?

    Caitlyn: Tess doesn't like competition, and she felt I was. See, with her there can only be one star - herself. Look, I know it's fun being friends with her. She can make you feel so important, and-and she's popular, but so what?

    Mitchie Torres: Oh, come on! Being popular is so not a "so what?"

    Caitlyn: No, there are perks.

    Mitchie Torres: Like... well, like...

    Caitlyn: Like singing back-up to Tess all the time? Like never getting to say what you really feel? Oh, and those exciting short outfits? Those were real high points. You're right, sell your soul.

  • Caitlyn: Aren't you going to get in line?

    Mitchie Torres: Oh, it's not me. Trust. Anyway, he's never heard me sing.

  • Caitlyn: You're a real jerk!

    Tess Tyler: Maybe. But at least I'm not a big fat liar.

  • Mitchie Torres: Shane!

    Shane Gray: You were lying all summer!

    Mitchie Torres: Yes, but I...

    Shane Gray: You know, I'm so used to people pretending around me.

    Mitchie Torres: I was not pretending!

    Shane Gray: And I really thought you were different, but you're just like everyone else! You wanna be friends with Shane Gray, not me! Trick's on me, huh?

    Mitchie Torres: I was just trying to...

    Shane Gray: Save it for your interview with Pop Informer Magazine. I know I gave you an earful.

  • Brown Cessario: So what exactly happened last night?

    Shane Gray: Nothing.

    Brown Cessario: Didn't look like nothing to me, mate. You look crushed, pummeled, absolutely destroyed.

    Shane Gray: I got it, Uncle Brown! Look, whatever. I'm just gonna focus on my music. Change my sound. I don't want to get sidetracked with liking someone anyway.

  • Tess Tyler: Mitchie, you are so never going to see Final Jam.

  • Tess Tyler: What a joke!

Extended Reading
  • Jackie 2022-03-23 09:02:57

    The song is pretty good, and the male lead is so handsome! So charming!

  • Virgil 2022-03-21 09:02:55

    At this time, DEMI is not very good-looking