Bus Stop Quotes

  • Cherie: I hate you and I despise you! Now give me back my tail!

  • Cherie: I just got to feel that whoever I marry has some real regard for me, aside from all that lovin' stuff.

  • [first lines]

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Are you ready, Virge?

    Virgil Blessing: Anytime.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Turn him out!

    [calf is released from chute]

  • [last lines]

    Cherie: Bye, everybody! Bye! Bye.

  • Cherie: Well I had to do something, he was making a fuss in front of all those people.

  • Cherie: Wait! I haven't put my lipstick on yet!

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Well, I've been thinkin' about them other fellas, Cherry. And well, what I mean is, I like you the way you are, so what do I care how you got that way?

    Cherie: Bo!


    Cherie: That's the sweetest, tenderest thing anyone ever said to me.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I still wish you was goin' back to the ranch with me more than anything I know.

    Cherie: You do?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Yeah, I do.

    Cherie: I'd go anywhere in the world with you now. Anywhere at all!

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Here, somebody hold this thing for me

    [about a steer he'd just wrestled this to the ground]

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: .

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: My name is Beauregard Decker, ma'am. I am 21 years old and I own my own ranch up in Timber Hill, Montana, where I got a fine herd of Hereford cattle, a dozen horses and the finest sheep and hogs and chickens in the country. Now I come down for the rodeo tomorrow with the idea in mind to find me a angel and you're it. Now I don't have a whole lot of time for sweet talkin' around the bush so I would be much obliged if you would just step outside with me into the fresh air.

    Cherie: What'd you say?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: My name if Beauregard Decker, ma'am. I am 21 years old and I own my own ranch up in Timber Hill, Montana, where I got a fine...

    Cherie: I know. I heard all that part...

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: O.K. Let's get out of here!

    Cherie: I'm mighty grateful for what you did but we're not allowed to go out with the customers. But you can buy me a drink if you want to. I'm so dry I'm spittin' cotton.

  • Virgil Blessing: Bo you're 21 years old and we're on our way to a big city, Phoenix, Arizona. It's time you met up with a gal.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: A gal?

    Virgil Blessing: Oh, ain't nothin' to be scared of. You know, why, women and swimmin' is pretty much the same. You got good reflexes, boy. You'll make out just fine.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I don't know anything about gals, Virge. Nothin' at all.

    Virgil Blessing: Well, that's what I mean. It's about time you learned. It ain't nothin' to be scared of, Bo. You know how much you like swimmin' when you got used to it. Besides, I know the idea crossed your mind once or twice. I seen you lookin' at them pictures in Orville's magazines.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: If I do find me a gal, it ain't gonna be one of them gals from all those magazines. I already decided. I'm gonna get me a - angel.

    Virgil Blessing: A angel?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: That's right.

    Virgil Blessing: I wouldn't set my sights too high if I were you, Bo. You just figure on pickin' out some plain-lookin' little ol' gal, with a cooperatin' nature and a good personality. I mean, we gotta be realistic.

  • Virgil Blessing: What's some angel gonna want with a cowhand like you?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: What's that got to do with it? That steer this mornin', he didn't wanna get throwed, did he? Well, I throwed him. Some wild horse you're breakin', he don't wanna get broke, do he? But you don't let what he wants stop you. What makes you think a girl's any different?

    Virgil Blessing: This trip is gonna be mighty educational.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I'm gonna find me an angel. I'm gonna find me a real hootenanny of an angel!

  • Virgil Blessing: Bo! You're out in civilization!

  • Grace: Wait a minute, cowboy.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Hand kissin'? That ain't my idea on how to get a gal.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Never seen so many gals. Must be a hundred head of 'em!

  • Virgil Blessing: Bo, you have a terrible habit of overdoin' everything!

  • Chérie: He called me an ignorant hillbilly. How do you like that?

    Vera: Well, ain't ya? I don't mean ignorant. I mean, but you do come from the Ozarks.

    Chérie: I ain't sung hillbilly since I was... Well, not since I turned chantooze. I've been tryin' to be somebody.

  • Saloon Manager: What's goin' on in here?

    Vera: She's changing into her costume. You want her to go out there naked?

    Saloon Manager: [to Chérie] Get out there and take care of them tables. Come on, Dinah Shore. Them cowboys is gettin' real lonesome.

  • Virgil Blessing: You've been hustlin' me for drinks, 60 cents a shot! One thing I can't stand is a woman tries to make a sucker outta me!

  • Chérie: [singing] That old black magic has me - in its spell, That old black magic that you weave so well, Those icy fingers up and down my spine, The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine...

  • Chérie: [singing] Aflame with such a burning desire, That only your kiss - kiss - kiss - can put out the fire...

  • Chérie: [singing] You're the lover I have waited for, The mate that fate had me created for, And every time - your lips meet mine, Darlin', down and down I go, 'Round and 'round I go, In a spin, Lovin' the spin that I'm in, Under that - old black magic called love - love - love - love - love!

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: What you all starin' at? The lady's finished. You can start your yammerin' again. Well, go ahead! Start yammerin'!

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Cherry.

    Chérie: Chérie! It's French. It means "dear one."

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Well, my name's kinda French, Beauregard. It means somethin' too.

    Chérie: What's it mean?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I ain't gonna tell you that.

    Chérie: No, I wouldn't.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Yes, you would.

    Chérie: Honest, I wouldn't.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Well, it means - "good lookin'." I never told that to a single person in my whole life. My Ma was French. She gave it to me.

    Chérie: That's a real pretty name. Beauregard. You are, too. Real beauregard!

  • Chérie: It was real nice the way you made everybody shut up in there, like you had respect for me. You made them have respect too. I liked that.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: You did?

    Chérie: Yes.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: How about me? Did you like me too?

    Chérie: Well, when I first saw you, I thought you was some kind of a hooligan, yellin' and stompin' like that. But when I realized you was doin' it for me, I was attracted to you.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Attracted? You was?

    Chérie: I still am.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: You still are! Really attracted?

    Chérie: Uh-huh. 'Course, it's only what you might call a physical attraction.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Physical?

    Chérie: I mean, you're so - big and strong and, well, so darn healthy-lookin'.

  • Chérie: Now wait a minute. Somebody's got the wrong idea around here.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: What do you mean, Cherry?

    Chérie: My name ain't Cherry. I told you, it's Chérie.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I can't say it fancy like that. Anyway, what's the matter with Cherry?

    Chérie: Well, it ain't - dignified.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Cherry, I just know we're gonna be very happy together. 'Till death do us part! Hey, I better get goin'. I gotta get into bed. Virge, come on. Let's get goin'. Cherry, we're gonna make all the rest of the plans in the mornin'. But meanwhile, for a weddin' present, I'm gonna get you a deep freeze, or an electric washer, or any other major appliance you want.

  • Virgil Blessing: This whole thing is probably my fault. I told you it was about time you started learnin' somethin' about women. Now, I ain't sayin' this particular gal you picked out ain't a good one to practice on. But a fella can't go around marryin' the first gal he meets.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Why not?

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: What's the difference between a, a physical attraction and, well, just a regular attraction?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Well, a gal can be attracted to a fella for lots of reasons. His mind, for instance.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: His mind?

    Virgil Blessing: Sure. Like if he's smart or reads poetry or somethin'.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: No kiddin'?

    Virgil Blessing: That's right.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I can read and write. I don't know no poetry. But I can recite the Gettysburg Address. Would that count?

    Virgil Blessing: It might, Bo. I doubt it, but it might.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: You see, Cherry, the whole problem is that you just haven't had time yet to get attracted to my mind.

    Chérie: Your mind? I know all about your mind I ever wanna know.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Well, do you know I can say the Gettysburg Address?

    Chérie: Come bustin' in here like a wild Indian. Sometime...

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Cherry?

    Chérie: Well, what?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: "Four score and seven years ago, our Fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived..."

    Chérie: Bo?

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: "In liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now, we're engaged in a great Civil War..."

  • Vera: You know, I think he is crazy.

    Chérie: Sure he is. Crazy as a bedbug.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I'm just gonna pretend that little ol' calf is Cherry. I'm goin' after her and I'm gonna get her! When I get her, I'm gonna rope her.

  • Life Magazine Photographer: Boing!

    Life Magazine Reporter: [points to Chérie] There she is!

  • Chérie: If I'm not careful, I'm gonna end up in East No Place, Montana, with nothin' but him and a bunch of cows.

  • Vera: I just don't understand that boy. What's he got on his mind, anyhow?

    Chérie: Me.

  • Virgil Blessing: He never even kissed a gal before he met you. You're forgettin' he spent his whole life pretty far out in the country.

    Chérie: I know what happens in the country. I'm from the country myself. I've been kissin' boys since I was knee high to...

    Virgil Blessing: Well, that's the point! You're kinda sophisticated for Bo.

    Chérie: He sure didn't kiss like it was the first time.

    Virgil Blessing: Well, Bo picks things up real quick.

    Chérie: First time, huh?

    Virgil Blessing: That's right.

    Chérie: Sure ain't never had that honor before!

  • Virgil Blessing: [singing] If the ocean was whiskey, And I was a duck, I'd swim to the bottom, And never come up, Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry, If I don't get rye whiskey, I surely will die...

  • Virgil Blessing: There are some gals who don't like to be pushed and grabbed and lassoed and drug into buses in the middle of the night.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: How else was I gonna get her on the bus?

  • Chérie: I almost married a cousin when I was 14. But Pappy wouldn't have it.

    Elma Duckworth: I never heard of anyone marrying so young!

    Chérie: Down in the Ozarks, we don't waste much time.

  • Elma Duckworth: You've never been in love?

    Chérie: I don't know. Maybe I have and I didn't know it. That's what I mean. Maybe I don't know what love is.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: You've been against this right from the beginning!

    Virgil Blessing: That's right. First 'cause I figured the lady wasn't good enough for you. But now 'cause I figure you ain't good enough for her!

  • Carl: Whatcha lookin' at?

    Grace: Oh, nothin'. Just your hands. You got real big hands.

    Carl: Big all over.

  • Carl: One thing I can't stand is a bully.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: [holding Chérie upside down over his shoulder] Who says I'm a bully?

    Chérie: I do!

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: [spanks Chérie's fanny] Quiet!

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Ain't no man ever got the best of me, and there ain't gonna be.

    Carl: I'm willin' to try, cowboy! Just step outside.

    Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Delighted!

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: I lived all my life on a ranch and I guess I just didn't know anything about women. 'Cause they're different from men.

    Chérie: Well, naturally.

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Golly, when you kiss somebody for serious, it's kinda scary, ain't it?

  • Chérie: Ain't it wonderful when somebody so terrible turns out to be so nice?

  • Beauregard 'Bo' Decker: Well, Cherry! You're liable to freeze to death in that skimpy little thing!

Bus Stop

Director: Joshua Logan

Language: English Release date: September 20, 1956

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