Brother Quotes

  • Danila: [two Chechens in tram refuse to pay the fare and act arrogantly. Danila takes out his revolver, walks up to the Chechens and points the barrel at them] Pay the fine.

    Chechen in tram car: Brother... Don't kill me, brother... Take the money. Take everything. Listen, don't kill me, brother. Here.

    [gives his wallet to Danila]

    Danila: You're not my brother, black-assed scum.

  • Danila: [as the gangsters are about to kill a hapless witness to their double murder, Danila stands before them] Wait, I'll do it myself. Give me that.

    [takes an M1911A1 from one of the gangsters]

    Danila: Colt?

    [proceeds to shoot both gangsters]

  • Danila: You're a good man, German.

  • Danila: Soon your entire America's going to bite it!

  • [last lines]

    Truck Driver: So where are you going?

    Danila: Moscow.

  • Danila: You said the city is a force, and yet everybody is feeble here.

    German: The city is an evil force. The strong come and become feeble. The city takes the strength away. And now you've fallen.

  • Flunky: It wasn't the Tatar. That guy did everything first-class. A real pro. The Chechen kicked the bucket, and that guy just walked off. I winged him but the bitch greased Pinecone.

  • Danila: You're a smart man, German. Tell me, what do we live for?

    German: Well, everyone decides for himself. There's this saying, "What's good for a Russian is death for a German." Well, I live to disprove this.

  • Danila: [talking to the party host] Your America will kick the bucket soon.

    Kat: He is French.

    Danila: Who cares?


Director: Aleksey Balabanov

Language: Russian,English,French Release date: July 8, 1998

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