Brother Bear Quotes

  • Rutt: I can't believe you totaled a mammoth.

    Tuke: Hey, that mountain came out of nowhere.

    Rutt: I cannot accept what you have to say.

    Tuke: Oh, come on, it was in my blind spot!

  • Tanana: I don't speak "bear".

  • Kenai: You ready?

    Denahi: For what?

    Kenai: We're going after the bear.

    Denahi: I know what you're feeling, but... but killing that bear is wrong.

    Kenai: Wrong? Our brother is dead and it's because of THAT monster.

    Denahi: I don't blame the bear, Kenai.

  • Kenai: Okay, okay, Heh... Koda... I, uh... I... I gotta get goin'...

    Koda: Well, when you come back, we can go...

    Kenai: I... I won't be coming back.

    Koda: What? Why not?

    Kenai: Because... well... it's hard to explai...

    Tug: You're leaving?

    Kenai: GAH! UH, NO! Well I, uh... I mean yes. Uh... well it's just that I... I don't... I don't belong here.

    Tug: "Don't belong"? EVERY bear belongs here.

  • [to his brother]

    Rutt: Sorry! You've been replaced with my dear brother... gee, I forget you name, what's your name again...?

    Koda: I don't want anymore brothers.

    Rutt: See? He's had enough of you too, eh.

  • Rutt: You wouldn't like us, eh. We're really gamey.

    Tuke: Ya... eat hoof-for-brains over there.

    Rutt: Oh nice, eh. pine-cone breath!

    Tuke: Crusty tail!

    Rutt: Twig legs!

    Tuke: Big nose!

    [Rutt gasps]

    Tuke: ... sorry.

    Rutt: You went too far that time.

  • [arguing with his echo]

    Ram: Hey, shut up!

    Echo: Hey, shut up!

    Ram: No, you shut up!

    Echo: No, you shut up!


    Ram: [tired] No... YOU shut up!

    Echo: No... YOU shut up!

  • [about receiving his totem]

    Kenai: Yeah, I'll probably get, like, a sabretooth tiger for bravery, or strength, or greatness, you know, something that fits me...

    Denahi: How about a mammoth for your fat head? Just make sure you get that basket tied up.

    Kenai: Don't worry! No stupid bear's gonna get anywhere near this fish!

    Denahi: Just tie it up.

  • [Sitka reminds Denahi's totem doesn't gaurentee his wisdom]

    Kenai: Yeah... I guess the spirits messed up on both of our totems.

    Sitka: You know, I felt the same way when Tanana gave me mine.

    Kenai: Get out of here.

    Sitka: No, really. I said, "The eagle of guidance? What does that mean?"... But now that I'm older, I know it's about being a leader... and keeping an eye on you two.

    Kenai: ...I just want to get my hand print on that wall.

    Sitka: Just be patient, Kenai. When you live by your totem... you will.

    Kenai: Really?

    Sitka: Guarantee it.

  • Mabel: This year, I lost my dear husband, Edgar.

    Edgar: Stop tellin' everyone I'm dead!

  • Tuke: I love... dew.

    Rutt: I love dew too.

  • Kenai: I'm not a bear. I hate bears.

    Rutt: Well, gee, eh, you're one big beaver.

  • Kenai: Hey, I've got a mountain to get to. Come on, kid.

    Koda: I told you before. My name's Koda. Say it with me... Ko-da.

    Kenai: Are you sure your mom didn't ditch you, Ko-da?

  • Tug: Okay, let's see... the most interesting thing that happened to me this year... hmm... I have to... Oh! I know, I know, I know, listen to this: I'd say it was when I finally knocked down that tree that was blocking the view from my cave. Now I got a family of chipmunks staying at my place!

  • [trying to break the news to Koda that he killed his mother]

    Kenai: Koda, there's... something I ought to... you know that story you told me last night?

    Koda: Yeah.

    Kenai: Well, I have a story to tell you.

    Koda: Really? What's it about?

    Kenai: Well, it's kind of about a man... and kind of about a bear. But mostly, it's about a monster.

  • Kenai: You want to know what I did this year? I went on the longest, hardest, most exhausting journey I have ever been on, with the biggest pain in the neck I have ever met. Well, what do you expect from a little brother?

    [noogies Koda]

  • [first lines]

    Denahi as an Old Man: This is a story from long ago, when the great mammoths still roamed our lands. It's the story of my two brothers and me. When the three of us were young, we were taught that the world is full of magic. The source of this magic is the ever-changing lights that dance across the sky. The shaman woman of our village told us that these lights are the spirits of our ancestors, and that they had the power to make changes in our world. Small things become big. Winter turns to spring. One thing always changes into another. But the greatest change I ever saw was that of my brother. A boy who desperately wanted to be a man...

  • Koda: If the snow's white, then it's all right. Yellow or green, it's just not clean. I learned that one the hard way.

  • Koda: Mom says the spirits make all the magical changes in the world, like how the leaves change color, or how the moon changes shape, or tadpoles change into frogs...

    Kenai: Yeah, I get it. You know, for a change, maybe they could just leave things alone.

    Koda: What do you mean?

    Kenai: My brother's a spirit, and if it wasn't for him, I... I wouldn't be here.

    Koda: You have a brother up there? What happened to him?

    Kenai: He was killed by a bea... by a monster.

    Koda: What's your brother's name?

    Kenai: Sitka.

    Koda: Thanks, Sitka. If it weren't for you, I would have never met Kenai.

    [lays down on the mammoth's tusks, sighs]

    Koda: I always wanted a brother.

  • Tanana: [looking at Kenai's body after he's transformed] Hmm, strange. The spirits don't usually make these kind of changes! Oh, m...

    [looks inside his mouth]

    Tanana: Oh, my, my, my my... Sitka must have something really big planned for you, yup, yup, yup. You're gonna get a whole new perspective on things! Oh, do you see in black and white, or color?

  • Kenai: Keep all that cuddly bear stuff to a minimum, okay, kid?

  • [Kenai tells Denahi his choice to stay a bear and look after Koda]

    Kenai: He needs me.

    Denahi: You know, you did look better as a bear...

  • [Kenai tells Denahi he wants to remain a bear to watch over Koda]

    Kenai: But... Denahi...

    Denahi: It's all right, Kenai. No matter what you choose, you'll always be my little brother.

    [they hug and Kenai transforms back into a bear]

    Denahi: Whoa... Did I say little?

  • Tanana: Kenai, love is the most precious of totems. It reveals itself in unexpected ways.

  • Tanana: You left too soon, Sitka. Your brothers need your guidance.

  • Koda: When I get in a fight, I go all crazy, and I'm a raging ball of brown fur!

  • Koda: Hey, I don't wanna brag or nothing, but I got some moves.

    Kenai: Oh, really?

    Koda: Yeah. Now, this first one, well... it's just a little something I like to call... the Slasher. And this, I call... Flying Fury of Death.

    Kenai: [mock terror] Ah! The hunter's coming back.

    Koda: Aah! Where?

  • Kenai: Enough with the stories. I don't care about the time you and Binky found the world's biggest pine cone ever.

    Koda: First of all, his name's Bucky, not Binky. And second, it wasn't a pine cone, it was a pine nut, and it was huge, even bigger than your fat head.

  • Tuke: How's it going, bear?

    Kenai: Don't call me that.

    Tuke: Sorry, um... Mister Bear?

  • [after a caribou stampede]

    Kenai: Never try to milk a caribou.

  • Koda: [asleep] Two more months, Mom...

  • [after Kenai got his totem "The Bear of Love"]

    Denahi: THERE he is. Ha ha! Come here, lover boy.

    [noogies him]

    Kenai: Leave me alone.

    Denahi: Aw, Kenai wait... I'm sorry.

    Kenai: ...What?

    Denahi: Your totem... I think it's really great.

    Kenai: You do?

    Denahi: Yeah. And I made you something...

    Kenai: Really?

    Kenai: [throws a band of flowers on his head] Now when you skip around loving everybody... you'll smell so sweet!

    Sitka: WELL, isn't this nice. Instead of fighting you're giving each other flowers.

    Denahi: Yeah. Isn't it lovely? He's so in touch with his totem already!

    Sitka: Hey, dog breath, go take care of the fish.

    Denahi: Sure.

    [while prancing around throwing flowers]

    Denahi: Kenai loves me, he loves me not. Kenai loves me, he loves me not...

  • Sitka: [to Kenai of Denahi] Hey, bonehead, just because his totem is wisdom doesn't mean he's wise. I mean, look at him.

    Denahi: Kenai loves me, he loves me not...

    [upsets a dog and backs away]

    Denahi: Whoa.

    Girls: Hi, Denahi.

    Denahi: Uh, hi...

    [he backs into the dog and gets bitten in the rear]

    Kenai: Oooh.

  • Denahi: Killing that bear won't make you a man.

    Kenai: Oh, NOW you're trying to be wise?

    Denahi: I'm trying to follow my totem. Why can't you do the same?

    Kenai: You really think love has anything to do with being a man? A MAN wouldn't just sit here and do nothing.

  • [Tuke is "driving" a mammoth]

    Tuke: Get out, eh. I'm driving.

    Rutt: Wha... when can I have a turn, eh?

    Tuke: It's not as easy as it looks. Now just watch what I do, okay?

    Rutt: Well, let's get a back seat or something. It looks like ya hunted me.

  • [Kenai screams when he sees a bunch of bears]

    Kenai: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh... huh?

    Blonde Bear: Hey, you're stirrin' up the water, dude...

    Tug: Yeah, try not to scare off the fish there, buddy.

  • Bo: I guess it's our turn. This is the year I met the MOST gorgeous...

    Nookie: No... YOU'RE gorgeous.

    Bo: You're gorgeous... -ER.

    Tug: Get a cave.

    Igor: Oy.

    [starts speaking in his language]

    Mabel: If only EDGAR was alive.

    Edgar: I told you, woman, I'm right here.

    Bo: I love you, buttercup.

  • Kenai: Koda... your mother's not coming back.

  • [looking at a cave painting of a hunter stalking a bear]

    Koda: Those monsters are real scary. Especially with their sticks.

  • [as Kenai transforms into a bear]

    Spirit Voices: [in Inuit] Come with me, I'll take you now to a place that you fear. For no reason why, your heart has turned away from me, and I will make you understand. Everything will become clear to you when you see things through another's eyes. Everything will become clear to you whatever's meant for you, you will find. Come with me, I'll take you there to a place where you'll see everything you need to be the one you need to be, and all of those things that you feared will disappear from you in time.

  • [holding Denahi and Kenai back from fighting each other]

    Sitka: Now, the quicker we get these fish, the faster we're gonna get to your ceremony. So let's all just try and get along for a few hours! Okay, Denahi?

    Denahi: Whatever you say!

    Sitka: Okay, Ken-

    [notices he isn't holding Kenai anymore]

    Kenai: [already in his boat] So? What are we waiting for?

  • Singer: Great Spirits of all who lived before/ Take our hands and lead us/ Fill our hearts and souls with all you know/ Show us that in your eyes/ we are all the same/ Brothers to each other/ In this world we remain/ truly brothers all the same.

  • Tanana: When each of us comes of age, the Great Spirits reveal to us a totem that helps guide us through our lives. Some of us use courage to guide us, others patience. And,


    Tanana: some of us, beauty...

  • Tanana: Kenai, I have been to the mountain where the lights touch the earth, and the Great Spirits have revealed to me your totem. To become a man, your actions must be guided by one thing: Your totem is... love. Yes, love.

    Kenai: [disappointed] The bear of love?

    Tanana: A love that connects and unites all living things.

  • Kenai: [of his totem] The bear of love?

    Tanana: A love that connects and unites all living things.

    [Kenai looks back to see Denahi laughing silently at him]

    Kenai: [whispering] Who wants to trade?

    Tanana: There is NO trading!

    [smacks him over the head]

  • Tanana: Let love guide your actions, and one day, you'll be a man, and will place your mark next to those of our ancestors.

  • Chipmunk: Well, they were right here a second ago, and now they're gone!

    Second Chipmunk: [with stuffed cheeks] Yeah... that's really weird, huh?

    Chipmunk: So, you're telling me YOU didn't eat 'em, and you have NO IDEA where they are?

    Kenai: H-hey! You! You just talked!

    Chipmunk: J-just... b-back away... real slow-like...

    Kenai: How'd you DO that?

    [the Second Chipmunk spits out a mouthful of acorns and they both run away]

    Chipmunk: I KNEW you had them in there!

  • Young Goose: Are we *there* yet?

    Goose: Don't make me turn this formation around!

  • Rutt: Oh, gee! I think he's seen us, eh! Now what?

    Tuke: Act like we're not here.

    Rutt: Oh. Ah, we're not here!

  • [to Kenai, stuck in a trap and hanging from a tree]

    Koda: What are you doing? Guess you didn't see the trap, huh? I saw it from a mile away! You must be pretty embarrassed!


    Koda: Don't worry... I won't tell *anyone!*

    Kenai: What?

    Koda: You need to get down! Let me help...

    [he starts hitting Kenai with a stick]

    Kenai: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... OW!

    Koda: Hold still!

    Kenai: No, just- Ow! Stop it! Ow! Ooh! Would you just- Ow! Get... get... hey... STOP IT!

    Koda: It's no use. The only way to get down is to *chew your own foot off*!

  • Koda: Boy, that tree is strong, huh? You know, when I was little, I was really into climbing trees! All kinds of trees! I climbed pine trees, oak trees, cedar trees, maple trees, there were birch trees, willow trees...


    Koda: ... my eyes were watering, and my tongue was swollen, and from that moment on, I was more careful about what I licked!

  • Koda: eyes were watering, and my tongue was swollen, and from that moment on, I was more careful about what I lick!

  • Koda: [playing with his reflection in an iceberg] Skinny... fat! Skinny... fat!

  • Koda: Oh, that reminds me! Last year at the Salmon Run, my friend Bucky TOTALLY dared me, but I'd heard about this OTHER cub who stuck HIS tongue to an iceberg, and then he started to float away, and so to save him, they had to like rip off his tongue, and so, now he hath to tog like thith all a time!

  • Kenai: Don't DO that!

    Koda: Scared you, didn't I?

    Kenai: There's scared... and then there's surprised.

    Koda: And you were both! Whoa...

    [he looks away for a second, hinting for Kenai to try. Kenai gives his best effort at roaring]

    Koda: Nice try. Uh, you got a little spit right there...

  • [about hunters]

    Koda: Why do they hate us, Kenai?

    Kenai: We're bears.

    Koda: So?

    Kenai: So... you know how they are! They're... they're killers.

    Koda: Wait a minute, who's the killers?

    Kenai: Bears.

    Koda: What? Which bears? I'm not like that, and you're not like that!

    Kenai: Well, obviously not all bears, I mean, you're okay, but most bears... most bears will look for any excuse to attack a human.

    Koda: But Kenai, *he* attacked *us*!

  • Tug: Hey, don't throw your fish bones over here! Someone could choke on that...

  • [telling stories at Salmon Run]

    Koda: This year, I watched my Mom in a life and death struggle against all odds, battling possibly the most fiercest creature on the face of the earth. Okay, who's next?

  • [looking for Sitka on the mountain after realizing he killed Koda's mother]

    Kenai: Sitka! Sitka, are you there? Sitka! Sitka... please, Sitka... I don't know what else to do.

  • [last lines]

    Denahi as an Old Man: My brother Kenai went on to live with Koda and the other bears. He taught me that love is very powerful. And I passed on the wisdom of his story to my people. The story of a boy who became a man... by becoming a bear.

  • Tuke: Do you wanna play "I Spy"?

    Rutt: Yeah.

    Tuke: Okay, I spy something... green.

    Rutt: Tree?

    Tuke: Ohh!

    Rutt: Okay, my turn. I spy something... tall.

    Tuke: Tree.

    Rutt: Ohh!

    Tuke: My turn. I spy something... with bark.

    Rutt: Tree.

    Tuke: Ohh!

    Rutt: Okay, I spy something... a vertical log.

    Tuke: Tree.

    Rutt: Ohh!

    Tuke: Okay, I spy...

    Rutt: Tree!

    Tuke: Ohh!

    Rutt: Okay...

    Tuke: Tree!

    Rutt: But I didn't spy anything!

    Tuke: It counts!


    Rutt: Tree!

    Tuke: Ohh, let's play something else.

  • Rutt: Hey, don't go near this patch here, eh. Something went in here.

  • Rutt: Hey, you know what this calls for? A pile of delicious barley and amber wheat on a cool bed of malted hops, eh.

    Tuke: I like it!

  • Kenai: I'm not a beaver, I'm a bea-, no, I mean I'm not a bear, I'm a MAN!

  • Tuke: What's he getting all worked up about, eh?

    Rutt: I don't know. Maybe the goose pooped on him, eh?

  • Kenai: I was transformed into a bear, magically. I was lifted into the sky by my brother.

    Tuke: Uh-huh.

    Tuke: [fake cough] You're *crazy*!

    Rutt: Gesundheit.

    Tuke: [fake cough] No, a *fruitcake*!

    Rutt: Are you okay?

    Tuke: [fake cough] No, that *bear* over *there*! He's *crazy*!

    Kenai: I'm not crazy!

    Tuke: Who ever said you were? We understand. either.

    Kenai: You do?

    Tuke: Yeah, we're not really moose either.

    Rutt: We're not?

    Tuke: No, we're more... like squirrels.

    Rutt: Oh, yeah. Beauty, eh? Well, he's a squirrel. I'm more of a pure-breed wolverine. Look at these cuspids. Rrrr!

    Tuke: Give him some room.

    Kenai: Why am I even talking to a couple of dumb moose?

    Tuke: No, we're squirrels, eh?

    Rutt: Wolverine.

  • Rutt: Oh, I wouldn't go that way, eh.

    Tuke: Why not?

    Rutt: Uh, there was a reason.

    Tuke: Well you brought it up.

    Rutt: I'm trying, but you keep talking...

    [Kenai is caught in a snare and the moose watch him bounce around]

    Tuke: So, you think of it yet?

    Rutt: No, but it's driving me nuts too, eh?

  • Tuke: [sees Denahi] R-Rutt...

    Rutt: Go away, eh? I'm eating twigs.

    Tuke: Rutt...

    Rutt: Go away, eh? You're breaking my concentration.

    Tuke: We should go...

    Rutt: Why?

    Tuke: right now.

    Rutt: I can't, I'm still digesting. I'll get cramps, eh?

    [Sees Denahi]

    Rutt: Ah, gee, he's after us!

    Tuke: Get going, little brother!

    Rutt: Ow, ooh... Cramp!

Extended Reading
  • Hayden 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    So moving.. I cried many times..TT

  • Christina 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Supplementary signature. One of the memories of the rental disc era.