Mark: Well, I can always find time to save the world. And Bridget, you're my world.
Mum: Did you have a 3 ways?
Jack: We could be so good for each other. 97%.
Bridget: On paper. But falling in love doesn't happen on paper. Sometimes you love a person because of all the reasons they're not like you. And sometimes you love a person just because they feel like home.
Dr. Rawlings: You don't really need them, you know. All they're good for is fitting car seats and blaming things on. They really just get in the way after that. You're absolutely capable of doing this on your own.
Dad: Mum's throwing a Christmas party slash political rally. It's like the G8 summit with Scotch eggs.
[either Jack or Mark is the father of Bridget's baby; they both bring Bridget to the maternity hospital when she goes into labour]
Dr. Rawlings: Oh, good! I was wondering how many fathers we'd get. Full house! Bingo!
Dr. Rawlings: Bridget, how do you want to do this? Epidural?
Jack: No, you can do this. A positive mental attitude is stronger than any drug. Just think away the pain.
Bridget: Bollocks to that. No, I want everything. Gas, air, injections, morphine.
Jack: Bridget, remember your yoga.
Bridget: Fuck yoga!
Dr. Rawlings: Oh, I couldn't agree with you more. It's supposed to relax one, but I just spend the entire time clenching my sphincter in an effort not to fart.
Dr. Rawlings: I'm not sure how much there is to gain from you two being at the coalface if I'm honest. My ex-husband said it was like watching his favorite pub burn down.
Mark: You can do this. You can. We can do it together. Just think what life's thrown at you already. You've turned disasters into triumphs with your sheer, joyful, indefatigable, infectuous lust for life. You've managed this entire pregnancy almost entirely on your own, despite a lunatic mother, repressed men, and boyfriends who don't deserve you.
Dr. Rawlings: "Think the pain away." You're pushing and entire human being out of your vagina. I'd like to see them thinking it away.
Dr. Rawlings: It's like the final of the X Factor or something. Dial zero one if you want it to be Mark and zero two if you want it to be Jack!
Bridget: His death seems to have hit the Eastern European modeling community particularly hard.
Bridget: Daniel was a man who touched many of us here today, including me.
[murmuring among the crowd]
Bridget: Oh, dear. This is when Daniel would say, "Shut up, Jones." And he would be right because all I really need to say is, um, dear Daniel, I will miss you terribly. We all will.
Bridget: Nice memorial, as memorials go. Almost makes one look forward to one's own.
Bridget: We thought it would be really fun to get a photo of us backstage among all these glamorous people. I think that's the guy from Bargain Hunt. It'd be great if you could get him in the shot. Quick, quick, quick!
Ed Sheeran: [holding their phone to take the photo] So you don't want me in the photo at all?
Miranda: Oh, God. You can lose the attitude, babes. Is it really that difficult?
[Taking Bridget by the arm and turning away]
Miranda: God. They let any old riff-raff backstage nowadays.
Bridget: I don't know. I thought he was kind of cute. But he looks familiar. I think he works at the Starbucks in Balham!
Bridget: Twice in the space of a week, I turn up at church as rent-a-spinster.
Mark: I don't suppose you happen to have a cigarette?
Bridget: No. Gave up 1,891 days ago.
Mark: Not that you're counting.
Bridget: Since when did you smoke?
Mark: I don't. It's been a tense time. Maybe I'm nervous.
Mark: She's gone back to The Hague, where she's now living and I'm not.
Bridget: Oh, I'm so sorry, Mark.
Mark: Right at this precise moment, I'm not sorry at all.
Bridget: [voice over] Can't go back and keep making same mistakes. Must keep moving forward and make new ones.
Shazzer: Oh, God! You didn't use those? The vegan condoms?
Bridget: "Biodegradable and dolphin-friendly." If I'm going to be slutty, it's nice to think I'm helping the environment.
Bridget: What about the first scan? Would that show when conception took place?
Dr. Rawlings: No. Ring this number and fix a date. And do bring along the father if you can work out which one he is.
Dr. Rawlings: I do recommend that you have the anmiocentesis because there are always more risks with a geriatric mother.
Bridget: Geriatric? That's outrageous.
Dr. Rawlings: Indeed.
Bridget: Unless you can sign on for your child support and pension at the same time.
Alice: [Bridget has secured Jack as guest on the show] I have to say, Bridget. I'm actually excited about this next guest. Relevant, relatable, extremely fuckable. Good work.
Bridget: I don't know how to, uh, explain. Um... I'm pregnant.
Jack: Wow. Okay. That's so much better than you being mentally unbalanced.
Bridget: Really sorry, Dad. Not to know about the father.
Dad: Don't be daft. I know dozens of people who could have been anybody's.
Bridget: So, you're not disappointed? You don't think I belong on Jerry Springer?
Dad: Not a bit. I'm thrilled. Actually, I'm not sure if you're mine, or that nice Lieutenant Colonel's who ran the bowls club.
Bridget: Hm.
Dad: Only joking. You're got my feet. I've always had very dainty feet.
Bridget: What if it's not yours?
Jack: What?
Bridget: What if the baby turns out to be Mark's?
Jack: Well, I mean, it would certainly change things.
Bridget: I would not have let you do that on a second date.
Jack: Why not? You let me on the first.
Jack: And then I would have bought Swedish furniture for us to make. If we can get through this, we can get through anything.
Jack: Come on, buddy. Why are you so angry?
Mark: You know what? I'm really not your buddy. And I don't know about vibes and negative energy or prenatal wind and even less about algorithms. So, I will confess that the laws of attraction are somewhat beyond me. In fact, Bridget defies comprehension generally. But despite, or perhaps, owing to the bewildering litany of catastrophes I've witnessed over the last 40 years, I feel I've come to know Bridget rather well, and I've spent those years caring for her very deeply. And that may defy automated reasoning, but there's nothing I can do about it.
Jack: For better or worse, fate has brought us together.
Mark: It wasn't fate, it was condoms.
Jack: What do you mean?
Mark: Those ridiculous dolphin-friendly things from the bottom of Bridget's bag.
Jack: I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. When Bridget and I got it on, I was... I was not dressed for the occasion.
Jack: Are you in love with him?
Bridget: I have been. In the past.
Jack: And me?
Bridget: I could be one day.
Bridget: What if it's not yours?
Mark: Then I'll love him anyway. Just as I love you. Just the way you were, the way you are, the way you always will be.
Miranda: NGochi!
[Bridget and Miranda are chatting on studio talkback in between the times when Miranda reads each headline of the news which is punctuated by the "bong" of Big Ben]
Miranda: [on talkback] You know what, Bridge? This weekend, you and me need to go out and get stuck into some serious...
Miranda: [live on air] ... Binge drinking, a serious scourge on society? Is new legislation needed?
Miranda: [on talkback] You can always try online dating again. The other night I was on Tinder. Half an hour later I'm having a three-way with...
Miranda: [live on air] ... Prince Andrew, the Royal Special Representative for Trade and Investment.
Bridget Jones's Baby Quotes
Haley 2022-03-23 09:02:28
"Life must move forward, and if you want to make new mistakes, make new mistakes." As a classic comedy "BJ's Single Diary" used to interpret "Pride and Prejudice" with a modern view of love, and the new sequel after 12 years has lost a woman + a perfect man The main triangle collocation is filled with a lot of feminist elements, which is in line with the development of the chick movie.
Sven 2022-01-05 08:01:14
To be honest, I didn't see any inspiration. . The heroine still looks like that, doesn't love life, doesn't work seriously, and doesn't know anything. It only depends on the two heroes who are blind to gain love and take the child as a kidnapper. . A large-scale sexual obscenity, on the surface, feminism, but in fact it is still the system of three observing four virtues.
Director: Sharon Maguire
Language: English,Italian Release date: September 16, 2016