Ozone: FOOL!
Judge: Next!
Ozone: OZONE! Street dancer.
Turbo: You owe me seven dollars man.
Franco: For what?
Turbo: For teaching you how to dance sucker.
Turbo: [Talking in the mirror, using a broomstick as a microphone] I want, to thank you for this award. It's the recognition for my peers, it's all those agonizing days, teaching Ozone everything I know.
Ozone: I don't want to stay, all night don't you? Why don't you, go out and sweep man?
Turbo: Award winners, don't push brooms.
Ozone: Yeah, go out and sweep, kucklehead. Who are you anyway, Fred Astaire?
Turbo: Who?
Turbo: [dances to breakdance music, with the broom]
Adam: Some people love you for your body. Me, it's your charming wit.
Kelly: What kind of names are Ozone and Turbo?
Turbo: The kind of names that only a few people are allowed to call us by.
Ozone: With a little help you'll be poppin' and lockin' and breakin' in no time.
Franco: And who might you be?
Ozone: Orlando. Choreographer. Dancer!
Kelly: Hi. Hope you didn't come here to eat.
Adam: Oh no way. I respect my body.
Ozone: Special K! Any good dancer has a street name.
Electro Rock 2: We're gonna eat you and spit out the pieces we don't like.
Ozone: Why don't you punks just split? I think I hear your mama calling you.
Kelly: This isn't worth it. Blonde, brunette. If they're looking for hair why don't they look at gorillas?
Turbo: She ain't no street dancer. She knows nothin' about what we do.
Ozone: She was good.
Kelly: I'm better.
Ozone: Yeah? How?
Kelly: You can teach me.
Turbo: We're asking for trouble.
[Kelly steps out in her dance outfit]
Turbo: Man, now I know we're in trouble!
James: Street dancing belongs on the street! It won't get you to Broadway.
Ozone: If those dudes want to see us dance, have them come down here. Or maybe they're afraid of getting raped or mugged.
Turbo: What's this?
Waiter: Fromage de tete du porc.
Turbo: Who?
Waiter: Hog's head cheese.
Turbo: Sick, man! Sick
James: Ozone, this is Franco. Ozone. Now wait, did he take your class too?
Franco: No, I don't teach amateurs.
James: Well these amateurs will be competing with you.
Kelly: I'm just ready for a change. I feel my life getting stale.
Joe the Cook: Stale? Like that hamburger if the customer doesn't get it.
Kelly: What do they want?
James: I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want kids in t-shirts that are torn, and bandanas and spiked bracelets.
Ozone: Hey, that dance is fresh!
Kelly: It's what?
Turbo: It's bad! Whoa! Whoa!
Turbo: Don't worry about it. They ain't nothin'.
Ozone: You know, if we put them on the streets, we'd burn 'em!
Franco: You're looking better. You still gotta learn how to relax, though.
Kelly: I'll work at it.
Franco: Loosen up. Let the music caress you.
Franco: You know, those street kids don't know what it takes.
Kelly: They're very talented. You really should see them dance.
Franco: It takes more than talent. You gotta be tough. Now, you, you've got the talent.
[takes Kelly out on the dance floor]
Franco: Head up. Caress me. With passion... Dance. Dance! Across the the floor! That's it. That's it. Now, now jump. Come on, fly! Fly! Feel it! Cut. That's it. Now, you've got it. Alright. Over here. Over here! More emotion. To the mirror! Feel it! Alright, now, turn around!
Kelly: You know why everybody's afraid? It's because they don't understand it. It's not just kids dancing on a street corner for a nickel! They put more heart and soul into their work than any dancer I know! James, it's real! It's fresh!
Waiter: Alright, now. Let me get this straight. Humor me. You want me - to put you and your - street dancing friends on the same stage as trained, professional dancers?
Kelly: Well, come see for yourself then. We're goin' agains Electro Rock tonight.
Waiter: Electro? What?
Kelly: Electro Rock. We got a score to settle. This time we're gonna cut 'em bad.
Waiter: Well, you've, eh, you really talkin' like a street person. You, eh, packin' a blade?
Kelly: Yeah.
Rap Talker: [rapping] Hip-Hoping; is a thing to binge, Is where the stone-cold Nitro party begin, So listen party people with an ear to the street, The Cali' professionals and the socially elite, To the fly young guys, to the pretty girls, Ice-T is gonna tell you about that Hip-Hop world...
Rap Talker: [rapping] Hip-Hoping is a way of life, With graffiti and rapping on the mic, As the record scratches to the break of beat, The Hip-Hop was sound of the street...
Rap Talker: [rapping] The Hip-Hoping, being around a while, With the serious funk, that people style, A record scratches, a simple rap, A breaker spinning on his back...
Rap Talker: [rapping] Now I'ma break it down, for all of you, Who never seen a Hip-Hop crew, or the gangster cuts of cold DJ, Shocking and rocking to the break of day, Or the master art of the graffiti man, Expressing himself with his brave hand, Yo people! what is gonna be?... Hip-Hop is making history...
James: Don't jump to conclusions. I've seen 'em dance.
Franco: Yeah, in the ghetto, maybe. But, the real dance world, against a disciplined art form, they're going to make fools of themselves.
Kelly: You had no right to talk to him that way.
Franco: I'm just telling it like it is. Face it, Kelly, they're a different class of people. They don't fit.
Kelly: You know what your problem is? You're problem is you!
Breakin' Quotes
Anais 2022-04-21 09:03:17
The word dashing seems to describe breakdance, but it is very difficult. When I was a child, pump it up was popular among girls. It was like a step down version of breakdance. It would feel like stepping on socks is really a long-legged artifact. Before watching this film, I thought that head turning was the best, but after watching it, I felt that knee turning was a strength that could not be met. 5 stars for choreography, unfortunately the plot is too bland.
Irving 2022-03-15 09:01:09
When I watched it on black and white TV when I was young, it was actually starring Shangge Yundun?