Breakdown Quotes

  • Amy: [reading a doughnut package] If you win this mail-in contest, you can choose between 90,000 dollars, or 90,000 donuts. What would you do with 90,000 donuts?

  • Red: You're a tough man to get a hold of, Jeffery.

    Jeff: What do you want?

    Red: It's not what I want, it's what you want, and how bad you want it. 'Cause it's gonna cost you. Can't show it to you right now, but it's about 5'5", 115 pounds, three or four of that just pure tit. Nice curly brown hair, upstairs and down. Interested?

  • Earl: What a man needs out here is a CB radio.

    Jeff Taylor: Is that right?

    Earl: 'Course, if you use a CB, you gotta have a handle. I'm thinking for you, "Shit For Brains."

  • Red Barr: Now, before you get any half-baked ideas about calling in the cavalry, just remember we're gonna be watching you every step of the way. And we'll be listening to our police scanners. And if we see anything unusual, an unmarked car or truck, or if we see you talking to anyone who even remotely smells like a cop... well, you can just keep your fucking money, Jeff, and I'll keep your wife. And I'll mail you pieces of her from time to time.

  • Billy, Gang Member: [to Jeff] You the fella looking for his wife?

  • Billy, Gang Member: [to Jeff] If some hotshot fuck like you ain't watching his bottom line, it'd be the FIRST time in history!

  • Jeff: [pointing a gun at Red] You'd better pray she's still alive.

  • Red: [Jeff forces Red and his family to get into the cellar] You better remember this, fella cuz no matter where you go...

    Jeff: You fuck!

    [kicks him in the face, sending him falling down the cellar]

  • Sheriff Boyd: Mr. Taylor, did you, uh, by any chance, have a beef with your wife today?

    Jeff: What has that got to do with anything!

    Sheriff Boyd: Well, for starters, maybe there's a possibility that she could have left you.

    Jeff: I don't - I don't believe this! My wife did not leave me!

    Sheriff Boyd: Mr Taylor, I've seen it a hundred times. You put two people in a car long enough, they're gonna go at it. Lovers, married couples, gay guys- hell, I've seen men dump their women on the side of the road and vice versa.

  • Jeff: Give me the key.

    Red: Mister...

    Jeff: Don't "mister" me you son of a bitch. My wife is locked up in a hole in your fucking barn, and if you don't give me the key, I'm gonna blow your fucking head off!

  • Al: If I never see another couple from Massachusetts it'll be too soon.

  • Billy, Gang Member: Y'know, none of this would've happened if you'd gotten that jerk the same time as his wife.

    Red: Wouldn't get in the fucken truck! I suppose you just pick up a gun and chase him out into the desert? Fucken idiot!

  • Red: [Red is with his gang and has just revealed Amy wrapped in a bag and she's not responsive] Dead? Must've died from the exhaust. Suicide!


    Red: Couldn't be any cleaner than that now, could ya?

  • Jeff Taylor: Where is she?

    Earl: Fuck you!

    Jeff Taylor: Nah... fuck you!

    [Strikes Earl in the face with his gun]

  • Earl: [Struggling to breathe after being gagged to the passenger seat of his pick-up truck] Stop... stop...

    Jeff Taylor: What's that? You want me to stop? You really want me to stop? Coz I'll bet this baby stops on a FUCKING DIME!

    [Slams the brakes]

  • Jeff: I wanna see your order slips.

    Bartender: What?

    Jeff: You write down the names, I wanna see 'em.

    Bartender: Are you nuts? I don't have to show you jack shit!

    Jeff: If my wife came in here, then her name is in that pile.

    Bartender: You calling me a liar?

    Jeff: [Getting aggressive and trying to snatch the slips out of the bartender's hands] I wanna see these fucking slips!

  • Amy: [after their jeep breaks down and they're stranded in the desert] This could be the worst decision we've made.

    Jeff: What are you doin'?

    Amy: Just listen... we're changing jobs. Our finances... are pretty well fucked! And here we are... in the middle of nowhere!

  • Amy: [Attempting to hitch a ride whilst Jeff is looking at their jeep which broke down] Good luck, 'coz I'm goin' to California!

    Jeff: No problem, just leave me the moon pies!

  • Red: [Looking at the engine bay of Jeff's jeep which has broken down] Y'know, it used to be you give these things a kick and a holler, and they start right up. Now they've got computers and chips...

    Jeff: It *is* a new car.

    Red: Y'know, that could be it. You've been riding this thing pretty hard? 'Coz they tend to overheat when they're new.

    Jeff: [Sheepishly] Yeah, a little... .

  • Jeff: [Managing to get Red to pull over] Hey, man!

    Red Barr: What the hell you doin', buddy?

    Jeff: I was trying to get you to pull over, didn't you see me?

    Red Barr: Yeah.

    Jeff: Well...? Never mind. Listen, I'm looking for my wife.

    Red Barr: What?

    Jeff: My wife, where is she?

    Red Barr: How should I know where your wife is?

    Jeff: I'm the guy with the jeep. You gave my wife a ride, you were supposed to drop her off at Belle's Diner.

    Red Barr: Not me, sorry.

    [Starts walking away]

    Jeff: What do you mean "sorry"? This was like a half hour ago, you don't remember?

    Red Barr: Look, I don't know how to tell you this, but I've never seen you before in my life!

  • Jeff: [Jeff is starting to panic looking for his wife - he looks inside the window of Red's truck] Amy? Amy are you in there?

    Red Barr: Look mister, I dunno what you want...

    Jeff: I want my wife back, is what I want!

  • Arleen: [Jeff is holding a gun at Red and his family] Warren, what's going on?

    Red: I don't know, Arleen. Just stay calm.

    Jeff Taylor: Your husband is a murderer and a kidnapper is what's going on!

  • Red: Look, I don't mean to butt in, but maybe you've confused my truck with somebody else's.

    Jeff: Go to hell, you son of a bitch!

  • Sheriff Boyd: Mr Taylor, do yourself a favour. Go see my deputy.

  • Deputy Len Carver: We'll certainly do our best, Mr Taylor. Y'know, there's over 100,000 people that go missing in this country every year. Runaways, deadbeat dads, dropouts, folks hiding from the IRS. All vanishing without a trace.

  • Jeff: Did my wife come in?

    Bartender: Didn't see her.

    Jeff: You didn't see her, or she didn't come in?

    Bartender: Like I told you last time, maybe she was in, maybe she wasn't. All I'm saying is, I didn't see her!

  • Jeff: [On a payphone] When do I see my wife?

    Red Barr: Soon enough Jeff. Just start walkin'.

  • Earl: [after collecting the ransom money from Jeff] You gotta be the dumbest motherfucker yet. You think we just picked you out of the clear blue? Shiny new car, Massachusetts plates. It'll be a week before anyone even misses you. Should've got that bumper sticker that goes with that car - Rich assholes looking for trouble.

  • Earl: [after realizing Jeff has filled the ransom money bag with single dollar bills] These ain't nothing but God damn singles, you lyin' son of a...!

  • Red: [about to lock Amy into a freezer in the basement to die] Aww c'mon baby, it's not as bad as it sounds. It'll take you about 10 minutes to suck all that air out, then you probably won't even feel it!

  • Jeff: [after managing to get the Jeep started himself] Tow truck my ass!

  • Jeff: [Answering a ringing payphone after collecting the ransom money] It's me.

    Red Barr: No shit, I can see that.

  • Bartender: [Pointing a revolver at Jeff] Mister... I've had just about enough of you!

  • Barfly: [Overhearing Jeff looking for his wife in the diner] It ain't none of my business mister, but if I were you, I'd check the ladies room!

  • Billy, Gang Member: well now youre the dummy well dont you get it? the police are the ones in on it.