Bokeh Quotes

  • Nils: They say that Gods one and only voice is silence. He just must have more to say these days.

  • Riley: I wanna say that everybody just went to the east side of the island. And I wanna say that your mom just went shopping and she forgot her phone at home. Same as your dad and Amy and everybody else. I wanna say this is the second coming. I wanna say this is the longest nightmare that I have ever had. But I just... I don't know what happened. At least... At least we're here together.

  • Jenai: We're sitting on a glacier. This is the equalizer. Force of nature that wipes the earth clean.


    Riley: What's so funny about that?

    Jenai: Maybe God got impatient.

  • Nils: When everyone disappeared, I left the city. I thought if the world is going to end, I would come here where shortly I'll join them.

    Riley: Were you in Iceland when it happened?

    Jenai: Is this your place?

    Nils: This is my cabin. But in previous life I was a fisherman.

    Riley: What have you been doing?

    Nils: I made my bed.

  • Riley: There's three of us now.

    Nils: There is one and one and one. We each occupy our own distinct space. It's worse alone on the sea.

  • Nils: And as a young man, I left my wife and my young son to make my living. I was on the seas for months. When I returned, nothing was the same. My son was a young lad and my wife was not the woman I had left. I sat in my own home and did not belong.

    Jenai: She left you?

    Nils: She didn't need to. She was already absent.

  • Jenai: None of it matters. Even if God exists, He's forsaken us.

    Nils: You human, go forth. And in the end the question of God exists is inconsequential. If there is a design we are foregone to fit within it. And if there is no design, we are alone in our keep, and no grand hand will hold us.

  • Riley: Do you remember that glacier you took me to? Do you remember the water? This is that water. When the ice melts, it cuts through the base and it creates this river. The glacier slides a little further, it refreezes, it... It's just this constant cycle. Life is resetting, it's reinventing. Jenai, it's trying. Okay? I mean, this place is beautiful because of all that. There is no tomorrow here. There is no yesterday. There is just this moment right here



Language: English Release date: March 24, 2017