Prof. Jan Moll: The Poles are jelous even of one others failures.
Zbigniew Religa: Fuck! With beds we can open a bordello, not a cardiac surgery clinic!
Waitress: [to drunk Religa pouring another shot glass of vodka for him] The missus?
Zbigniew Religa: Excuse me?
Waitress: Did you mess up or your missus?
Zbigniew Religa: God.
Waitress: Then let it go.
Zbigniew Religa: I can't.
Waitress: You can't force anyone to stay. The heart won't listen.
Zbigniew Religa: We'll see about that.
Prof. Waclaw Sitkowski: Cutting a beating heart out of a human being...
Zbigniew Religa: Out of a body.
Prof. Waclaw Sitkowski: A human being. It's ethically vague.
Zbigniew Religa: The world has no doubts.
Prof. Waclaw Sitkowski: Zbyszek, you know very well that, in our country, the heart is a relic.
Zbigniew Religa: Yes, but we both know it's a muscle.
Bogowie Quotes
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