Blue Spring Quotes

  • Ota: [after repeatedly asking Yukio to light his cigarette] FIRE.

    Yukio: [pulls out knife] You wanna die?

  • Leo: Just imagine there's a pool behind us, and it's not so scary.

    Kujo: Too cold for swimming.

  • Yoshimura: Where's Ota?

    Yukio: Killed him.

    Yoshimura: That's not cool.

  • Yukio: It's fuckin' slow Mizaguchi.

  • Aoki: Take me with you...

  • Kujo: People who know what they want... they scare me.

  • Kimura: No regrets for my youth.

  • Kujo: What're you going to do?

    Kujo: ...Work? College?

    Yukio: ...I'm destined to join Ultra Man.

    Kujo: ...That a part-time job now?

  • Kujo: Teacher, aren't there some flowers that never bloom?

    Hanada-sensei: Flowers are meant to bloom, not to dry up. That's what I choose to believe. It's a very important thing.

  • Kujo: I don't have any other friends.

    Kimura: I think it's your personality that's the problem.

    Kujo: Maybe.

  • Kimura: Hey freshman... if there was one pitch you couldn't take back. You think it'd be possible to... take it back?

  • Yoshimura: I'm not choosing ice cream. I'm choosing my life.