Blue Jay Quotes

  • Amanda: It's almost like I don't know who that person was on the tape

  • Jim: Are you going to be the first female white rapper to open for Public Enemy?

  • Jim: I was thinking about... our first time... in the back of this truck at the lake.

    Amanda: All 38 seconds of it.

    Jim: Oh, shut up! I was excited. I was 16, okay. I've developed some serious skills since then. I'll have you now.

    Amanda: Oh yeah?

    Jim: In fact, I've been servicing the entire Tucson, Arizona area with...

    Amanda: What are you, a plumber?

  • [Last lines]

    Jim: I'm contagious.

    Amanda: Apparently.

    [They laugh until they cry]

    Jim: It's okay. It's okay.

    Amanda: Now, it's just never gonna stop.

    [They exhale and stop laughing/crying]

  • Amanda: But there is this sadness... and I don't know where it comes from.

Blue Jay

Director: Alex Lehmann

Language: English Release date: October 11, 2016