Sally: Ya know, the only trouble I ever got into was when I was TOO careful!
Jack Terry: No one wants to know about conspiracy any more!
Jack Terry: I'm trying to save our asses!
Sally: I'll look after my *own* ass, thank you.
Jack Terry: Jesus, that's terrible.
Mixer: That's a terrible scream. Jack, what cat did you have to strangle to get that?
Jack Terry: The one you hired. That's her scream.
Mixer: You mean you didn't dub that?
Sam: I didn't hire her for her scream, Jack, I hired her for her tits!
Jack Terry: [to Sally] So you got your choice. You can be crazy or dead.
Sally: Are yuh leavin'?
Jack Terry: Yeah, I gotta go, but, um, whatta yuh say when you get outta here, we have a drink sometime... hmmm - in a glass?
[last lines]
Jack Terry: It's a good scream. It's a good scream.
Mixer: Jack, I need your help.
[he presents a couple of girls who all attempt a terrified scream]
Jack Terry: Keep looking.
Mixer: But Jack, what's the matter with you?
Sally: I don't watch news. It's too depressing
Blow Out Quotes
Tiana 2022-03-25 09:01:10
Three and a half are missing, the tragedy that is not the end is a bit nondescript, I would like to give four stars. The content is actually a lot of self-deprecating meaning of filmmakers
Alexandrine 2022-04-21 09:02:31
One could add a hilarious one to the genre, but the ending turns out to be tragic.