[from trailer]
Vivian: What's the city taught you?
Aiden: That the werewolf stories have gotten it all wrong. In the loup garoux legend, they're not cursed, their blessed. Like the moon turning them into wolves, that's all how it's twisted later. The loup garoux can change whenever they want. It's- it's, uh... mind over matter. Transcendence. You know, they believe they will change, and in that moment they do. Can you imagine that? From a man to a wolf.
Vivian: Sounds beautiful.
Aiden: It is. Uh, supposedly, you could kill them with silver, but also with fire.
Vivian: Really.
Aiden: Yeah. A- and you couldn't become one, you know? Be bitten or whatever. You're either born a loup garoux or you're not.
Vivian: Oh.
Aiden: And in the stories, they say that if you harm a loup garoux, if they bleed, that they show you just a glimpse of what they really are. It's all in the eyes, apparently.
Vivian: What we are not is what we are taught to fear.
Aiden: Creeks lead to rivers!
Aiden: Is that a threat?
Rafe: No...
[headbutts him]
Rafe: *This* is a threat
Vivian: Your traditions can go to hell.
Rafe: Oh you stupid piece of meat... look what you've done.
Aiden: I think Ill get on that train now
Rafe: [last lines] I *am* the train
Rafe: Sorry about earlier... perhaps if you met the *real me*!
Astrid: I had the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth, one as hateful as the other.
Vivian: Go to hell.
Rafe: Yes, I probably will.
Rafe: ...Or you could be burried here, as a ceiling fan or something.
Gabriel: Want to shoot your own family? Want to be the hunter on that snowy night? Then I give you my back.
Gabriel: That's all you deserve.
Vivian: May you know the Age of Hope when you see it.
Vivian: This is my world. These are my people. They believe in prophecies and destiny, I believe we make our own.
Vivian: Where are we heading?
Aiden: How about the Age of Hope.
Aiden: [pause]
Aiden: Either that or Paris.
Gabriel: [to Vivian] How many of us have to die for your happiness?
Gabriel: If Man suspect that we are still here, they will exterminate us. We must rule this city from the shadows.
Rafe: Because we fear them.
Gabriel: We are millions no more.
Gabriel: Please, heed my warning. Because the day you hunt outside your pack, you are dead to it.
Rafe: You know what we are, Vivian? We're romantics.
Vivian: WE are nothing.
Rafe: And the thing about romantics is, we never give up.
Rafe, Ulf, Gregor, Finn, Willem: [all the Five] Hunt as a pack or not at all.
Gabriel: The Ancient prophesy said that a girl from the bloodline of leaders would one day command us. And lead us into a New Age of Hope and Living. I thought that girl was you.
Vivian: And how would the New Age of Hope look like? How much blood will there be?
Gabriel: Lets find out, tonight.
[pulls out a knife]
Gabriel: We hunt, you and I.
Rafe: Hello Sweet-tooth.
Astrid: We're all lost souls Vivian,
Astrid: at least we're lost together.
Astrid: When l was 19, l was pregnant. lt was my choice. And what l found was it's best to stay where you belong.
Vivian: lf you know where you belong.
Vivian: Just here to drink, Drago.
Desk Man: That's what they all say.
Rafe: And the thing about romantics is they never give up.
Vivian: When they come, they'll come in numbers with guns.And not just for you. They'll come for all of us.
Rafe: Spoken like a bitch who's been there.
Rafe: Some girls will steal your heart, this bitch'll eat it.
Vivian: Some girls will steal your heart, this bitch'll eat it.
Gabriel: We only kill to survive.
Blood and Chocolate Quotes
Robb 2022-04-24 07:01:25
Even if the director intends to amplify the ethical discussion, it can't strengthen the film's sense of heaviness. The second-hand action scenes and poor special effects also affect the film. The title sounds quite scary, but this is just a scaled down and werewolf version of "True Love Is Like" blood".
Alessandra 2022-03-24 09:03:52
It's rare that there are bad movies that can't be watched at midnight
Director: Katja von Garnier
Language: English,Romanian Release date: January 26, 2007