Bliss Quotes

  • Isabel Clemens: [to Greg] You're real. You know you're real, right?

  • Greg Wittle: You said "FGP." You were...

    Isabel Clemens: Yes, it's short for "fake generated person."

  • Greg Wittle: What is with the-the hologram or the-the ghost people?

    Isabel Clemens: Oh. Telepresence. It's all the rage these days.

  • Slavoj Zizek: Maybe, just maybe, hell... is not such a horrible place. Whenever I hear about, "Oh, my God, boiling oil in hell," my first expectation is wild partying, barbecue, sexual orgies, alcohol, and so on and so on. What if this is the real life in hell? And what if, in hell, from time to time, some devil's representative comes to the people having a good time there and tells them, "Listen, guys, now we will be for a quarter of an hour observed by heaven, so please pretend that you suffer."

  • Isabel Clemens: Any complaints, Dr. Wittle?

    Greg Wittle: No. None at all. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. Without the dying part.

  • Isabel Clemens: This is what I know. The brainbox cells must have worked their way into our head. It's as if we are bringing some of the simulation here with us even when we're disconnected.

  • Isabel Clemens: Fake, fake, fake, fake! Real!

  • Greg Wittle: But it's also kind of beautiful. It is. Look, I mean, even with the cops coming and with us running and just... You know, everyone's playing their part, and we're all... like, we never know how it's gonna end. One minute, we're roller-skating and laughing. Remember? Yeah, and then the next minute, can't even afford a sandwich, and then the next minute, you never know. That's what I love about here and what you created. You don't know what's gonna happen. It's fucked-up. And it's great. And I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving.

  • Isabel Clemens: The thing is that... it's amazing how easy humans can get used to even something spectacular. Most people say, "Ignorance is bliss," but I say... you have to experience the good to appreciate the bad.

    Greg Wittle: No, the other way around.

    Isabel Clemens: Exactly.

  • Esteemed Guest #3: My grandmother used to say, "The universe is sitting on the back of a tortoise." And I would ask Granny, "What is that tortoise standing on?" She replied with quite confidence, "Another tortoise. "And that one stands on another tortoise. And that one, another tortoise." It turns out it's turtles all the way down.

  • [first lines]

    Greg Wittle: [narrating] I have a picture in my head of a place. Home. A woman. I don't know if any of it is real. But it has a feeling. And the feeling's real.

  • Greg Wittle: [showing a picture of Emily to his rehab group] This woman says she's my daughter. And I believe her.

  • [last lines]

    Greg Wittle: Sorry I'm late. I found these flowers on the side of the road, and I thought they were nice.

    Emily Wittle: You're not late, dad. You're here.

  • Isabel Clemens: [explaining how civilization reached utopia] Three things... Automation, synthetic biology and asteroid mining.