Blame It on Rio Quotes

  • Victor: [Matthew is about to leave] You can't.

    Matthew: No, I'll, I'll be back but I have to go first.

  • Eduardo Marques: Hello. Hello.

    Victor Lyons: Hi!

    Eduardo Marques: [his English is not so good.] How nice. You are buying groceries together. You are, how you say, the Queer Couple?

    Matthew Hollis: [referring to the name of the TV series] The Odd Couple. Odd.

  • Matthew Hollis: Do you miss me at all?

    Karen Hollis: At all? Yes dear, I miss you at all.

  • Victor Lyons: They smiled. Maybe we should talk to them.

    Matthew Hollis: We can't. They're practically naked.

    Victor Lyons: Try to picture them with clothes on.

  • Victor Lyons: That lady is my kind of guy. Don't wait up.

  • Jennifer Lyons: Make love to me.

    Matthew Hollis: I'm twenty years older than you.

    Jennifer Lyons: Twenty-eight.

    Matthew Hollis: Twenty-five.

    [Jennifer takes out her retainer. Mathew and Jennifer kiss]

  • Isabella: You are my twelfth lover in twelve days.

    Victor Lyons: Really?

    Isabella: I don't hurt your feelings?

    Victor Lyons: No, I've always been a team player.

  • Matthew Hollis: Jennifer, about last night...

    Jennifer Lyons: Kiss me first.

    Matthew Hollis: Kiss you? I ought to spank you!

    Jennifer Lyons: Oh, please, and bite me too.

  • Matthew Hollis: Last night never happened.

    Jennifer Lyons: I know. I was there when it didn't.

  • Nicole Hollis: I'm no longer a carnivore. I don't eat anything that's ever had parents.

    Matthew Hollis: We have artichokes, they're orphans.

  • Jennifer Lyons: Do you hate me?

    Nicole Hollis: No, him. Does he tell you he loves you?

    Jennifer Lyons: No.

    Nicole Hollis: You'll get used to it.

  • Victor Lyons: You slept with someone? Why didn't you tell me?

    Jennifer Lyons: I just did.

    Victor Lyons: Now you tell me? What good does it do me now?

    Jennifer Lyons: What good is it SUPPOSED to do you?

  • Jennifer Lyons: Poor Daddy!

    Matthew Hollis: Oh, yours or Nicole's?

    Jennifer Lyons: Mine.

    Matthew Hollis: Oh, that poor daddy. You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a poor daddy.

  • Jennifer Lyons: That's not your lifeline, that's your heartline.

    Matthew Hollis: Teeny little thing, isn't it?

  • Nicole Hollis: She's in love, you know?

    Matthew Hollis: She thinks so.

    Nicole Hollis: If you think so, you are.

  • Victor Lyons: What the hell are you doing, asking for her hand? "With this teething ring I thee wed"?

  • Matthew Hollis: It was, quite simply, the worst night of my life, my embarrassment compounded by the fact that Victor had now slept with two out of the three members of my family.

  • Jennifer Lyons: Will you forget me?

    Matthew Hollis: The minute I die.

  • Victor Lyons: We have got a lot to talk about.

    Jennifer Lyons: I know. I'm so glad you're leaving.

  • Matthew: You only live once, but it does help if you get to be young twice.

  • Matthew: One time a company I worked for transferred me to an island in the Pacific. Fantastic place. I invited my girl to visit me. I sent her a postcard everyday with a single word on each card. I wrote "Found a virgin paradise. It's yours. Matthew." Narturally, they were delivered in the wrong order. The message she got was "Found a virgin. It's paradise. Yours, Matthew." I never heard from her again.

  • Matthew: [about their daughters] They'll be all right. They're good girls.

    Victor: Yeah. Let's go find some bad ones.

  • Matthew Hollis: [Jennifer had given him a small Tiki love-god idol on a necklace.] It was just what I needed: a one-inch god with a two-inch penis.

  • Victor: "Poor bastard", huh? If I ever get my hands on him, I'll beat him to death, that'll unconfuse him.

    Matthew: A beating is not the way, my friend.

    Eduardo Marques: He's right, you know?

    Matthew: Personally, I prefer torture.

  • Matthew: Sleeping with someone else's wife doesn't count, is that it?

    Victor: At least your wife isn't anybody's daughter.

  • Jennifer Lyons: Come on, the beat's wonderful.

    Matthew Hollis: No, it's just that I can't do any kind of dancing where you have to use your body.

  • Victor Lyons: I love you no matter what rotten things your mother says about me.

    Jennifer Lyons: She doesn't say anything bad about you.

    Victor Lyons: Yeah, but you can't always believe her.

  • Jennifer Lyons: You should wear your hair like this.

    Matthew Hollis: What time is it?

    Jennifer Lyons: About one. I like it like this. Makes you look older.

    Matthew Hollis: [looks at his watch] It's almost three.

    Jennifer Lyons: Pretend it's one...

  • Jennifer Lyons: [about Bernardo] He's nineteen, is that what you had in mind?

    Matthew Hollis: Nineteen is perfect. I've been nineteen a couple of times myself.

  • Matthew Hollis: [knocks on door] Nicci?

    Nicole Hollis: Go away. This is a recording.

  • [first lines]

    Matthew Hollis: What happened, happened. You just never know.

  • Matthew Hollis: Vacations are full of surprises, to say nothing of virgins.

  • Matthew Hollis: Sao Paolo is where all the work gets down. Where all the fun gets done, is in Rio - which is were my wife Karen and I decided to spend our last vacation. Somehow, I'd never made it there. By all accounts, the most exciting, the most sensuous city in the world. I didn't know if this was actually true; but, after 20 years of marriage, any fantasy helps.

  • Matthew Hollis: Who knows? Maybe the divorce will save the marriage.

  • Victor Lyons: Honey, look at you. You're gorgeous!

    Jennifer Lyons: So are you.

    Victor Lyons: Yeah. Well, what happened to you? You're almost a woman!

    Jennifer Lyons: I'm strong too, Daddy.

  • Karen Hollis: Haven't you said that there were times you'd rather be without me?

    Matthew Hollis: Ah, that's only when I'm with you. Most of the time, we're too together. Sometimes, we're so us, I forget what its like just to be me! But, when we're apart, I miss you terribly.

  • Matthew Hollis: Maybe we ought to talk about boys.

    Nicole Hollis: Boys?

    Matthew Hollis: Ground rules.

    Jennifer Lyons: That's if we get any boys on the ground.

  • Jennifer Lyons: Are we almost there?

    Matthew Hollis: I don't know. Soon, I think.

    Victor Lyons: You rented a house, you don't know where it is?

    Matthew Hollis: It's soon.

    Victor Lyons: Soon is all you know?

    Matthew Hollis: That's better than later.

  • Jennifer Lyons: Your father's so sweet. I used to have a crush on him.

    Nicole Hollis: Me too.

  • Matthew Hollis: I've always had a problem handling nudity. I like, mind you; but, it is troubling. Anybodies. Even my own. Sometimes, when I'm getting undressed, I almost wish I could leave the room. You know what I mean?

  • Jennifer Lyons: I don't know why some people can't get older, without getting old.

  • Matthew Hollis: I didn't come to Rio to cheat.

    Victor Lyons: Don't ever use that word. Is tasting life, creating a little magic, is that cheating?

  • Matthew Hollis: This is crazy.

    Jennifer Lyons: Crazy wonderful! Crazy's the best!

    Matthew Hollis: I'm too old for crazy. Can't we settle for silly?

  • Matthew Hollis: It's too cold!

    Jennifer Lyons: No it's not. It's not too cold and you're not too old.

  • Matthew Hollis: I was wrong. You're never too old to be crazy.

  • Matthew Hollis: Wake up Jennifer. You fell asleep. You've been dreaming. You had a very bad dream.

    Jennifer Lyons: That we were making love?

    Matthew Hollis: Probably. Yes! Probably. That was it.

    Jennifer Lyons: How would you know?

    Matthew Hollis: I must have had the same dream, too.

    Jennifer Lyons: Don't feel guilty.

    Matthew Hollis: I don't know what to feel.

    Jennifer Lyons: I'm ready for another dream if you are.

  • Isabella: It is better making love to someone when you're not married.

    Victor Lyons: That should be a little kinky.

    Isabella: What is kinky?

    Victor Lyons: I'll show you in a minute, well, or two.

  • Jennifer Lyons: It will take a month to get all the sand out of my belly button.

  • Victor Lyons: Ah-ha. You got milk all over your whiskers, pussycat. Who was the lucky girl? Where'd you meet her?

    Matthew Hollis: I didn't meet anybody.

    Victor Lyons: Okay, okay, we'll talk at breakfast. I want to know all the details about it. We can start at the bottom if you like.

  • Matthew Hollis: You're not going to leave Jennifer alone here, are you?

    Victor Lyons: Why? You coming with me?

    Matthew Hollis: No. No.

    Victor Lyons: Well, then, you'll babysit. If she misbehaves, I want you to put her over your knee, okay?

  • Matthew Hollis: I was just remembering the first time I kissed you. It was at your Christening. Your mother was powdering your bottom - and I said I wanted to be the first man to kiss it. And I leaned over and I did.

    Jennifer Lyons: How dare you drive a tiny baby *wild* with desire.

  • Matthew Hollis: You have to go.

    Jennifer Lyons: Let me stay. We don't have to make love again. I promise not to get you excited. I'll just bite your neck a little.

    Matthew Hollis: Jennifer.

    Jennifer Lyons: Meanie!

  • Jennifer Lyons: I love it when your glasses steam up.

  • Jennifer Lyons: You know what love really is? Its like you swallowed a great big secret. A warm, wonderful secret - that nobody else knows about.

    Matthew Hollis: And that's how it should be.

    Jennifer Lyons: Other times, though, it's more like a song. A song you want to sing at the top of your voice! For everyone to hear!

    Matthew Hollis: A - no. No-no. It's more like a secret. Believe me, its much better as a secret, than a song.

  • Matthew Hollis: It doesn't matter now. But, when you're my age, do you know what I'll be?

    Jennifer Lyons: Dead, I suppose.

    Matthew Hollis: Dead and a half.

  • Jennifer Lyons: I like it when you treat me like a woman; I mean, outside of bed.

  • Victor Lyons: [holding a knife] This isn't for me. What do you think I'm crazy? This is for him. I'm going to find him. Whoever he is, he's going to get this right up the do-da.

  • Jennifer Lyons: I really appreciate you not saying anything. My father's had a lot of experience; but, he'd never understand this. I wish he knew though.

    Nicole Hollis: Why don't you tell him?

    Jennifer Lyons: I want your Dad to.

    Nicole Hollis: He won't. He's a coward.

    Jennifer Lyons: Mine's blind.

    Nicole Hollis: I'll trade you.

    Jennifer Lyons: I sort of have.

  • Eduardo Marques: Welcome, my friends. Its all yours. The night. The sky. My city. My restaurant. Claudio, champagne.

  • Matthew Hollis: It was the night of the wedding.

    Victor Lyons: Romance was in the air.

    Matthew Hollis: Birds. Music. Dancing. Drums. Everything was.

    Victor Lyons: Blame it on Rio, eh?

  • Eduardo Marques: It's only when a man is not thinking of what he is doing, that you can be sure he's doing what he's thinking.

  • Victor Lyons: If you were really my friend you would have kept quiet about what you did - which you never would have done if you were really my friend.

  • Jennifer Lyons: Stop hiding behind words like relationship.

  • Matthew Hollis: I'm too old for this. Hiding in front seats like a teenager. Next thing you know my skin will be breaking out.

  • Victor Lyons: Jennifer! Get your stuff out here! Ten minutes! Let's get the hell out of this goddamn paradise!

  • Matthew Hollis: I just want you to know that I'm not somebody who hangs around schoolyards in a raincoat!

  • Karen Hollis: I came here, as fast as I could because I thought you needed me. You didn't need me! You were fine. A fantasy come true. Gidget Goes to Rio!

  • Karen Hollis: When you get older, and obviously you're going to get a second chance at that, you'll find you can't have whatever you want. And there's a price for everything you get. And sometimes other people have to pay it!

  • Jennifer Lyons: It's all my fault, really. He never had a chance.

    Karen Hollis: Men seldom do.

    Jennifer Lyons: Please, don't hate me.

    Karen Hollis: It's more like envy.

  • Victor Lyons: What do you want?

    Matthew Hollis: There's no other bed. Bastard.

    Victor Lyons: Prick!

    Matthew Hollis: And to think I said I love you.

    Victor Lyons: To who?

    Matthew Hollis: To you!

  • Matthew Hollis: Watch it! Those are my balls!

    Victor Lyons: Are you kidding? I couldn't find them with a magnifying glass!

  • Victor Lyons: Goodbye, Nick, and, eh, thanks for whatever you did.

    Nicole Hollis: I didn't do anything.

    [bites her lip]

    Victor Lyons: Thank God, somebody didn't.


Blame It on Rio

Director: Stanley Donen

Language: English,Portuguese Release date: February 17, 1984