Rick Deckard: I had your job once. I was good at it.
'K': Things were simpler then.
Rick Deckard: Why you makin' it complicated?
'K': Why don't you just answer the question?
Rick Deckard: What question?
'K': I didn't figure you as one for bullshit. What's her name?
Rick Deckard: Rachael. Her name was Rachael.
Lieutenant Joshi: There is an order to things. That's what we do here. We keep order.
Lieutenant Joshi: The World is built in a wall that separates kind. Tell either side there's no wall, you've bought a war. Or a slaughter.
'K': This is really somethin'
Rick Deckard: The whole town was somethin'. One time. Forget your troubles, see a show, gamble a little. Win some money, lose some money. They made money seem like candy.
Joi: I always told you. You're special. Your history isn't over yet. There's still a page left.
Niander Wallace: [from trailer] Every leap of civilization was built on the back of a disposable workforce, but I can only make so many.
Niander Wallace: [from trailer] The key to the future is finally unearthed. Bring it to me.
Niander Wallace: [to newborn Replicant] Shh. Happy birthday.
[from trailer]
'K': This is impossible.
Rick Deckard: Were are we going?
Luv: Home.
Rick Deckard: What'd you do? Who'd you bring? Huh?
'K': No one.
Rick Deckard: Oh yeah? They know you're here!
'K': This isn't possible.
'K': I found him.
Lieutenant Joshi: That's not possible.
'K': [to Joi] They'll be coming after me soon.
Joi: I'm coming with you.
Niander Wallace: It was very clever to keep yourself empty of information, and all it cost you was everything.
'K': This ends... now.
Joi: [to 'K'] This is how.
Niander Wallace: [to Deckard] You do not know what pain is yet. You will learn.
Rick Deckard: What's the plan?
'K': We don't run.
'K': She likes him
Luv: Who?
'K': This officer Deckard. She's trying to provoke him.
Luv: It is invigorating being asked personal questions. Make one feel... desired.
Luv: Do you enjoy your work, officer?
'K': ['K' gives her a look] Please thank Mr. Wallace for your time.
Sapper Morton: You newer models are happy scraping the shit... because you've never seen a miracle.
Freysa: That baby meant we are more than just slaves. If a baby can come from one of us, we are our own masters.
Mariette: "More human than humans."
Freysa: A revolution is coming.
Niander Wallace: I can see it. As clear as dreaming. He loves her.
'K': [to Joi] I have to go. I'll come back.
Rick Deckard: Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger.
'K': [pointing at dog] Is it real?
Rick Deckard: I don't know. Ask him.
Advertising hologram: [said to K by a hologram advertising the virtual girl Joi, which K had bought] You look like a *good* Joe.
Joi: [to 'K'] I love you!
Luv: [to 'K'] I'm the best one!
'K': All the best memories are hers.
[last lines]
Dr. Ana Stelline: Beautiful, isn't it?
Rachael: [to Deckard] Did you miss me?
Rick Deckard: [to Wallace] Her eyes were green.
Rick Deckard: You don't have children... do you?
Niander Wallace: Oh, I have millions.
'K': I have memories, but they're not real. They're just implants.
Rick Deckard: [to Wallace] I know what's real.
Dr. Ana Stelline: [crying] Someone lived this, yeah. It happened.
'K': I know it's real.
'K': I know it's real.
[throws chair]
K: [toasting] To strangers.
Joi: Mere data makes a man. A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I am only two: 1 and 0.
'K': Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart.
Niander Wallace: Pain reminds you the joy you felt was real. More joy, then! Do not be afraid.
Niander Wallace: All the courage in the world cannot alter fact.
Luv: [to herself, while watching 'K' on a video feed] Oh... come on. Get up. Do your fucking job.
Mariette: [to 'K'] Oh, I see. You don't like real girls.
Joi: I'm done with you. You can go now.
Mariette: Quiet, now. I've been inside you. Not so much there as you think.
'K': You worked with Officer Deckard, back in the day. What can you tell me about him?
Gaff: He liked to work alone. So did I. So we worked together to keep it that way, and that was it.
Freysa: Our lives mean nothing next to a storm that's coming. Dying for the right cause. It's the most human thing we can do.
Rick Deckard: Got a name?
'K': Officer KD6-3...
Rick Deckard: [interrupting] That's not a name. It's a serial number.
'K': All right. *Joe.*
Dr. Ana Stelline: Every memory has a piece of its artist.
Dr. Ana Stelline: There's a little of every artist in their work.
LAPD Cop: [to 'K'] Fuck off, skin job!
Luv: I'm here for Mr. Wallace. I'm Luv.
'K': He named you. You must be special.
Luv: ...I'm here for Mr. Wallace. Please come with me.
Niander Wallace: [to Luv] You really are the best angel. Aren't you, Luv?
Rick Deckard: Don't lie. It's rude.
Luv: [to K] Bad dog!
'K': I've never retired something that was born before.
Lieutenant Joshi: What's the difference?
'K': To be born is to have a soul, I guess.
Lieutenant Joshi: Are you telling me no?
'K': I wasn't aware there was an option, madame.
Lieutenant Joshi: Attaboy.
[K walks to the door]
Lieutenant Joshi: Hey! You've been getting on fine without one.
'K': What's that, madame?
Lieutenant Joshi: A soul.
Joi: I'm so happy when I'm with you.
'K': You don't have to say that.
[first lines]
'K': I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty. I was careful not to drag in... any dirt.
Rick Deckard: I like this song. We could keep at this or we could get a drink.
'K': I'll take the drink.
Luv: I see you're one of our clients. I hope you're satisfied with our product.
'K': She's very... realistic. Thank you.
Joi: [to Luv] Stop!
[Luv's foot hovers over Joi's Emanator]
Luv: [to Joi] I do hope that you're satisfied with our product.
[referring to K]
Lieutenant Joshi: Am I the only one who can see the fucking sunrise here? This breaks the world, K!
Luv: You tiny thing. In the face of the fabulous new your only thought is to kill it? For fear of great change? You can't hold the tide with a broom.
Lieutenant Joshi: Except that I did.
Luv: [yells] *Where is he?* You're so sure. Because he told you. Because we never lie. I'm going to tell Mr Wallace you tried to shoot me first. So I had to kill you.
Lieutenant Joshi: [remains defiant, her last words:] Just do what it is you came here for.
[Luv proceeds to stab her to death]
Mariette: What's that?
'K': A tree.
Mariette: I've never seen a tree. It's pretty.
'K': It's dead.
Mariette: Now, who keeps a dead tree?
Mariette: You're not gonna kill me, are you?
'K': [after a meeting with Wallace's replicant assistant, Luv] Thank Mr. Wallace for your time.
Lt. Joshi: She was a replicant. Pregnant.
Lt. Joshi: This breaks the world K. Do you know what that means?
K: If this gets broke, that's it. You're gone.
Joi: Like a real girl.
Joi: I always knew you were special. Maybe this is how. A child. Of woman born. Pushed into the world. Wanted. Loved.
Freysa: Oh, I was there. I saw a miracle delivered. A perfect little face, crying up at me, mad as thunder.
Joi: I never figured you as one for bullshit!
'K': [after being offered something to eat, which is probably garlic-flavoured maggots] No thanks, I prefer to keep an empty stomach, until the hardest part of the day is done.
Rick Deckard: You mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you, now? Would you boy?
'K': "Treasure Island"?
Rick Deckard: He reads, that's good. Me too, not much else to do around here at night anymore. Many is the night I dream of cheese. Toasted, mostly. What are you doing here?
'K': I heard the piano.
Rick Deckard: Don't lie, it's rude. You're a cop.
'K': I'm not here to take you in.
Rick Deckard: Oh yeah? Then what?
'K': I just have some questions.
Rick Deckard: What questions?
Rick Deckard: Why? What am I to you?
'K': [smiles at him] Go meet your daughter.
'K': [K has just returned home to his apartment] You were right. You were right about everything.
Joi: Shh...
Mariette: [door opens behind K and Mariette enters] Thought you weren't interested working man.
Joi: You liked her I could tell. It's ok, she's real. I want to be real for you.
'K': You are real for me.
Mariette: You have a special lady here.
[long silence]
Mariette: Ok, lets do it.
Niander Wallace: Is it the same now, as then? The moment you met her. All these years, drunk on the memory of its perfection. How shiny her lips. How instant your connection. Did it never occur to you that is why you were summoned in the first place? Designed to do nothing short of fall for her then and there? All to make that single perfect specimen. That is, if you were designed. Love, or mathematical precision? Yes? No?
Rick Deckard: I know what's real.
Interviewer: [Baseline test room at LAPD HQ] Officer K-D-six-dash-three-dot-seven, let's begin. Ready?
'K': Yes, sir.
Interviewer: Recite your baseline.
'K': And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.
Interviewer: Cells.
'K': Cells.
Interviewer: Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.
'K': Cells.
Interviewer: Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.
'K': Cells.
Interviewer: When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.
'K': Cells.
Interviewer: Interlinked.
'K': Interlinked.
Interviewer: What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
'K': Interlinked.
Interviewer: Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked.
'K': Interlinked.
Interviewer: Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.
'K': Interlinked.
Interviewer: Do you dream about being interlinked?
'K': Interlinked.
Interviewer: What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked.
'K': Interlinked.
Interviewer: Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked.
'K': Interlinked.
Interviewer: Within cells interlinked.
'K': Within cells interlinked.
Interviewer: Why don't you say that three times: Within cells interlinked.
'K': Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.
Interviewer: We're done... Constant K, you can pick up your bonus.
'K': Thank you, sir.
Lieutenant Joshi: Hey. You've been getting on fine without one.
'K': What's that, madam?
Lieutenant Joshi: A soul.
Title Card: Replicants are bioengineered humans, designed by Tyrell Corporation for use off-world. Their enhanced strength made them ideal slave labor.
Title Card: After a series of violent rebellions, their manufacture became prohibited and Tyrell Corp went bankrupt.
Title Card: The collapse of ecosystems in the mid 2020s led to the rise of industrialist Niander Wallace, whose mastery of synthetic farming averted famine.
Title Card: Wallace acquired the remains of Tyrell Corp and created a new line of replicants who obey.
Title Card: Many older model replicants - Nexus 8s with open-ended lifespans - survived. They are hunted down and 'retired'
Title Card: Those that hunt them still go by the name... Blade Runner.
Lieutenant Joshi: [over video-link] You're hurt. I'm not paying for that.
'K': I'll glue it.
Luv: It is invigorating being asked personal questions. Makes one feel... desired.
Niander Wallace: That barren pasture. Empty, and salted. The dead space between the stars.
Niander Wallace: [He places his hand on the newborn Replicant's womb] Right here.
Niander Wallace: And this is the seed that we must change for Heaven.
[He slices her womb]
Niander Wallace: I cannot breed them. So help me, I have tried. We need more Replicants than can ever be assembled. Millions, so we can be trillions more. We could storm Eden and retake her.
Dr. Ana Stelline: If you have authentic memories you have... real human responses. Wouldn't you agree?
Dr. Ana Stelline: They all think it's about more detail. But that's not how memory works. We recall with our feelings. Anything real should be a mess.
Niander Wallace: [to a new Replicant] The first thought one tends to fear, to preserve the clay. It's fascinating. Before we even know what we are, we fear to lose it. Happy birthday.
Gaff: [talking about young Deckard] He wasn't long for this world.
'K': How so?
Gaff: Something in his eyes.
[Luv is directing a drone strike]
Luv: [speaking without emotion] Fire again. Fire again. Fire. Two hundred feet to the east. Fire. Go north.
[camera pans, revealing she is having her nails done while doing this]
Luv: Fire. Stop. Twenty degrees east. Stop. Zoom in. Closer.
Luv: [sees K is down, says to herself with emotion] Oh, come on. Get up. Do your fucking job. Find the child.
Mister Cotton: So come on now. Which sort do you have in mind?
[blows whistle, children all jump up from their work and stand with their heads bowed]
Mister Cotton: Cause I got... all kinds.
Lieutenant Joshi: You just stopped a bomb from going off
Lieutenant Joshi: What you saw, didn't happen.
'K': You want it gone?
Lieutenant Joshi: Erase everything.
[a recording of Deckard giving Rachael the Voight-Kampff test, as shown in the original film]
Rick Deckard: You're reading a magazine and you come across a full page nude photo of a girl.
Rachael: Is this testing whether I'm a replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?
Rick Deckard: Just answer the question, please.
Niander Wallace: An angel should never enter the Kingdom of Heaven without a gift.
Niander Wallace: We make angels - in the service of civilization. Yes, there were bad angels once, I make good angels now. That is how I took us to nine new worlds. Nine - a child can count to nine on fingers. We should own the stars!
Niander Wallace: Every leap of civilization was built off the back of a disposable work force. We lost our stomach for slaves, unless engineered. But I can only make so many.
Lieutenant Joshi: Look at me. We're all just looking out for something real.
Luv: Too dark in here. I like him. He's a good boy. Where is he?
Lieutenant Joshi: I've no idea. He's off-duty. Check around.
Luv: I checked - anywhere a good boy might go.
Rick Deckard: You like whiskey? I got millions - of bottles of whiskey.
Freysa: You imagined it was you? Oh, you did. You did! We all wish it was us.
Joi: You look lonely. I can fix that.
'K': Why are you so good? What makes your memories so authentic?
Dr. Ana Stelline: Well, there's a bit of every artist in their work. But, I was locked in this sterile chamber at eight; so, if I wanted to see the world, I had to imagine it. I got very good at imagining.
Lieutenant Joshi: Do you remember anything? Before you were under me? Do you have any memories from before?
'K': I have memories but they're not real. They're just implants.
Lieutenant Joshi: Tell me one. From when you were a kid.
'K': I feel a little strange sharing a childhood story considering I was never a child.
Lieutenant Joshi: Well, would it help you share if I told you it was an order?
Joi: Would you read to me?
[gets up, crosses to table, 'picks up' Nabokov's Pale Fire]
Joi: It'll make you feel better.
'K': You hate that book.
Joi: [throws virtual book over her shoulder] I don't wanna read either.
Joi: What's the occasion?
'K': Let's just say, it's our anniversary.
Joi: Is it?
'K': No. But - let's just say that it is. Okay?
[opens box]
'K': Happy anniversary.
Blade Runner 2049 Quotes
Beth 2021-10-20 18:59:47
Life and death come, shed head puppet. When the first line is broken, it will fall apart.
Dora 2022-03-23 09:01:14
This is more than the Ghost in the Shell movie. Photography is nothing short of a miracle, and at the end of the film, Roger Diggins suddenly realized. The whole journey lasted nearly three hours. I saw that I had taken cold medicine just after the night before, but I didn't even fall asleep. Of course, it's not that there are so good-looking, but now there are too many bad movies in big production (especially the patch and the damn Star Wars), and I found out after watching that it turns out that it is such a blessing not to be the creator of the movie.
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Language: English,Finnish,Japanese,Hungarian,Russian,Somali,Spanish Release date: October 6, 2017