Charlie: [troubled] I put him in the septic tank
Gus: [confused] Who?
Charlie: [nervously] The corpse.
Gus: [still confused] What corpse?
Charlie: [matter-of-factly] The reverend's corpse.
Gus: [stunned] He wasn't a corpse when I left him Charlie
Gus: [disbelievingly] You shot me.
Agent Hymes: That's the first true thing you've said yet.
Mrs. Smalls: [collapsing on a chair with an axe in her skull] Well I'll be... I haven't heard Pink Floyd in years.
Charlie: Did you check her pulse?
Josie McBroom: Well I assumed that when you have an axe lodged in your skull, your pulse tends to bottom out on you.
Josie McBroom: [looking at the Deputy whom Mrs. Smalls just shot dead] There goes our alibi.
Penelope Wood: [cell phone rings from car] Are you going to answer that?
Josie McBroom: No, it's probably just my ex-boyfriend!
Charlie: Hey Gus... What's the greek word for "bullshit"?
Charlie: Holy Moly!
Gus: Who says "Holy Moly"?
Charlie: I just drowned a man of the cloth in crap!
Josie McBroom: Freakin' fantastic! Don't you see? None of us has to run away or turn ourselves in.
Charlie: What do you propose? We roam the country living on the land, like Bonnie and Clyde... and Clyde?
Gus: Who the hell are you?
Mrs. Smalls: Considering that I live here, young man, the question is, "Who the hell are you?"
Reverend Smalls: [as he catches Gus sneaking around his house] Who the hell are you?
Gus: [stammers] Er... I'm the guy that's here to collect the money.
Reverend Smalls: Give me your gun!
Gus: I don't have one!
Reverend Smalls: You've come to get money from me and you ain't packing?
Reverend Smalls: Give my regards to the big bearded guy!
Gus: You don't mean Santa Clause, do ya?
[the old man points the gun at Gus as Gus closes his eyes; three loud gunshots are heard]
Gus: Welcome to hell, dickhead!
[first lines]
Charlie: [Charlie is narrating] My name is Charlie Wood.
Charlie: I think I made a big mistake...
[repeated line]
Gus: Okie-dokie!
Gus: [sees Charlie looking at the Jesus statuette teary-eyed] What are you doing?
Charlie: He's crying. Jesus, Gus, he's crying for what we've done, for our sin.
Gus: [looks at the statuette, sees the "tears", then looks up at the ceiling]
Charlie: [starts crossing himself] Jesus. Hail Mary, full of grace...
Gus: [interrupting Charlie] Bathtub.
[points above to the ceiling]
Charlie: [looks at the ceiling and sees the crack where water is dripping from; jumps to his feet] GOD... dammit! Is that part of your plan? Huh? After you kill somebody you take a nice hot bath?
Gus: I didn't kill anybody, first of all! Second, I don't go around praying to leaky ceilings!
Charlie: [panicked] Can't we get him out of the tank?
Gus: Well yeah how long has been down there breathing liquid shit?
Charlie: [earnestly] Ten minutes, tops.
Charlie: Maybe I should just turn myself in...
Gus: No, no, no... Nobody's turning anybody in, okay? Now did you know that the priest was alive when you killed him?
Charlie: [sounds offended] No!
Gus: There you go then!
Charlie: [as they're leaving the reverend's house] Wait... Wait... Wait!
Gus: [excitedly] No no no no no no no! Rule number four: Never return to the scene of the crime!
Charlie: [calmly] It's Josie's card, I left it by the phone.
Gus: [stares at him blankly for a second] Rule number five, if your partner turns out to be an idiot, forget rule number four.
Big Nothing Quotes
Haylie 2022-03-27 09:01:21
Nice piece, twists and turns
Isac 2022-03-28 09:01:13
There are so many people in db who understand unpopular knowledge. It turns out that thallium poisoning is not as deadly as cyanide, which can explain the last scene of the little girl painting at home alone. charlie is smart! The screenwriter is awesome! The net is getting bigger and bigger, but it can be closed so perfectly. This film has a kind of combination of horrible bosses and the mist. simon pegg continues the dark humor!